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Major Nemesis Mission Bug

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Gameplay Bugs
When you fight a Nemesis using DARKNESS POWERS during the "Lemurian Antiquities" mission, at one point early on in the fight, they will cast some sort of ability that seemingly allows them to telelport away or to disappear.

This means that the mission becomes stuck, because they don't come back and you need to be able to defeat them to complete the mission. I've tried to do this a few times now and it always happens.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Not just that mission. A later mission 'Doomsday Device' bugs too. Fight my nemesis to about 60% health, she teleports out. I've tried bringing friends, same thing.

    I even had an interesting bug where my Nemesis was buffed from 15k health to 126k and she dealt a lot more damage too. Her Shadowform healed her for 3800 health every 3 seconds.. Not the easiest thing to handle for a tank.. Couldn't bring her below 80% health.

    Back on topic, my nemesis is Darkness aswell, but a friend told me that his Nemesis would do the same, his one nemesis was Bestial Supernatural.

    Even more strange I did the same mission on an alt today - Bestial Supernatural. And the mission finished fine.


    Help us? :3
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    my nemesis is blade and i'm full of bug with it (whiteout, nem com, deathray demolition, minion perk doesn't work)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Same for me. Darkness Nemesis disappears suddenly during the fight in the warehouse with that teleport-thing. So I'm stuck here and cannot end the mission.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    This is happening to me as well with a Darkness Nemesis on the "Doomsday Device!" mission.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Once again with every 1 update there's 100's of bugs that comes with it and yes the nemesis bug it a big one. I can't even get pass the 1th nemesis mission cause she just disappears (she is using darkness as a power set) so that means I'll never get nemesis tokens. (Even tho that are worthless now.) I would still like to fight my nemesis and an other thing when my nemesis lackeys come to attack me they run up to me and just die. I don't have to do anything. Yes this is a big bug indeed and most likely won't get fixed anytime soon. If we are lucky Maybe sometime this month but I don't see it getting fixed that soon. Remember when the chat system whet down that was a really huge bug and it took them 1 whole week to fix it and that was a massive problem.
  • hellsabyss666hellsabyss666 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm looking at this and at just how long it has been since someone last posted about this issue, yet the bug still remains. My Nemesis is Dual Blade and yes, I heard there were problems with that, Darkness and one other Power Set I forget, but that was months back. I have tried doing Doomsday Device many times, taking Powers unusual to the Specialist Power Set, and it still does not work. Nemesis vanishes every time.

    Is it so hard, after months of this, for CO/PWE to fix this bug? They do maintenance every Thursday. Surely they know and must get around to it soon? I'm getting really, REALLY annoyed, especially as I put in Ticket after Ticket yet still do not get a reply.

    Fix this already, please? :mad:
  • sanmercisanmerci Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Just adding my voice to the irritated ranks- Doomsday Device vanishing nemesis is purely a PITA. I've now tried with Fire and Infernal Supernatural. I've read that Darkness and Dual Blades don't work, either. Is there any set that DOES work?

    EDIT: I'll add Archery to the list of non-working powersets. I'm increasingly convinced that this entire mission is buggered beyond repair for every powerset, thus making anyone who hasn't already completed the initial nemesis missions screwed.
  • supermang420supermang420 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    As of friday morning's patch all powersets were bugged, havent had a chance to test as of the emergency maintenance patch last night.
  • ragelaragela Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well add Munitions powers to the list, been fighting my nemesis for ten minutes trying to get her to die before vanish, now i cant enter the warehouse anymore, in fact it bugged my entire log in out, i cant enter any new areas/instance.
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    As of friday morning's patch all powersets were bugged, havent had a chance to test as of the emergency maintenance patch last night.

    Ran Doomsday Demolition last night and have a normally working Nemesis type (not the what, four or so powerset types that have been bugged FOR MONTHS NOW) outright vanish from the world towards the end.

    So I'm guessing it's still buggered.
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  • bobj021960bobj021960 Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ragela wrote: »
    Well add Munitions powers to the list, been fighting my nemesis for ten minutes trying to get her to die before vanish, now i cant enter the warehouse anymore, in fact it bugged my entire log in out, i cant enter any new areas/instance.

    Unarmed Is also bugged......can we at least get an acknowledgement for developers

    Additional Information
    Changed nemesis powerset from unarmed to fight claws and still had the same issue
  • yinepuhotepgamesyinepuhotepgames Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Add Bestial Supernatural to the list, too. Nemesis vanishes in the middle of the fight, and the mission will not progress any further.

    Coffee, chocolate, bacon, and phasers. What more do I need?
  • ocdonlineocdonline Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Just did the 1st nemesis mission (Lemurian Antiquities) and was surprised to find that my nemesis did not bug out and was able to complete the mission without any problem.

    The nemesis was sorcery with undead minions - not sure why this combination was spared from the nemesis bug while others are affected.
  • notsovirginkidnotsovirginkid Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm doing the "Deathray Demolition" Mission, and my nemesis is Electricity with Electric Dynamo minions who also use electricity. On different occasions throughout the mission, my nemesis will use a device and disappear. I have tried doing the mission 7 Times, but haven't been able to complete it. I'm not sure if it's a bug or if you're supposed to continuously knock your nemesis so that he/she cannot do anything. Though i'm pretty sure it's a bug. I think any nemesis Power Set can do it, even on my alt's nemesis; Gadgeteer, he also disappears away. It's very frustrating. :mad:
  • ocdonlineocdonline Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Although my nemesis was kind enough to stay around in the Lemurian Antiquities mission, later on some of his minions appeared in the desert and disappeared before I could even engage them. Not sure if this is supposed to happen (I'm not that familiar with the nemesis system).
  • lighttechbizzlighttechbizz Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    add archery to the list and I even tried a nemmy respect and changed it all to power armor with full toon redo with minions and she just fades away and GM's in game don't respond on this at all

    mission Lemurian Antiquities

    6 full resets
    2 drops mission and re-gets
    2 different memis :mad::mad::mad::mad
  • magemighty1magemighty1 Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Okay guys so I found a different bug lately, since Dual Blades is apparently the only powerset without the teleporting away bug, I decided to switch my nemesis to that only to find out that in Deathray demolition during the final fight against my nemesis, his health kept on doubling until he had over 5 million health :rolleyes:
    P.S my nemesis' original powerset was munitions prior to the change

    My main character is Blackflight
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    GM's in game don't respond on this at all

    There are no GM's ingame. And if there were, they couldn't do a thing about it anyway.

    *Just sitting in a corner waiting the Nemesis System overhaul*
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  • ocdonlineocdonline Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    since Dual Blades is apparently the only powerset without the teleporting away bug,

    Don't think so - Sorcery seemed OK when I tried it (as detailed in earlier post). Of course this is assuming that the bug operates consistently - might be intermittent. Noticed that the random minion spawns in the open world occasionally phase out, but not always.

    Shame about the bug, as I love the nemesis system. There's something quite cool about having your own nemesis' minions ambush you in the open world.
  • lighttechbizzlighttechbizz Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    There are no GM's ingame. And if there were, they couldn't do a thing about it anyway.

    *Just sitting in a corner waiting the Nemesis System overhaul*

    ADD to bug found " ask for GM help" in game button -- change to "GM ignores because they are powerless"--LOL

    maybe they need to add a feature that COH has had for like
    5 years GM's can complete a mission for you that is bugged so you can move on with life and enjoy the game
  • yinepuhotepgamesyinepuhotepgames Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Disappearing boss bug still affects your initial Nemesis mission as of this moment. Just finished running the mission twice, and in one case the Nemesis vanished while I was in the middle of combat with him, and in the other case, I watched the Nemesis vanish as I was approaching the room I was supposed to fight him in. Either way, vanishing Nemesis means no way to complete the mission.

    Edit: Make that three times, with the Nemesis vanishing each time.

    Coffee, chocolate, bacon, and phasers. What more do I need?
  • herodad1herodad1 Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    i have trouble when i have to go to the tv station, suppose to destroy mind control devices but it wont let you. also...my nemesis just disappears before i can beat him. dont know if he's suppose to escape or not????:confused:
  • ravenshold002ravenshold002 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    What gets me is that I have 5 characters that was able to complete the Vibora Bay Apocalypse, but now my next character is stuck because Valerian Scarlet keeps disappearing in the middle of the fight. I reported this weeks ago.:mad:
  • arveduyarveduy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    This also affects whiteout. Cyberlord's henchman is actually a nemesis and you can't continue the mission without defeating her.
    I've tried to play whiteout three times, and every time she vanishes before I can beat her.
    I've reported this, and gotten no answer... Twice.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Bug reports don't get answered. GM will contact only if the issue needs more information.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • ravenshold002ravenshold002 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    It would be nice if the PTB (Powers that Be) would let us know the status of these issues.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I did the Lemurian crisis earlier with celestial nemesis. All damage went to his health total. he was at 3.5 million before I quit.

    Today, minions attack, no drops.
    Minions attack, vanish.

    Do Lava Temple mission, attack first 2 mobs and nemesis turns up and attacks with his ever increasing hitpoints.
    This is my first characetr to get to 40 wiht zero nemesis tokens.
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