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May I run a build idea by you?

stardiverstardiver Posts: 76 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Power Discussion
I promise I'll make this quick so as not to take up too much of your time. I'm considering a "very strong weapons user" build which centres around Enrage's size changing mechanic. I intend to use as much as I can from Heavy Weapons for offence, but will very likely stick to Power Armour for my defence, specifically Invulnerability and the Power Armour heal, I forget what it's called. Concept dictates that I use Strength as a primary super stat, with Constitution and Endurance as secondary super stats and really not too much past that. Would such a thing work, or would I be failing hard on some kind of synergy I'm not seeing?

Furthermore, with Enrage as my form, should I be doing my best to pick only knockback/up/down attacks, or would it be enough to stick to just Eruption? I ask, because from my experience with a very early form of the build, Enrage is pretty easy to build up and keep up with just that. Sure, it takes a few applications of the power, but I've never had it drop off in combat. It seems to me that many of the Heavy Weapon attacks I actually want don't have knockback as their effect, and the ones that do aren't what I had in mind.

Of all the things I've lost,
It think I miss my mind the most.
Post edited by stardiver on


  • xaogarrentxaogarrent Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    For the most part, everything you listed here would work. A couple things though:

    Power Armor's heal can only be used with Power Armor toggles. Meaning as long as you're using it to heal, you can't be attacking.

    STR - CON/END is alright, but you're going to want some REC with that, especially if you're using Invuln instead of Defiance since Invuln has no built in energy return. Reason being, is that otherwise you're going to spend half of the fight building energy to use your big attacks. You'll want to get you EQ up at least high enough that you can open with something painful.

    ...I just recently realized something really disturbing. We're all eating Sodapop3's "humble pie."
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    xaogarrent wrote: »
    Power Armor's heal can only be used with Power Armor toggles. Meaning as long as you're using it to heal, you can't be attacking.

    STR - CON/END is alright, but you're going to want some REC with that, especially if you're using Invuln instead of Defiance since Invuln has no built in energy return. Reason being, is that otherwise you're going to spend half of the fight building energy to use your big attacks. You'll want to get you EQ up at least high enough that you can open with something painful.

    This is good advice. Keep in mind also that if you can quickly build up 3 stacks of knock resistance with taps of your charged attacks then you'll make that foe knock-immune and can then thus fully charge up powerful attacks like Annihilate or Roomsweeper. This is a team-friendly tactic you should use. :wink:

    May I make a build suggestion? I normally don't do this, but I'd highly recommend you look at the build I have made and shared here (the revised one I posted):

    It's got about a dozen different synergies bringing it together and is fairly strong in PvP and "LOL WOW" in PvE, provided of course you get enough practice and skill with it's quirks and tactical execution timing. I also toggle this character between Tank and Hybrid roles depending on what I'm doing (typically Tank for teamplay, and Hybrid if I'm just farming something simple and want a little boost in damage to make it go quicker)

    It might inspire you for some ideas, and Eruption was even mentioned by another person in place of Annihilate.

    As XaoGarrett here can probably confirm, my theme builds are surprisingly strong, close to a min/maxer really but more diverse and not as specialized for PvP-only.

    PS: Keep in mind, Tanking in this game is one of the more difficult things to do. There's a link in my signature I'd encourage y'all to check out that's related to fixing that problem a bit.
  • stardiverstardiver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Power armour's heal - D'oh! It's the second time I've made that mistake. OK, scratch that. I'll find a heal from elsewhere. Shouldn't be a problem.

    Invulnerability: I'm not sold on this, but that's what Xanta had in City of Heroes. Baically, she's big, though and incredibly hard to kill, so being invulnerable seemed to make sense for her. I'm not sure what Defiance constitutes (can't quote powers off memory yet) but I don't know if it's applicable to a big tough monster.

    On Recovery - I'll think about it. I was advised to look after my super stats and one or two other stats, so that should be doable. Hell, Sam's trying to balance Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution, Strength and Ego :) Probably go with a "jack of all trades" with him. Either that or drop money for a respec and figure something else out.

    On the suggested build - unfortunately, I'm not knowledgeable enough to read builds yet. My highest level character is 19 so far, and that was over event-boosted experience. I will tell you one thing, though - I don't intend to tank. With anything. I'll probably be spending most of my time soloing anyway. When I do team, I generally have a problem with pre-defined "roles." That's not to say I disagree with tanking, just that I'm more the "lone wolf" type of player.

    And I still have to ask - is it worth building for many knockback attacks or should I make do with whatever one or two I happen to pick up?

    Of all the things I've lost,
    It think I miss my mind the most.
  • xeirosxeiros Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Invulnerability with strength primary and con as one of your secondaries will work perfectly. There is a specialization in the strength tree called Juggernaut. It gives you bonus defense scaling with Constitution. This works out great since it's one of your secondary superstats. If you're looking for improved survivability,I would certainly consider it.

    Since endurance is your other secondary, consider taking thermal reverberation from the fire power set. It scales with endurance, and there is a power in heavy weapons called Brimstone that has an advantage called aftershock that will allow you to activate thermal reverberation. If you stick with endurance, give them a look.
  • xaogarrentxaogarrent Posts: 632 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Invulnerability is a great passive, it just gives no energy return. If you want Invuln you can use Invuln, but you're going to need to find another way around your energy problems. If you're using Eruption, you COULD use Molecular Self Assembly, but it would require you stat INT. Enrage does give some energy return, but it's not quite enough on its own, at least pre-40.

    Really, when it comes to building and maintaining Enrage, what you really need first and foremost is an attack you're willing to use constantly in battle. For me, that usually means a good single target knock and a good AoE knock, but if you're OK with throwing Eruption in between attacks constantly that's really all you need.

    Also, agent's build is pretty good, basically it gets its main source of healing from its passive which is much more leveling friendly, although being you want a character that is just flat out tough as nails Regeneration probably doesn't fit well. Even though, at 40, that build has quite a bit of potential resistance, what you probably do want is either Invulnerability or Defiance. What Defiance is, is a flat resistance buff that stacks to 6 as you take damage. Each stack is worth around 15% resistance, so it's no slouch, although it's late blooming. The upside is that when you get a stack, or refresh the ones you have, you also get some energy.

    ...I just recently realized something really disturbing. We're all eating Sodapop3's "humble pie."
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,339 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I actually have a heavyweapons Enrage tank that doesn't use a single knock to build enrage. Cleave is a very usefull skill for HW Enrage builds, since every 3rd hit from it will grant enrage.

    So you actually don't have to rely on knocks for enrage building if you don't want them.
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    If you take Thermal Reverb and Afershock with Brimstone you get one of the coolest looking powers in the game, a terrific source of Alert and close quarters friendly knock downs, a PBAoE, a DOT, and multiple damage types all in one package. If you hit Imbue just before Brimstone you get a monster of a hit as well.
    Also, Defiance may actually fit your theme quite well. It is the "The Harder You Hit Me The Tougher I Get" power.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • stardiverstardiver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    On Invulnerability vs. Defiance: I'm not sure which I want to pick. I guess I'll have to spend more time mulling over the concept and see if the conceptual difference is strong enough to impart a build difference, or if I can just shrug and say it's all the same thing anyway. The trouble is that, on the one hand, I want an unstoppable monster in the vein of the Juggernaut: You just can't hurt her. On the other hand, the "it doesn't hurt, it's just pissing me off" aspect is also very powerful. Xanta shouldn't be a berserker... But I'm already using enrage so... Yeah, I guess both could work. We'll see.

    Does Defiance offer a flat damage reduction aspect? That might be the clincher. I want Xanta to basically ignore small damage attacks.

    On Enrage: Stupid me. I looked at Enrage and how it gets built, but I never looked at specific attack powers to see if they don't build Enrage separately. OK, that solves my problem, then. I LOVE Eruption and I'll probably be taking Cleave and spamming that, so that ought to be enough. Thank you for pointing that out, it solves so many problems :)

    On Brimstone: I'd honestly rather not take that, but I'm still not sure. See, in City of Heroes, Xanta was by far my highest-level character - level 50 and in possession of almost all the Incarnate powers. For her "Judgement," I gave her basically a very big AoE lighting attack, which I explained as "forbidden magic" that most people can't use, because you basically have to be struck by lightning and not die. I did this because City of Heroes simply didn't provide a physical option for a super strength wielder, so I had to fudge, but this ended up giving Xanta an extra side to her character. I'm still on the fence about whether I want to keep it, but if everyone's unanimous about this power being so good, then I guess I probably should.

    On energy: I honestly don't have that much of a problem using my energy builder to build energy. I don't know how efficient that is in terms of DPS, but considering Bludgeon is AoE, then I really have no problem using it. Plus, with Xanta being strong, I actually do spend a lot of time in combat finding big things to toss at people :) Might even take Hurl. We'll see. The beautiful thing about Champions Online is there's no such thing as running out of energy, not like there is in City of Heroes. There, if I run out, my toggles drop and I can't use my attacks. Here, I... Keep on swinging. Maybe I'm just not seeing the full picture, but that honestly doesn't bother me :)

    Also, what does one do for healing? Might doesn't seem to have a self-healing power.

    Of all the things I've lost,
    It think I miss my mind the most.
  • doll1989doll1989 Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    EB does very low damage compared to attack powers, so I guess it does lowers your DPS alot. Theoretically you can build you hero so he/she won't have to use EB at all, atleast it is possible with DPS and supports in DPS/support/hybrid roles, but I never managed to reach it in tank role... maybe just me... probably just me.

    For healing look mainly at gadgeteering and mystic. For a tank/tanky hero conviction and bionic shielding are good choices. If you are going to build some dodge through gear you can allso take bountifull chi resurgence with resurgent reiki advantage (but I don't think it will be a good choice for lvl:ing with invuln or defiance as passives).

    And no, defiance doesn't have flat damage reduction that invuln does. And yea, I kind of understand that "small hits can't kill me" feel. That's the main reason I have invuln on my tank, because I really can't understand, how exactly if you will shoot from a machine gun into a tank, tank will be destroyed after enough bullets?... Take rocket launcher and blow the thing up if you want to hurt it.
  • meteoric87meteoric87 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    stardiver wrote: »
    On Brimstone: I'd honestly rather not take that, but I'm still not sure. See, in City of Heroes, Xanta was by far my highest-level character - level 50 and in possession of almost all the Incarnate powers. For her "Judgement," I gave her basically a very big AoE lighting attack, which I explained as "forbidden magic" that most people can't use, because you basically have to be struck by lightning and not die. I did this because City of Heroes simply didn't provide a physical option for a super strength wielder, so I had to fudge, but this ended up giving Xanta an extra side to her character. I'm still on the fence about whether I want to keep it, but if everyone's unanimous about this power being so good, then I guess I probably should.
    If you do want to keep that aspect of the character, and in case you haven't seen Brimstone in action yet, the animation is raising your weapon overhead, calling down lightning, and then driving it down into the ground to release that energy for the actual attack. It deals fire and smashing damage, despite the lightning FX, but conceptually it's a pretty similar idea.

    Being able to manage energy without using your EB much is significantly better in terms of dealing damage, but personally I like it most because relying on my energy builder is boring/annoying. Yeah, the character is still doing something, but it's just an autoattack, I don't really have any input; I don't get to press buttons, or choose which ability to use or which secondary effect I need. If you're happy letting the EB do its thing for a few seconds at a time, then mechanically you'd still be well-served by improved energy stats and/or related powers, but you don't strictly need to function without ever using the EB.

    Bionic Shielding (in Gadgeteering) is my favorite heal for almost any character; it's visually not very intrusive (it just makes you glossy until the charges are used up, which is usually not long), provides a pretty strong heal on a pretty short timer, and can also be used on allies/teammates which is occasionally handy (rasafrasa suicidal escort NPCs...). Conviction (in Celestial) is also worth mentioning. Resurgence (in Bestial or Infernal) is a very strong heal, since it scales with Constitution, although it's considered an Active Defense so it has a longer recharge than most heals and shares the lockout timer with other such powers. The heal-on-kill specialization in the Vindicator tree is handy. The Endorphin Rush advantage on Enrage doesn't heal huge amounts, but it is another supplementary source.
  • stardiverstardiver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    On "Judgement:" When City of Heroes instituted "Incarnate" powers, they had a weird "your powers come from a cosmic entity" story behind it, so we all gained these weird esoteric powers that were really hard to explain for more basic concepts. I had to do a LOT of reshuffling of my character concepts to try and figure out some way to incorporate those, and what I came up with for Xanta was basically "magic." I spent probably a good weak trying to figure out how to make the magic subservient to her toughness and eventually decided to make it "forbidden" magic which would outright kill anyone who isn't very tough. I posted her description elsewhere, but basically, she's using "magical" artefacts whose only real magical property is they're indestructible so they don't keep breaking. Basically, with this, I decided to pass the "mythical smiting" down to Xanta and have her improve her gear with much deadlier charms.

    All of this is to say that what can count as "magic" is actually very undefined in my head, thus almost anything will pass, just so long as I reserve it only to the biggest, flashiest attacks. In other words, you've sold me on Brimstone :)

    On Energy Builders: This is probably a spot where I'll have to disagree with the community, but I like Energy Builders. Sure, they're not very strong, but I have no problem letting my character auto-attack enemies. I played the original Diablo, after all :) So long as it looks pretty and does something, that's fine by me. Obviously, I don't want to be doing this nearly the entire time, but I'm just saying that aggressive energy management isn't such an issue for me. As long as it's not terrible, I can deal with a few swings of energy builder in-between attacks.

    On slotted passives: Yes, Invulnerability seems like the better choice here. We have a monster, basically the Juggernaut. It makes sense to render "death of a thousand paper cuts" impossible. I don't know if it's very good, but... We'll see.

    On heals: Wow! You've given me a LOT to work with :) In addition to those, Arcane Vitality also seems like an good choice, at least as heals go. Well, it does on paper, I'm not sure how it would work. Thank you :) However, this reminds me...

    On Active Defence/Offence: How good are those powers and should I seek to have one, or is the "active" status on them meant to be more of a drawback, in the sense that "this power is too strong so we have to limit its use." For instance, I have no reason to build a character without a slotted passive since there's a special slot for it, but would I have reason to build one without an "active something?" I ask, because I found an Active Offence power I rather liked - Aggressor. This sounds like something I may want to use, and it strikes me as similar to "Build Up" that I'm used to. Just figured I should bring this up.

    Again, thank you for all the advise. I now have two characters I want to play, and that's a pretty strong motivator to stick around :)

    Of all the things I've lost,
    It think I miss my mind the most.
  • meteoric87meteoric87 Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I find it helpful to have an Active Defense and an Active Offense on most characters. Active Defenses are useful as panic buttons - they save you when stuff goes wrong. Active Offenses have some nice effects, but also you can use them while held and it will instantly deal a large amount of damage to the hold. An AO is very non-critical and can usually wait until pretty late in the build, but it is handy to have one. Active Defenses have a base cooldown of 90 seconds, and also a linked cooldown of 30 seconds with each other (that is, using one active defense puts any other AD powers you have on a 30-second cooldown). Same for AOs (the linked cooldown for ADs and AOs are separate). So a second (or third) AD or AO is less beneficial than the first; whether it's still worth it depends on the build and the player. But at least one of each is generally good.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    meteoric87 wrote: »
    I find it helpful to have an Active Defense and an Active Offense on most characters. Active Defenses are useful as panic buttons - they save you when stuff goes wrong. Active Offenses have some nice effects, but also you can use them while held and it will instantly deal a large amount of damage to the hold. An AO is very non-critical and can usually wait until pretty late in the build, but it is handy to have one. Active Defenses have a base cooldown of 90 seconds, and also a linked cooldown of 30 seconds with each other (that is, using one active defense puts any other AD powers you have on a 30-second cooldown). Same for AOs (the linked cooldown for ADs and AOs are separate). So a second (or third) AD or AO is less beneficial than the first; whether it's still worth it depends on the build and the player. But at least one of each is generally good.

    I'm starting to sound like a broken record but here it goes again:

    From most necessary, to least necessary / most optional:
    1. Slotted Passive -- Major buff to character, only 1 may be active at a time
    2. Active Offense -- Temporarily greatly boosts offense, assists in breaking out of holds, shared cooldown
    3. Active Defense -- Temporarily greatly boosts defense, can be used while held, shared cooldown
    4. Energy Unlock -- Gives energy when certain conditions are met, only one may be chosen per character
    5. Form -- Buff that when charged, increases energy costs and remains on until defeat (or turned off) boosts different effects
    6. On-Next-Hit -- Offers a bonus to your next damaging power, shared cooldown

    Also it is important to distinguish between just having an active offense and running an "offense cycle". This has been one of the most useful things I've learned from PvP dueling in this game actually, how to pay attention to cycles.

    Now explaining them in words is kind of difficult, as it's one of those things you have to get use to doing & observing rather than saying, hands-on learning is needed. Closest I think I'm going to get is if I just say it's the series of combination attacks, buffs, or tactics that you use as a set for a given situation. The active offense is often the start of your offense cycles. If you get hit hard you may have to skip into your defense cycle to save your life. But treating it as a series of combos rather than just "press this button to defend" or whatever, is the key.

    Some quick, somewhat "meh" example cycles for a build just to give you an idea:
    • Debuff cycle (Apply stacks of ego leech while kiting and keeping the enemy at range, use Ego Choke at the end)
    • Offense Cycle 1 (Primary; Quickly hit Ego Surge, Imbue, and nail them with TK lance)
    • Offense Cycle 2 (Secondary; Ego Surge to break free of their hold, knock them, and TK lance in mid-air)
    • Defense Cycle (Throw smoke grendade, hit unbreakable, consider starting a heal cycle)
    • Heal Cycle 1 (Imbue then Resurgence)
    • Heal Cycle 2 (Run around using Empathic Healing on yourself)
    • etc.

    This seems simple but it depends a lot on what happens in combat and what you're up against in practice. In real world terms this would be called "tactical pre-planning", so that when it comes time to execute the tactics you are familiar with your options and can stay focused on the combat, not letting you HP bar or flashing red screen cause you panic.
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "On Brimstone: I'd honestly rather not take that, but I'm still not sure. See, in City of Heroes, Xanta was by far my highest-level character - level 50 and in possession of almost all the Incarnate powers. For her "Judgement," I gave her basically a very big AoE lighting attack, which I explained as "forbidden magic" that most people can't use, because you basically have to be struck by lightning and not die. I did this because City of Heroes simply didn't provide a physical option for a super strength wielder, so I had to fudge, but this ended up giving Xanta an extra side to her character. I'm still on the fence about whether I want to keep it, but if everyone's unanimous about this power being so good, then I guess I probably should."

    Check out the Animation!
    The scenario that your described for the Powers Origin? That IS Brimstone. I mean exactly. Your character raises their weapon. A Bolt of lightning strikes the weapon. You smash the ground with the weapon so hard you cause a miniature volcanic eruption and filed of fire to surround your character. It sounds like a near perfect fit for your concept, if you want to keep it.
    This is a video that someone uploaded to You Tube with their Heavy Weapons character using the various powers.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • stardiverstardiver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    It does bug me a bit that the weapon is slammed down hilt first, just because it doesn't look like there's much power in the motion, but you're right that that animation is close to what I described. Closer than Ionic Judgement, at the very least. So long as I can recolour that, I'm all set. Thanks :)

    Of all the things I've lost,
    It think I miss my mind the most.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    I'm starting to sound like a broken record but here it goes again:

    From most necessary, to least necessary / most optional:
    1. Slotted Passive -- Major buff to character, only 1 may be active at a time
    2. Active Offense -- Temporarily greatly boosts offense, assists in breaking out of holds, shared cooldown
    3. Active Defense -- Temporarily greatly boosts defense, can be used while held, shared cooldown
    4. Energy Unlock -- Gives energy when certain conditions are met, only one may be chosen per character
    5. Form -- Buff that when charged, increases energy costs and remains on until defeat (or turned off) boosts different effects
    6. On-Next-Hit -- Offers a bonus to your next damaging power, shared cooldown

    Really don't agree with list past number 1. Primarily because every build is different; plenty of builds and setups don't need an Energy Unlock at all, and just as many already have so much killing power that an AO barely improves performance. Some builds have more use for Forms than others, and some Forms are more useful than others, making them more necessary to add to a good build.

    Basically, I don't think you can boil it down to a definitive 1-6 ranking of importance in a game with so many variables and options.

    However, for people first starting out with making builds, I like your list as a way of saying, "You should really try to have one of each of these" (at least 1-5).
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    jonesing4 wrote: »
    Really don't agree with list past number 1. Primarily because every build is different; plenty of builds and setups don't need an Energy Unlock at all, and just as many already have so much killing power that an AO barely improves performance. Some builds have more use for Forms than others, and some Forms are more useful than others, making them more necessary to add to a good build.

    Basically, I don't think you can boil it down to a definitive 1-6 ranking of importance in a game with so many variables and options.

    However, for people first starting out with making builds, I like your list as a way of saying, "You should really try to have one of each of these" (at least 1-5).

    I know... Of course that going to depend on each individual build!

    Heck I just got done recommending to a different fellow that he could pick up two Active Defenses and that'd be fine. Most of my builds don't even have a On-next-hit power, including my main character.

    So yeah, very subjective. That wasn't my point though, my point was to give it as a beginner's tip for success. Because once you start to realize that buffing you build around a core focus you'll see how you can make a freeform stronger than an ordinary archetype can be and you'll have something you can be proud of because you made it and it's strong in combat. :smile:

    PS: I've also known a number of very skilled players that actually have more than one slotted passive, they change it out depending on what role is needed on-the-fly. (i.e.: Targeting Computer & Invulnerability)
  • stardiverstardiver Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I think I'll take one of each of the "basics" and then probably round the build out with a whole bunch of attacks. I kind of wish powers were separated by "passive" "toggle" and so forth so it's easier than browsing a long list of "self buffs" and having to go to each one individually, but I'm getting the hang of it.

    However... I have to say that I love my energy builder. It deals decent damage, but I LOVE how it looks :) I don't think I mind using it to build up energy. As well, unless my solo enemies get much tougher or I get much weaker, I'm about happy with my damage. It's not ZOMGAWESOME but it's well awesome enough to leave my enemies no chance to kill me. And at the end of the day, that's what counts for "good enough" - being able to kill stuff relatively well without dying in the process.

    And I do appreciate the list. When I started out a couple of days ago, I hadn't the foggiest what any of that stuff was. Getting a list of categories is very helpful. I don't know if I'll stick to the order given - like I said, my damage seems good enough to last for the time being - but I'll definitely try to snag one of each. Probably keep an eye on how my character is performing and react accordingly. I can't plan that far ahead since I don't know the game well enough, but I'll see about picking up a self heal when I start getting hurt, more damage if I start taking too long and so forth.

    Stats and perks and what have you are always the hardest to balance, I think, but if I can get a character that's reasonable in general, I should be able to manage specific stats more reasonably, either via gear or via the stat boost skills.

    Of all the things I've lost,
    It think I miss my mind the most.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    I know... Of course that going to depend on each individual build!

    Heck I just got done recommending to a different fellow that he could pick up two Active Defenses and that'd be fine. Most of my builds don't even have a On-next-hit power, including my main character.

    So yeah, very subjective. That wasn't my point though, my point was to give it as a beginner's tip for success. Because once you start to realize that buffing you build around a core focus you'll see how you can make a freeform stronger than an ordinary archetype can be and you'll have something you can be proud of because you made it and it's strong in combat. :smile:

    PS: I've also known a number of very skilled players that actually have more than one slotted passive, they change it out depending on what role is needed on-the-fly. (i.e.: Targeting Computer & Invulnerability)

    Yup. Wasn't really a criticism, we agree that it's a generally good idea to have one of those (1-5), especially for beginning FF'ers. I've never tried to run dual passives, but I've thought about it more and more lately with Alerts. I tend to not team, so I find myself with random groups in every Alert... many times I've found myself on a DPS toon with 4 other DPS players, or on a tank toon with a comparable tank running alongside in the Alert, etc. It would be kinda cool to just be able to switch over into a totally different, but still effective, role.

    I find that the Active Offenses/Defenses are where I vary most between builds. Since I go for concept, I end up picking multiple clickies either for the visual effects or for theme (my PA tank permanently cycles 3 AD's).

    That's what I like most about the game, though: you've got a set of power types you're going to have on pretty much every toon (passive, AD, AO, energy power, AoE attack, single target attack, heal, block, form), but tons of options for each of those, and then plenty of room left over to play with. Very fun.
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