I noticed that darkness' energy unlock is kind of, not very effective. Darkness doesn't have good/fast powers that would place fear on enemys and it also scales with CON, wich is weird, I think.
Can someone, please, give me some advices of how I can make a darkness based character energy sufficient? Only things that come to my mind now, is to take dark transfusion or/and circle of arcane power. But with first one, I'm not sure how effective it will be with it's healing debuff and I don't want to use lifedrain to often. With second one, I tested on test server, and even with rank 3 circle of arcane power it doesn't give enough energy to spam ebon ruin(ow, and I also would like to know, does that circle of arcane power scales with SS's or is number of how much energy it returns fixed?).
So, any other ideas? How to make spirit reverberation to work reliably? Or any other ways for darkness to get easy and fast energy?
What level is your char. The trick is that power cost stays the same, but your stats go up with levels (and better high level gear). At high levels you get more energy back.
CON is good thing for Darkness. Shadows Form HP return is percent of your max HP, so you can say its CON based. With high HP pool, Dark Trans hurts a little bit less.
Circle of Arcane Power gives energy based on your END. Its like basic energy builder. The higher your blue bar the more it gives.
If you don't like Spirit Reverb, take something else. Thermal Reverb is practical. Click Flashfire and you have all the energy you need.
Don't forget to take a Form. Also gives some energy back. If one energy return trick is not enough, take two or tree
What level is your char. The trick is that power cost stays the same, but your stats go up with levels (and better high level gear). At high levels you get more energy back.
CON is good thing for Darkness. Shadows Form HP return is percent of your max HP, so you can say its CON based. With high HP pool, Dark Trans hurts a little bit less.
Circle of Arcane Power gives energy based on your END. Its like basic energy builder. The higher your blue bar the more it gives.
If you don't like Spirit Reverb, take something else. Thermal Reverb is practical. Click Flashfire and you have all the energy you need.
Don't forget to take a Form. Also gives some energy back. If one energy return trick is not enough, take two or tree
Thank you. That helped.
About lvl, I don't really care about low lvl energy issues. Lvl:ing is easy. But after I'll reach 40 and will retcon into something more permanent, that's what I am talking about.
I actually was thinking about EGO/REC/END, but I guess CON is nice. Will EGO/CON/END with some REC from gear do, if I will take COAP, MSA and DT? I can fit conviction into my build and I heard MSA scales with REC almost as good as with INT(And what about healing debuff, how much it will reduce healing from conviction)?. Or thermal reverberation will be better with END(fire and all that doesn't really fit into my theme, so I don't really want to take it if i can avoid it)?
Circle of Arcane Power scales with Rec, not End =p
The CO Wiki is a good reference for the technical specs of powers.
On my Darkness character, I ran with Ego/Rec/Con with about 100 Dex and a bit of End, getting 155 Equilibrium and 156 max energy. I deleted her and am still levelling her in my Freeform slot so my numbers are solely based off memory, but I recall at level 40 with 178 Rec she gained 22+ energy a tick on Circle of Arcane Power R3 and 30 energy when Concentration procs.
Ebon Ruin cost 64ish energy with Insight spec and 240 Ego. Incidentally, that's the same amount I got with 199 Int - main reason why I switched from Dex/Con/Int to Ego/Con/Rec. DPS felt almost the same but Ego with Insight was almost like superstatting an energy stat, except with extra crit severity, and the sheer energy from Rec just topped the energy management cake nicely.
So energy drain per second is 25.6, and energy gain per second from Circle and Concentration combined is 29.5.
For my Energy Return, I went with Spirit Reverb because 100ft sniping isn't a problem - Circle of Arcane Power alone is enough to cover that, but for moving around and AoEing, Shadow Embrace is a lot better, and that one needed a return but doesn't work with MSA. (Assuming PvE usage here)
Circle of Arcane Power scales with Rec, not End =p
The CO Wiki is a good reference for the technical specs of powers.
On my Darkness character, I ran with Ego/Rec/Con with about 100 Dex and a bit of End, getting 155 Equilibrium and 156 max energy. I deleted her and am still levelling her in my Freeform slot so my numbers are solely based off memory, but I recall at level 40 with 178 Rec she gained 22+ energy a tick on Circle of Arcane Power R3 and 30 energy when Concentration procs.
Ebon Ruin cost 64ish energy with Insight spec and 240 Ego. Incidentally, that's the same amount I got with 199 Int - main reason why I switched from Dex/Con/Int to Ego/Con/Rec. DPS felt almost the same but Ego with Insight was almost like superstatting an energy stat, except with extra crit severity, and the sheer energy from Rec just topped the energy management cake nicely.
So energy drain per second is 25.6, and energy gain per second from Circle and Concentration combined is 29.5.
For my Energy Return, I went with Spirit Reverb because 100ft sniping isn't a problem - Circle of Arcane Power alone is enough to cover that, but for moving around and AoEing, Shadow Embrace is a lot better, and that one needed a return but doesn't work with MSA. (Assuming PvE usage here)
Thank you. I guess if I will add dark transfusion to this energy wouldn't be a problem at all. Thank you again.
Another option to consider if you rely on maintains...like shadow embrace. Is overdrive.
I thought about it, but because ebon ruin going to be my main attack it wouldn't work that well. Still, I gues it is a better option in some way. I guess if I won't have problems with using ER, I can take overdrive just for shadow embrace and lifedrain.
My darkness toon is END/PRE/CON. My energy unlock is spirit reverb. With Dark Transfusion I have no no energy problems. Shadow embrace is a good way to fear mobs as it has a chance per tick to add fear. Life Drain and Devour Essence are not effected by Dark Transfusion's heal debuff.
I noticed that darkness' energy unlock is kind of, not very effective. Darkness doesn't have good/fast powers that would place fear on enemys and it also scales with CON, wich is weird, I think.
Can someone, please, give me some advices of how I can make a darkness based character energy sufficient? Only things that come to my mind now, is to take dark transfusion or/and circle of arcane power. But with first one, I'm not sure how effective it will be with it's healing debuff and I don't want to use lifedrain to often. With second one, I tested on test server, and even with rank 3 circle of arcane power it doesn't give enough energy to spam ebon ruin(ow, and I also would like to know, does that circle of arcane power scales with SS's or is number of how much energy it returns fixed?).
So, any other ideas? How to make spirit reverberation to work reliably? Or any other ways for darkness to get easy and fast energy?
Void Shift with Emerging Nightmares will apply fear over an area.
They're all 60ft or less though. I think what the OP had in mind was something that works with 100ft spamming.
Afaik, the only power that applies Fear at 100ft is Shadow Blast, and I'm very tempted to try a Shadow Blast/Ebon Ruin + Nyctophobia build but I just haven't been able to find that extra power slot to put it in.
CON is good thing for Darkness. Shadows Form HP return is percent of your max HP, so you can say its CON based. With high HP pool, Dark Trans hurts a little bit less.
Circle of Arcane Power gives energy based on your END. Its like basic energy builder. The higher your blue bar the more it gives.
If you don't like Spirit Reverb, take something else. Thermal Reverb is practical. Click Flashfire and you have all the energy you need.
Don't forget to take a Form. Also gives some energy back. If one energy return trick is not enough, take two or tree
Thank you. That helped.
About lvl, I don't really care about low lvl energy issues. Lvl:ing is easy. But after I'll reach 40 and will retcon into something more permanent, that's what I am talking about.
I actually was thinking about EGO/REC/END, but I guess CON is nice. Will EGO/CON/END with some REC from gear do, if I will take COAP, MSA and DT? I can fit conviction into my build and I heard MSA scales with REC almost as good as with INT(And what about healing debuff, how much it will reduce healing from conviction)?. Or thermal reverberation will be better with END(fire and all that doesn't really fit into my theme, so I don't really want to take it if i can avoid it)?
The CO Wiki is a good reference for the technical specs of powers.
On my Darkness character, I ran with Ego/Rec/Con with about 100 Dex and a bit of End, getting 155 Equilibrium and 156 max energy. I deleted her and am still levelling her in my Freeform slot so my numbers are solely based off memory, but I recall at level 40 with 178 Rec she gained 22+ energy a tick on Circle of Arcane Power R3 and 30 energy when Concentration procs.
Ebon Ruin cost 64ish energy with Insight spec and 240 Ego. Incidentally, that's the same amount I got with 199 Int - main reason why I switched from Dex/Con/Int to Ego/Con/Rec. DPS felt almost the same but Ego with Insight was almost like superstatting an energy stat, except with extra crit severity, and the sheer energy from Rec just topped the energy management cake nicely.
So energy drain per second is 25.6, and energy gain per second from Circle and Concentration combined is 29.5.
For my Energy Return, I went with Spirit Reverb because 100ft sniping isn't a problem - Circle of Arcane Power alone is enough to cover that, but for moving around and AoEing, Shadow Embrace is a lot better, and that one needed a return but doesn't work with MSA. (Assuming PvE usage here)
Thank you. I guess if I will add dark transfusion to this energy wouldn't be a problem at all. Thank you again.
I thought about it, but because ebon ruin going to be my main attack it wouldn't work that well. Still, I gues it is a better option in some way. I guess if I won't have problems with using ER, I can take overdrive just for shadow embrace and lifedrain.
Void Shift with Emerging Nightmares will apply fear over an area.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
So does Howl.
Afaik, the only power that applies Fear at 100ft is Shadow Blast, and I'm very tempted to try a Shadow Blast/Ebon Ruin + Nyctophobia build but I just haven't been able to find that extra power slot to put it in.