Why not have players go against each other for money? Maybe turn your cash in casino currency that can turned in for prizes or exchange them for money. Bring in all the machines tables and such regular casino have. Play against friends or foes or maybe even the computer. Allow player controlled betting and maybe a special system t0 bet rare items against other players items and winner get all.
This would be a feature to give players more cash if there lucky or skilled enough.
Why not have players go against each other for money? Maybe turn your cash in casino currency that can turned in for prizes or exchange them for money. Bring in all the machines tables and such regular casino have. Play against friends or foes or maybe even the computer. Allow player controlled betting and maybe a special system t0 bet rare items against other players items and winner get all.
This would be a feature to give players more cash if there lucky or skilled enough.
When this was brought up before I think that the response was that it would affect the game's ESRB rating.
Dont know how much that matters now that the game is free to download and play.
If you're talking about gambling that pays off in real-world cash (or something readily exchangeable for real-world cash), you're going to run afoul of some serious federal regulations (remembering that the only CO server is in the US). Not gonna happen. Sorry.
On the other paw, Q is sufficiently far enough removed from money that you could probably get away with it...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
We already have gambling,its the Grab bag,those things are worser than gambling really,I think in gambling you have more than a 5% chance.But seriously,aside from the joke,grab bags are already extremely irritating,gambling for something like Q in an exchange for Zen or globals would be a bit less irritating,but still irritating none the less,also mentioning of gambling would affect the games ESRB rating I think too,which also wouldn't be too good
Difference being that gamble bags always pay out, just usually the payout is worthless. Even simulated gambling online is a gray area. I work for a major bank, and we basically block any interaction with anything gambling online just as a precaution. Even if it's one that doesn't pay irl money, the fed really likes cracking down and saying no.
That and truth be told? I wouldn't gamble my Q or Z anyway. Even G, that takes a bit to farm. That's probably more of a personal thing, though. IMO, I can't see many using such a feature when they could just go grind a bit.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Well, the "worthlessness" of the Bags' usual output is also relative - time before last, I was actually trying to get some Drifter Salvage, because I wanted to buy some of the stuff Drifter was offering that time. Unfortunately, there's no way for my characters to share Salvage between themselves...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
If you're talking about gambling that pays off in real-world cash (or something readily exchangeable for real-world cash), you're going to run afoul of some serious federal regulations (remembering that the only CO server is in the US). Not gonna happen. Sorry.
Exactly, and thank you Jonsillis for being the only person in the thread so far to point that out. The United States passed a law called UIGEA. This law was put in to stop the banks from transferring funds to online gaming websites (and we are an online gaming website too here, obviously)
I'm going to break this post down into two parts, 1) the reason why real monetary payout should NOT happen and 2) what an alternate solution could be (which ironically was suggested before, making this a repeat topic).
I know I've said this before, even going back to when Lohr got gagged/silence/forum-suspended by Cryptic for posting the numeric odds on some of grab bags on the Wiki and criticizing & openly discouraging it (instead of keeping neutral/impartial). For some reason, many of you still don't even seem to remember that happened not even a year ago...
Let's keep in mind that the Online Poker community is unfathomably more wealthy and powerful than this tiny community. All it would take is one angry griever/troll tip-off to the Fed and EVERYBODY HERE WOULD LOSE ALL THEIR CHARACTERS BECAUSE CHAMPIONS GETS SHUT DOWN. Do you all want that to happen? I sure as hell don't. Do your research, grab bags as they exist are just barely safe from being illegal in the US. There's already been settlements from Electronic Arts (a much bigger company) to keep things quiet about THEIR gambling virtual goods. The smartest security Cryptic has is the Questionite exchange, which does give all players potential access to gambling goods for free (but by not posting the odds publicly, Cryptic & PerfectWorld ARE at risk even now of potential litigation in the future).
In short, it's all on-the-edge type of stuff and the statutory and case laws on the topic keep on changing. So it's a bit stressful to see the line tip-toed by video game MMO companies these day, and the reason many of these MMOs are doing it is because it's very profitable. As they say, the house always wins. It's just well, risky when you can see what the FBI did.
I know Alodylis isn't exactly the brightest candle on the cake (to put it mildly lol), but this is a truly retarded idea born of ignorance and stupidity. Here's proof of what happens:
No real money gambling. Period. Get that bad idea out of your heads. (also take note that both Cryptic and Perfect World are based in California, which falls under US jurisdiction even if you don't live in the US)
An ok solution to modify this suggestion would be to make a resources/gold gambling mini-game thing in the Vibora Bay casino. That would be a lot of fun, you walk up to the table with other players and a mini-game window opens up and you can play your blackjack, texas hold 'em, or whatever. If you win, can you walk away with extra resources. This would actually be a very simple thing to code, it's just a matter of adapting to to a GUI and making those tables as a multiplayer function. Worst case scenario is you run out of resources/gold to play the game, which keeps it just for fun and at no risk of any gambling legal stuff (because there's no real money exchanged).
Make sense?
This was suggested in the past, and I supported it.
This sounds nice and we have VB ship to make nice casino.
I'm very disappointed in you. It may "sound" nice, but it's a very bad idea/suggestion for the reasons I clearly stated above in my previous post. Think before you sign away on just any suggestion please.
STO has its Dabo games. Only Energy Credits (the equivalent of Resources) and Gold-Pressed Latinum (another in-game currency) can be put up for stake, and the payoff is exclusively in GPL.
So, why not?
If casino games in CO work similarly, it could be done. The River Queen is a good obvious choice for Vibora Bay; Downtown Millennium City could modified to include the Horizon Casino (as described in the Millennium City sourcebook).
STO has its Dabo games. Only Energy Credits (the equivalent of Resources) and Gold-Pressed Latinum (another in-game currency) can be put up for stake, and the payoff is exclusively in GPL.
I don't consider Dabo in STO as gambling. Its really just a VERY slow way to convert currency.
The win/loss ratio has been observed to be pretty close to 1/1
What Vibora really needs is a fully functioning arcade, IMO. Make the games cost resources, have multiple player capacity, include some board games, and have prizes you can buy with tickets.
I mean, hell, it's not like people have much else to do at level 40. Give us an arcade to mess around with when we aren't out heroing around or RPing. I imagine the arcade could even become a popular RP spot with fully functioning games there.
And gambling would work as long as resources are the material used. The game could probably use a few money sinks. EQ2 has gambling as well, but it doesn't use real money at all. I don't know how much platinum I've dumped into their gambling system. I'm pretty sure gambling would only become a problem if money is directly involved, and if someone spends money to buy something to sell for resources, the money isn't directly involved in gambling. It's just a method to get what they need to gamble.
I guess in that respect it could be a slippery slope. If I remember right, most if not all of EQ2's store items are bound to account or bound to character, so people can't really sell them. CO has the Questionite exchange and purple items, which could give gamblers everything they need to gamble.
What Vibora really needs is a fully functioning arcade, IMO. Make the games cost resources, have multiple player capacity, include some board games, and have prizes you can buy with tickets.
I mean, hell, it's not like people have much else to do at level 40. Give us an arcade to mess around with when we aren't out heroing around or RPing. I imagine the arcade could even become a popular RP spot with fully functioning games there.
And gambling would work as long as resources are the material used. The game could probably use a few money sinks. EQ2 has gambling as well, but it doesn't use real money at all. I don't know how much platinum I've dumped into their gambling system. I'm pretty sure gambling would only become a problem if money is directly involved, and if someone spends money to buy something to sell for resources, the money isn't directly involved in gambling. It's just a method to get what they need to gamble.
I guess in that respect it could be a slippery slope. If I remember right, most if not all of EQ2's store items are bound to account or bound to character, so people can't really sell them. CO has the Questionite exchange and purple items, which could give gamblers everything they need to gamble.
I still really want to see an arcade though.
I agree strongly with your suggestions. I'd totally be pleased with some retro-game arcade stuff whether it be Pong, Donkey Kong, PacMan, or Pitfall! Let there be a public highscore thing too that everybody can see. :rolleyes:
If you make this into a separate topic and format it nice & neat, I'll be happy to support it. :cool:
I know I've said this before, even going back to when Lohr got gagged/silence/forum-suspended by Cryptic for posting the numeric odds on some of grab bags on the Wiki and criticizing & openly discouraging it (instead of keeping neutral/impartial). For some reason, many of you still don't even seem to remember that happened not even a year ago...
I do remember Lohr's ban.
I consider her to be one of this game's greatest assets and admire her greatly.
I saw the post that was moderated before it was edited. Her ban was not for posting odds, note that she was not alone in that process and the other individual did NOT receive a ban. Her ban was related to the tone and word choice that Cryptic considered to have gone too far.
That said, I do believe that the removal of the PTS C-Store was related to the posting of grab bag odds.
You guys really go off topic. Know one said it would be for real money. It would be for ingame currency with ingame currency only. Playing poker or any other game wouldent be bad thing. It be a chance to win something or lose it all.
Why not have players go against each other for money? Maybe turn your cash in casino currency that can turned in for prizes or exchange them for money.
Sounds like you were talking about real-world money to me. In-game it's "resources", not "cash".
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
you do have your point there could be confusen. But now that its been cleared i dont want people thinking about real money. Its just Global you play with to earn Casino Credits.
I consider her to be one of this game's greatest assets and admire her greatly.
I saw the post that was moderated before it was edited. Her ban was not for posting odds, note that she was not alone in that process and the other individual did NOT receive a ban. Her ban was related to the tone and word choice that Cryptic considered to have gone too far.
That said, I do believe that the removal of the PTS C-Store was related to the posting of grab bag odds.
As do I. Most people I don't even think realize that she's the one who makes the effort to keep the wiki running and up-to-date, most people think it's Cryptic doing it.
I didn't know that about the ban's details (I didn't get to see it before it was edited). I'll remember what you've said for the future, thanks.
You guys really go off topic. Know one said it would be for real money. It would be for ingame currency with ingame currency only. Playing poker or any other game wouldent be bad thing. It be a chance to win something or lose it all.
Don't you dare try to blame the audience for your inability to communicate clearly & effectively... Not cool.
I realize that comes off as cold-hearted but it's reality. I'm doing you a disservice in the long run if I don't say anything critical. Recognizing our errors allows us to improve and achieve greatness though determination, cleverness, and time.
Your posts are barely comprehensible at times, and you did say "in exchange" and "for money" (twice in fact) not "in-game resources" (aka. "gold")
You're also not the only one in the community to have missed the point that online gambling with real currency is currently illegal in the USA. So the part of my previous post where I nuked that bad idea (by showing what happened to the online poker gaming community) wasn't directed at you personally, it was a STRONG warning to every reader here to get that out of your heads for good! Just to make that crystal clear.
It would be safest for us all if Cryptic got rid of all grab bags or at least public posted their odds, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen...
I'm not saying yea or nay on this, but Millenium City does, in one of the tabletop books I have recently gotten (woo London holiday has been EPIC), the city does have a lot of casinos, which has lead to some issues with criminal activity near them. But then, that's in a book for which the city map is very much different (based on Homestead (champions HQ Detroit for all of you who didn't pay attention during the tutorial!)'s location, Westside, and the Ren Cen's location), so maybe we can discount the in-book casinos in favour of our not-needing-to-have-a-higher-age-rating absent casinos.
I'm very disappointed in you. It may "sound" nice, but it's a very bad idea/suggestion for the reasons I clearly stated above in my previous post. Think before you sign away on just any suggestion please.
Japanese is most worst in writing / reading / speaking in English at far East-Asian. Chinese, Korean, Taiwan people use English much better then us. Me? Yes my English exam results in school was very bad.
And if I wrote something wrong or bad and made you disappoint, I have to apologize about it.
As we are doing game with Translation Website on desktop and also dictionary on our hand, long sentence or previous Archive sometime make me bit confuse. >.<
CO was so fun for us Japanese gamer (even we are not so good in English) so we didn't have to care about forums for very long time but meanwhile and now, we have to start worry about CO contents.
Bug, Mission, new changes, etc...
So I started posting in forums but my linguistic caps make trouble sometimes.
But please give us some sympathy about not everyone here is good in English communication. >.<
But please give us some sympathy about not everyone here is good in English communication. >.<
I can give sympathy for not being fluent in a language, sure. You're diverting though and thus it feels like you're trying to hide behind the "language barrier". My criticism was specifically on you just "/sign-ing" without reading it for comprehension, not your ability to comprehend it clearly. So no sympathy there for the action, sorry.
If you don't understand, please just ask for clarification. People have had to translate his poorly written posts before (I also criticized him harshly as I'm tired of him not putting effort in to trying at all if you noticed), as many are incomprehensible to a person even fluent in English. So yeah, it's very hard to understand anything so poorly written, which is why asking for clarification never hurts.
So yes to not being fluent, and no to your hasty action. Kun shi hyou hen su. Shoudaku?
I can give sympathy for not being fluent in a language, sure. You're diverting though and thus it feels like you're trying to hide behind the "language barrier". My criticism was specifically on you just "/sign-ing" without reading it for comprehension, not your ability to comprehend it clearly. So no sympathy there for the action, sorry.
If you don't understand, please just ask for clarification. People have had to translate his poorly written posts before (I also criticized him harshly as I'm tired of him not putting effort in to trying at all if you noticed), as many are incomprehensible to a person even fluent in English. So yeah, it's very hard to understand anything so poorly written, which is why asking for clarification never hurts.
So yes to not being fluent, and no to your hasty action.
KK, ill try my best and ty.
I go recklessly sometime like net drama happened in Healer thread before, forgive me and if anyone give me advice, ill fix my way. xD
When this was brought up before I think that the response was that it would affect the game's ESRB rating.
Dont know how much that matters now that the game is free to download and play.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
This sounds nice and we have VB ship to make nice casino.
Dont we already have gambling? We all know how popular that was. :biggrin:
[SIGPIC]Too late![/SIGPIC]
On the other paw, Q is sufficiently far enough removed from money that you could probably get away with it...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Consolidate currency!
Munitions additions
Petition to take in game report spam function out
Why not to do surveys and free offers
That and truth be told? I wouldn't gamble my Q or Z anyway. Even G, that takes a bit to farm. That's probably more of a personal thing, though. IMO, I can't see many using such a feature when they could just go grind a bit.
RIP Caine
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Exactly, and thank you Jonsillis for being the only person in the thread so far to point that out. The United States passed a law called UIGEA. This law was put in to stop the banks from transferring funds to online gaming websites (and we are an online gaming website too here, obviously)
I'm going to break this post down into two parts, 1) the reason why real monetary payout should NOT happen and 2) what an alternate solution could be (which ironically was suggested before, making this a repeat topic).
I know I've said this before, even going back to when Lohr got gagged/silence/forum-suspended by Cryptic for posting the numeric odds on some of grab bags on the Wiki and criticizing & openly discouraging it (instead of keeping neutral/impartial). For some reason, many of you still don't even seem to remember that happened not even a year ago...
Let's keep in mind that the Online Poker community is unfathomably more wealthy and powerful than this tiny community. All it would take is one angry griever/troll tip-off to the Fed and EVERYBODY HERE WOULD LOSE ALL THEIR CHARACTERS BECAUSE CHAMPIONS GETS SHUT DOWN. Do you all want that to happen? I sure as hell don't. Do your research, grab bags as they exist are just barely safe from being illegal in the US. There's already been settlements from Electronic Arts (a much bigger company) to keep things quiet about THEIR gambling virtual goods. The smartest security Cryptic has is the Questionite exchange, which does give all players potential access to gambling goods for free (but by not posting the odds publicly, Cryptic & PerfectWorld ARE at risk even now of potential litigation in the future).
In short, it's all on-the-edge type of stuff and the statutory and case laws on the topic keep on changing. So it's a bit stressful to see the line tip-toed by video game MMO companies these day, and the reason many of these MMOs are doing it is because it's very profitable. As they say, the house always wins. It's just well, risky when you can see what the FBI did.
I know Alodylis isn't exactly the brightest candle on the cake (to put it mildly lol), but this is a truly retarded idea born of ignorance and stupidity. Here's proof of what happens:
No real money gambling. Period. Get that bad idea out of your heads. (also take note that both Cryptic and Perfect World are based in California, which falls under US jurisdiction even if you don't live in the US)
An ok solution to modify this suggestion would be to make a resources/gold gambling mini-game thing in the Vibora Bay casino. That would be a lot of fun, you walk up to the table with other players and a mini-game window opens up and you can play your blackjack, texas hold 'em, or whatever. If you win, can you walk away with extra resources. This would actually be a very simple thing to code, it's just a matter of adapting to to a GUI and making those tables as a multiplayer function. Worst case scenario is you run out of resources/gold to play the game, which keeps it just for fun and at no risk of any gambling legal stuff (because there's no real money exchanged).
Make sense?
This was suggested in the past, and I supported it.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
I'm very disappointed in you. It may "sound" nice, but it's a very bad idea/suggestion for the reasons I clearly stated above in my previous post. Think before you sign away on just any suggestion please.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
So, why not?
If casino games in CO work similarly, it could be done. The River Queen is a good obvious choice for Vibora Bay; Downtown Millennium City could modified to include the Horizon Casino (as described in the Millennium City sourcebook).
Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
Join in the Doctor Who fan film, Doctor Who 2.0 Origins!
My ideas: Arch-Nemesis
If i want to play as a superhero, i go play Champions Online.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I don't consider Dabo in STO as gambling. Its really just a VERY slow way to convert currency.
The win/loss ratio has been observed to be pretty close to 1/1
I mean, hell, it's not like people have much else to do at level 40. Give us an arcade to mess around with when we aren't out heroing around or RPing. I imagine the arcade could even become a popular RP spot with fully functioning games there.
And gambling would work as long as resources are the material used. The game could probably use a few money sinks. EQ2 has gambling as well, but it doesn't use real money at all. I don't know how much platinum I've dumped into their gambling system. I'm pretty sure gambling would only become a problem if money is directly involved, and if someone spends money to buy something to sell for resources, the money isn't directly involved in gambling. It's just a method to get what they need to gamble.
I guess in that respect it could be a slippery slope. If I remember right, most if not all of EQ2's store items are bound to account or bound to character, so people can't really sell them. CO has the Questionite exchange and purple items, which could give gamblers everything they need to gamble.
I still really want to see an arcade though.
Either could be a good way for people who have reached Level 40 and completed all Missions to pass time while waiting for a Burst Alert to show up.
Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
Join in the Doctor Who fan film, Doctor Who 2.0 Origins!
My ideas: Arch-Nemesis
I agree strongly with your suggestions. I'd totally be pleased with some retro-game arcade stuff whether it be Pong, Donkey Kong, PacMan, or Pitfall! Let there be a public highscore thing too that everybody can see. :rolleyes:
If you make this into a separate topic and format it nice & neat, I'll be happy to support it. :cool:
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
I do remember Lohr's ban.
I consider her to be one of this game's greatest assets and admire her greatly.
I saw the post that was moderated before it was edited. Her ban was not for posting odds, note that she was not alone in that process and the other individual did NOT receive a ban. Her ban was related to the tone and word choice that Cryptic considered to have gone too far.
That said, I do believe that the removal of the PTS C-Store was related to the posting of grab bag odds.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
As do I. Most people I don't even think realize that she's the one who makes the effort to keep the wiki running and up-to-date, most people think it's Cryptic doing it.
I didn't know that about the ban's details (I didn't get to see it before it was edited). I'll remember what you've said for the future, thanks.
Don't you dare try to blame the audience for your inability to communicate clearly & effectively... Not cool.
I realize that comes off as cold-hearted but it's reality. I'm doing you a disservice in the long run if I don't say anything critical. Recognizing our errors allows us to improve and achieve greatness though determination, cleverness, and time.
Your posts are barely comprehensible at times, and you did say "in exchange" and "for money" (twice in fact) not "in-game resources" (aka. "gold")
You're also not the only one in the community to have missed the point that online gambling with real currency is currently illegal in the USA. So the part of my previous post where I nuked that bad idea (by showing what happened to the online poker gaming community) wasn't directed at you personally, it was a STRONG warning to every reader here to get that out of your heads for good! Just to make that crystal clear.
It would be safest for us all if Cryptic got rid of all grab bags or at least public posted their odds, but I have a feeling that's not going to happen...
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
I'm a little confused. Who's the one we're supposed to know said it would be for real money?
Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
Join in the Doctor Who fan film, Doctor Who 2.0 Origins!
My ideas: Arch-Nemesis
Japanese is most worst in writing / reading / speaking in English at far East-Asian. Chinese, Korean, Taiwan people use English much better then us. Me? Yes my English exam results in school was very bad.
And if I wrote something wrong or bad and made you disappoint, I have to apologize about it.
As we are doing game with Translation Website on desktop and also dictionary on our hand, long sentence or previous Archive sometime make me bit confuse. >.<
CO was so fun for us Japanese gamer (even we are not so good in English) so we didn't have to care about forums for very long time but meanwhile and now, we have to start worry about CO contents.
Bug, Mission, new changes, etc...
So I started posting in forums but my linguistic caps make trouble sometimes.
But please give us some sympathy about not everyone here is good in English communication. >.<
I can give sympathy for not being fluent in a language, sure. You're diverting though and thus it feels like you're trying to hide behind the "language barrier". My criticism was specifically on you just "/sign-ing" without reading it for comprehension, not your ability to comprehend it clearly. So no sympathy there for the action, sorry.
If you don't understand, please just ask for clarification. People have had to translate his poorly written posts before (I also criticized him harshly as I'm tired of him not putting effort in to trying at all if you noticed), as many are incomprehensible to a person even fluent in English. So yeah, it's very hard to understand anything so poorly written, which is why asking for clarification never hurts.
So yes to not being fluent, and no to your hasty action. Kun shi hyou hen su. Shoudaku?
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
KK, ill try my best and ty.
I go recklessly sometime like net drama happened in Healer thread before, forgive me and if anyone give me advice, ill fix my way. xD
Yes sir! ryoukai simasita! xD