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FC.30.20120820.6 PTS Update

nisdiddumsnisdiddums Posts: 91 Arc User
edited August 2012 in PTS - The Archive
PTS update FC.30.20120820.6
This build is scheduled to hit PTS by 8:00pm PST


We'd like to wrap-up the week with even more updates to the "Who is Nighthawk?" mission, as well as the Hawkwing vehicles.
We're really excited about the upcoming release of this content, so keep the awesome feedback coming!

Please format any bugs you find in the following format:
Where it happens
What happens

-Gadgeteering: Boomerang Powers: These powers were not correctly receiving some of their energy costs. Their costs have been increased significantly.
- Gadgeteering: Gas Pellets: Ranks 2 and 3 should now properly scale

"Who IS Nighthawk?" Mission:
-Added new cutscenes throughout the mission
-Added new voiceover lines and audio updates throughout the mission
-Visual adjustment to Franklin Stone's gunship powers to make them more visible (laser beam drones)

Night Avenger Archetype:
-Night Avenger archetype should no longer expire after log out
- Updated mission rewards
-Added warp volume to the end of the Franklin stone mission which moves players back to the start area for their rewards, and removes the vehicle buff.
-Adjusted gunship collision capsule
-Updated minion costumes

-Visual updates to vehicles, including damage states

-Restored female worm head costume piece
-Restored female floating brain costume piece

-Bugfixing: Psimon is fixed and now properly goes through his phases

-Resolved various server crashes
Post edited by nisdiddums on


  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And Pulp Curl hair for women? is there a reason my character is bald?

    The entire LORE tab is gone.

    Chat keeps stealthing itself "Offline".

    I'm seeing all the cutscenes for other maps when i enter them

    Manipulator Energy Gain doesn't scale with INT

    Cannot interact with UNITY Mission console.

    - -

    How does this stuff make it to the general population.. I really have to ask. Does anyone in your game studio actually PLAY champions-online? I mean I suppose you could be waiting for the midnight prelease of Guild Wars and phoning it in..
  • manwholaughsmanwholaughs Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I love the new visuals for the jets, really makes them more diverse and unique from each other.

    However I have three seperate characters waiting for "Cape Glide", their concepts need this travel power.

    Could we please get some sort of update on the release date for "Cape Glide".
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A lot of bugs on live aswell as PTS...um, please fix the lore tab bug...and the costumes bugs...and the SG Events are bugged too.
  • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Also fix the chat tab issues where it choose your tab for you when you do /say or /team and when ti used to stay on the tab you picked before hand
  • cyronecyrone Posts: 1,030 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Also fix the chat tab issues where it choose your tab for you when you do /say or /team and when ti used to stay on the tab you picked before hand

    This, please. I find it irritating that when I'm in team chat and want to reply to someone in zone/local having a discussion that it leaves my chat in zone/local. Please revert this back.
    "There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    cyrone wrote: »
    This, please. I find it irritating that when I'm in team chat and want to reply to someone in zone/local having a discussion that it leaves my chat in zone/local. Please revert this back.

    I rather like this change, since it's the basic functionality of every other MMO out there. One of the facts besides lack of chat boxes, I hated about CO, the fact that it wouldn't change the channel when I would use a short cut when I specifically wanted the channel changed. It's not an issue from what I understand either, it was an intentional change, and one I rather like since I can actually type what I want to do without having to click so damn much, especially when you start getting a ton of chat channels involved.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • cyronecyrone Posts: 1,030 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I rather like this change, since it's the basic functionality of every other MMO out there. One of the facts besides lack of chat boxes, I hated about CO, the fact that it wouldn't change the channel when I would use a short cut when I specifically wanted the channel changed. It's not an issue from what I understand either, it was an intentional change, and one I rather like since I can actually type what I want to do without having to click so damn much, especially when you start getting a ton of chat channels involved.

    Fair enough. Hadn't looked at it like that. Guess I'll just have to get used to it. :tongue:
    "There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Is it me? or vehicles are WAY slower now?

    I mean I am a fan of this change, but I am curious if its my perception or they really did that change.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well good job at fixing most of it..the events are working barley...keep working on that..The other stuff the ports for your charecters head if you go to the bio it cuts off and its very very fuzzy..that nees to be fixed..
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Well good job at fixing most of it..the events are working barley...keep working on that..The other stuff the ports for your charecters head if you go to the bio it cuts off and its very very fuzzy..that nees to be fixed..

    The head/shoulders in /targetinfo looks like a kludge fix (best guess is it's taking the rendering from the group portrait (which still doesn't work) and expanding it to a much larger size). It needs to be fixed properly (HOW did you break it to begin with?!).
    Owner and Lead Moderator for the Primus Database. Post your Hero today!
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  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Same way they borked the indoor minimap. Went poking things that were fine and working...
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • megaskullmonmegaskullmon Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Alright heres hopeing they get it fixed soon eh?
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I rather like this change, since it's the basic functionality of every other MMO out there. One of the facts besides lack of chat boxes, I hated about CO, the fact that it wouldn't change the channel when I would use a short cut when I specifically wanted the channel changed. It's not an issue from what I understand either, it was an intentional change, and one I rather like since I can actually type what I want to do without having to click so damn much, especially when you start getting a ton of chat channels involved.
    Wait, you mean we got CoX style chat channels now? :confused:
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Wait, you mean we got CoX style chat channels now? :confused:

    No, we got basic slash command change channel function (something I asked for way back in beta actually) in Champions now. If you channel is in say, but you type /g <message> for team, your channel changes to team automagically, like every other MMO that has chat functions does. Works for global channels to, so if you type /c <channel> you swap to that channel.

    Now if we could get multiple chat boxes, and a slicker UI, we would be in business.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • gammabreakergammabreaker Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sticky Chat Channels are generally an option in other MMOs. Unfortunately, the chat system in CO is a bit on the primitive side, and this is a case where the whole thing was just changed to the alternate mode with no visible option available for the other behavior.
  • tomquantumtomquantum Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have to ask this because it's been bugging me for ages.

    Is there any way that we could please, pretty please, get the energy rifle skins as an option for Experimental Burst Ray?

    The power is using the pistol weapon skins, but looks terrible with them because the animation has the avatar holding the weapon exactly the way one would a rifle. Generally the avatars forward hand is over the barrel of the weapon not behind it.

    The power would simply look better with rifles instead of pistols. If allowing rifles isn't possible, please consider switching the power completely over to energy rifle skins instead of pistols.

  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sticky Chat Channels are generally an option in other MMOs. Unfortunately, the chat system in CO is a bit on the primitive side, and this is a case where the whole thing was just changed to the alternate mode with no visible option available for the other behavior.

    Exactly. You don't change how the chat system works three years after a game launched without some way to go back to the old method.

    When chatting with Drannic on Live on Friday, he mentioned it was a bug. Or that he'd talk to the team. Despite, you know, me saying it was a bug for like WEEKS on PTS.
    Owner and Lead Moderator for the Primus Database. Post your Hero today!
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  • mainscrizzmainscrizz Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    somebob wrote: »
    Exactly. You don't change how the chat system works three years after a game launched without some way to go back to the old method.

    When chatting with Drannic on Live on Friday, he mentioned it was a bug. Or that he'd talk to the team. Despite, you know, me saying it was a bug for like WEEKS on PTS.

    I love bugs. :biggrin:

    @Scrizz :biggrin:
  • gammabreakergammabreaker Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    What: Sonic Device Incapable of Critting
    Where: Anywhere
    How: Using Sonic Device over 100 times with 60% critical strike chance and 115% critical severity, it appears to no longer be capable of achieving a critical hit. Previously, it was able to achieve critical hits.

    I've not seen any notes about this in patch notes, so I'm assuming it's a bug.
  • magemighty1magemighty1 Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    cascadence wrote: »
    Is it me? or vehicles are WAY slower now?

    I mean I am a fan of this change, but I am curious if its my perception or they really did that change.

    Hasn't changed whatsoever, and seriously stop being against vehicle speeds, it makes sense for a fast JET to be able to move faster than flight which isn't moving at sonic nor fast speeds, flight is meant to be a cruising speed NOT super sonic

    My main character is Blackflight
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hasn't changed whatsoever, and seriously stop being against vehicle speeds, it makes sense for a fast JET to be able to move faster than flight which isn't moving at sonic nor fast speeds, flight is meant to be a cruising speed NOT super sonic

    Apparently you haven't read any comics - Superman routinely outflies just about anything, as do many other flying superheroes. Flash certainly outruns cars, and since Green Lantern can fly interstellar distances, he can certainly outperform supersonic jets...
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Apparently you haven't read any comics - Superman routinely outflies just about anything, as do many other flying superheroes. Flash certainly outruns cars, and since Green Lantern can fly interstellar distances, he can certainly outperform supersonic jets...

    This is a game where jet boots are one of the fastest flying powers. By this logic, Iron Man is faster than Superman, so this 'speed' idea is broken. Not to mention, I have a munitions-based cyborg commando that can flatten someone with superpowers- so the idea of 'comic realism' went out the window long ago.

    People are griping about the vehicles because it doesn't fit their concept CONSTANTLY. It's almost sad. Something new that a lot of people can enjoy comes along, and the few cry out for it to change. Let's hope the developers focus more on the variety of the players than the few. I'm certain dragons and chariots and such will come along soon enough.

    And if your 'concept' keeps you from enjoying content, you should probably get over it.
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Something new that a lot of people can enjoy comes along

    You talk about GW2 here ? Yeah .. for that reason i can at least laugh about all the current
    bugs that will maybe never be fixed, because playing a hero is no longer supportet and CO
    is on its way to be assimilated into STO.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is a game where jet boots are one of the fastest flying powers. By this logic, Iron Man is faster than Superman, so this 'speed' idea is broken. Not to mention, I have a munitions-based cyborg commando that can flatten someone with superpowers- so the idea of 'comic realism' went out the window long ago.

    People are griping about the vehicles because it doesn't fit their concept CONSTANTLY. It's almost sad. Something new that a lot of people can enjoy comes along, and the few cry out for it to change. Let's hope the developers focus more on the variety of the players than the few. I'm certain dragons and chariots and such will come along soon enough.

    And if your 'concept' keeps you from enjoying content, you should probably get over it.

    I love how you argue for your concept to have access to more content than other concepts...and then argue that its people expressing a desire to not be excluded who are, "sad."

    No one is using any lack of chariots and dragons as a complaint against the current implementation of vehicles....Strawman much ?

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ashensnow wrote: »
    No one is using any lack of chariots and dragons as a complaint against the current implementation of vehicles....Strawman much ?

    Dragons ? Ok .. that ones i wanna have :smile:
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    beldin wrote: »
    Dragons ? Ok .. that ones i wanna have :smile:

    I love the idea of jets, motorcycles, cars, tanks, and perhaps even an expansion into mystical travel powers later.

    My point was that people are not using an absence of dragons and chariots as an argument against the vehicle system.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ashensnow wrote: »
    I love the idea of jets, motorcycles, cars, tanks, and perhaps even an expansion into mystical travel powers later.

    I not so really .. i think we already have too much random Military stuff in the game and
    i'd rather have more Foxbat stuff or whatever instead. However making now even our
    Avatars to Military Jets totally kills the Superhero feeling for me.

    Also i totally dislike the waste of developer time for all the stuff around the vehicles that
    nobody really wanted .. people just wanted a travel power after all .. so make like bat flight
    when the problem is that fighting on a vehicle wasn't possible .. make it a device so we
    can even take 2 normal TPs .. job done. And it would then also be possible to ride with
    our current character on a bike.
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I was unable to get any comic series or AP going this weekend. Apparently they are all bugged. Ripper is bugged in aftershock, one of the missions for resistance doesn't register as complete, the nemisis fight in whiteout wont complete e.c.t i don't know all the details, because i didn't run these missions (except whiteout) but simply told that they are unplayable over zone chat.

    Also it seems that any thing involving a nemesis is probably bugged (alerts, nemisis fight in whiteout, nemcon general nemesis missions ect).

    CS/APs (a big source of questionite) are unplayable. With GW on the way, i dont think its wise to have the game in such a shabby state.
    And with no rewards for pvp, there's nothing to do BUT alerts (assuming its not a nemisis alert).

    If any one has more specific details on these CS/AP bugs feel free to chime in.

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • tomquantumtomquantum Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I was unable to get any comic series or AP going this weekend. Apparently they are all bugged. Ripper is bugged in aftershock, one of the missions for resistance doesn't register as complete, the nemisis fight in whiteout wont complete e.c.t i don't know all the details, because i didn't run these missions (except whiteout) but simply told that they are unplayable over zone chat.

    Also it seems that any thing involving a nemesis is probably bugged (alerts, nemisis fight in whiteout, nemcon general nemesis missions ect).

    CS/APs (a big source of questionite) are unplayable. With GW on the way, i dont think its wise to have the game in such a shabby state.
    And with no rewards for pvp, there's nothing to do BUT alerts (assuming its not a nemisis alert).

    If any one has more specific details on these CS/AP bugs feel free to chime in.

    I can confirm that Nemesis is bugged in Nemesis missions.

    I was unable to complete Deathray Demolition tonight because my hero's power armor nemesis vanished mid-fight.

    It appears that the Alert bug with Dual Blade and Darkness Nems vanishing mid-fight has spread to encompass nemeses from all power sets.
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ashensnow wrote: »
    My point was that people are not using an absence of dragons and chariots as an argument against the vehicle system.

    I think he was using that as an example. :tongue:
    People are complaining their Golden age/Silver age supers are slower than jets. Deal with it, you can out DPS a DPS jet with a tank.
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think he was using that as an example. :tongue:
    People are complaining their Golden age/Silver age supers are slower than jets. Deal with it, you can out DPS a DPS jet with a tank.

    summed up nice and neatly in a couple sentences
  • r9xchaosr9xchaos Posts: 532
    edited August 2012
    WHY? fix bugs on LIVE first ... the game actually is almost not playable...
  • magemighty1magemighty1 Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Apparently you haven't read any comics - Superman routinely outflies just about anything, as do many other flying superheroes. Flash certainly outruns cars, and since Green Lantern can fly interstellar distances, he can certainly outperform supersonic jets...

    not if they're not meant to be flying at that speed, the flight speed is meant to be a cruising speed, not faster than the speed of sound and you gotta remember these are comics characters who seemingly change to fit the needs of the story arc so its highly variable

    My main character is Blackflight
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    r9xchaos wrote: »
    WHY? fix bugs on LIVE first ... the game actually is almost not playable...

    and theyve lost a big group of players cause of itmyself and one other are the only oens left out of a large group that used to play on this gameavidly. unfortunate to say, theyre nto suprised at the recent downpour of bug because

    It's Cryptic

  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    r9xchaos wrote: »
    WHY? fix bugs on LIVE first ... the game actually is almost not playable...

    Yea "how fast jets can go" doesn't matter if the game is so buggy that almost 1/3 of the content that rewards quetionite is bugged to the point of being unplayable.

    Also, i managed to get a demon flame team together and what a train wreck.
    Demon flame is riddled with bugs. Every one just quit in frusteration before we could make it through the nightmare tower.

    1.The guy that puts you in the "nightmare deminsion of his choosing" wont let you out after you defeat him. (the workaround was to didband and reset)

    2.But then shortly after that the demon key stopped responding so we couldnt complete the tower.

    3. Every one was SKed to lv 26 but the spawn levels were fluctuating between 21 and 36

    Cryptic, i hope you realise how bad things are live. check the zone chat or the forums, [link to aftershock bug]
    This latest patch is looking very kitchen sink like.

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Dear Cryptic,
    Fix bugs.
    Signed with disgust,
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Was hoping for a new update today to roll along Nighthawk improvement. But looks like we're still recovering from Friday. Maybe tomorrow.
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