-20% discount on most Costume Sets removed.
-Night Avenger Archetype added.
Other notes:
-PVP: Malvan Emblem: Fixed a bug where this item would grant far more Stealth Sight than was intended. Should now grant the proper bonuses
Viper's Fangs: Energy Cost increased by ~2, Damage increased by ~11%
-Tiger's Bite: Base Cost increased by ~15%, Charge Cost increased by ~21%, Damage increased by ~12%
-Rend and Tear: Base Cost increased by ~33%, Charge Cost increased by ~66%, Damage increased by ~22%
-Shredded: Now grants -10% resistance to all damage and an additional -10% to slashing damage, up from -2.5%
-Targeting: Targeting a foe should no longer cause a small stall in some cases.
Nighthawk Costume Set:
-Resolved some conflicting categories w/ Nighthawk costume parts
-Resolved issue where female Nighthawk cape would not appear on some cape mantles
-Added Nighthawk cape to more cape mantle options (basic, collar and brooch)
-Fixed Nighthawk bracers and boots to allow linking of color selection
Known Issue:
-Legacy items have single word names. These items no longer drop in-game, but players who still have them in their inventory will notice a name change. This will not affect the item's functionality.
-Target info window currently does not display character screenshot. This issue will be addressed in the next update
Any word on when the issue with Night Avenger AT + Log out and log back in = AT rotation error message fix will happen? I have been waiting since I bought the AT to play it and I made a char logged out for dinner and came back and still nothing.
Is there a time frame in which we should expect a fix for not only that but for the dozens of other new bugs like a healing Ripper and split personality Psimon?
It seems to me like this last patch now causes a bit of a problem with the missions status - after you turn in a mission and get your reward, the dialog you go back to shows the mission as completed, but if you click it (as if you want to turn in it again), the dialog window just closes. It didn't use to be like that - after you finish turning in a mission, the dialog you return to doesn't show that mission again.
Also (probably related to this bug) - the crime computer now shows missions I have completed as available (but of course you can't get those again).
Is there a time frame in which we should expect a fix for not only that but for the dozens of other new bugs like a healing Ripper and split personality Psimon?
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I am @RavenForce in game
Consolidate currency!
Munitions additions
Petition to take in game report spam function out
Why not to do surveys and free offers
Also (probably related to this bug) - the crime computer now shows missions I have completed as available (but of course you can't get those again).