On top of the idea of the travel power I really want the devs to see, I think some new supportive gadgets would be a wonderful addition as well.
(Travel power idea
here. :cool: )
*This point forward has been edited and refined.*
Something I'm sure everyone has seen
somewhere before... a
The Medi-gun will be a 50 foot Ranged Single Target Maintained Heal that can be maintained for 7 Seconds max.
+Targets under the effect of the medi-gun get healed every .5 seconds and the heal becomes stronger the longer it is on (up to 10% stronger after 3 seconds).
+Targets under the effect of the medi-gun gain major DoT resistance.
+An advantage (worth 2 points) will turn this power from a Single Target, to a 30 degree Cone focused on the target; however, as more targets affected by the medi-gun, the power of it's heal drops (Down to 66% of it's original value for all 5 targets).
-You cannot target yourself with this power.
-This power imposes a 5 second cooldown on itself.
-This power does consume a lot of energy.
Nano-tech Pistol (Revamp #1)
The Nano-tech Pistol will be a hybrid Charged power, Healing allies or damaging enemies up to 50 feet away.
+If charged for more than 75% the pistol will give allies a HoT buff that lasts 10 seconds and heals for 50% of the base heal every tick.
+An Advantage (worth 2 points) will give a 10 foot AoE heal to allies equal to the base heal, but the HoT buff is not provided for targets affected by the AoE. Will give an enemy target a DoT equal to 25% of the base damage. Both effects can only be achieved if the skill is charged 100%.
+Heal's power increases a lot faster if charged 33% or more, of course energy cost does as well.
-If used on self, only does base healing regardless of how long it was charged (Although the energy cost won't rise either).
Triage Beacon (Later post, thanks for the idea bluhman!)
The Triage Beacon is a deployable pet that lasts 30 seconds and heals allies in a 25 foot sphere every second.
+Heal is constant and does not change based on how many people are in its range.
+Provides a small DoT Resistance buff.
+An Advantage (worth 2 points) will cause the beacon to provide a HoT buff that heals for 5% of it's own healing when allies leave the beacon's range.
-Once deployed, the beacon remains stationary until it expires.
-Has a 45 second Cooldown once deployed. If destroyed; however, the cooldown is reduced to 10 seconds.
Nanobot Capsules (Revamp #1 of Nanobot Grenade)
Nanobot Capsules are throwable objects that can heal targets 50 feet away in a 15 foot sphere.
+Heals an amount similar to what Medical Nanites would initially and gives affected targets a HoT buff that heals for 50% of what the skill initially does for 10 seconds.
+An Advantage (worth 2 points) will cause the HoT buff to increase it's power until the HoT is equal to 150% of the initial heal (at which point the buff is removed due to it's time limit).
-Has a 10 second cooldown.
-Heal power is reduced as more people are affected.
Medkit (Not a gadget, but a definite Classic. | Also not meant to be taken seriously, but still....)
The medkit will be a 10 foot (< This IS melee range.) Single Target Tapped Heal
+Powerful medicine
+Removes ALL DoTs
+Provides a HoT buff for every DoT removed that heals for just as much damage and time as the DoTs were supposed to.
+Low Energy Cost.
+If no target is selected, you heal yourself.
+Also works as a Revive that brings heros back with 10% Health.
-No ranged capability
Here we are now going to the West Side
Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
Some may come and some may stay
Watching out for a sunny day
Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm
In game as @forgemccain
I put these out here because I think it's time we healed with something other than Magic and Mind powers. There are only three heals for the Inventor anyway, and they aren't as effective as other heals. ( [Bionic Shielding][Support Drones][Medical Nanites] )
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Instead of a grenade, I like the idea of deploying a triage beacon that heals people consistently in a ring over time. Everything else seems lovely.
It's a pet that spends some of its time Holding mobs. Or sprays them with a Rooting web. It has a bite attack that applies a Poison sometimes. And it probably Leaps.
*Was just browsing through and then saw this suggestion and pointed it out from the get go* Cryptic.. this one.Just put it on the to do list.I don't care how long...well okay I do but still you get what I'm saying.
Also some of the gadget heal suggestions are nice for sure,but a tad bit overboard with some like the healing grenade.Still I'm not belittling this. Alot of these are very good suggestions.
On Call FAQ found here:On Call FAQ
But either way, I love the suggestions.
Healing beacon will be a non-controllable pet that heals allies in a 25 foot sphere
+Heals in a large area
+Healing is not suppressed based on # of patients being healed
+The beacon will last for 30 seconds after deployed, but cannot be redeployed for 45 seconds
+An Advantage (worth 2 points) will add a DoT Resistance buff that stacks up to 3 times on healing patients within 10 feet for every tick of the heal
+An Advantage (worth 2 points) will give this a command (Making it a controllable pet) that causes it to self-destruct and cause the cooldown to be set to 30 seconds if commanded to self-destruct before 15 seconds after being deployed
-Once deployed, the beacon remains stationary at all times
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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I'm not complaining about adding a cooldown since it is a strong heal with a strong HoT component added to it, however... the duration of the cooldown is the issue here... now if the Hot is a duration of say 10-15 seconds then I can understand the 15 second cooldown ... however the 90sec cooldown if self targeted... I'm sorry but that is totally absurd, and to my knowledge there isn't a single ability in the game that operates in this manor.
For what reason would you not be able to heal yourself with this ability? Because it's a pistol? I don't see any reason you couldn't fire the nanites into say your own arm or leg to heal yourself. Perhaps just make the advantages only trigger when targeting an ally, still reduce heal strength and remove HoT on self if using the AoE advantage.
This one I actually don't have any issues with... bit skeptical on the whole Toggle aspect though... perhaps maintain rather than Toggle... impose cooldown if not maintained full duration.
Keep it as an non-controllable pet, instead make the self destruct advantage a damage on-death proc.
I'd love to see more Pistol based heal gadgets myself. They would go wonderful with my combat medic character ^-^
I agree, although a "grenade" seems a bit ridiculous even as a concept. Explosions break, destroy, or even kill; not repair tissue. Although I WOULD love to see "zone of healing" effect. Kind of like sigils but in reverse to where they heal allies per cycle instead of damaging enemies.
This would make for WONDERFUL full-defense and offensive-defense (aka. claim & hold) tactics.
Not as a pro or con, but I must say it's not suprising considering, relatively speaking, it is apparent only a small degree of time & effort went into constructing these ideas.
By comparison look at the medi-gun from TF2. It was refined over the course of an entire YEAR! And frankly it was an ingenous concepts with many subtle behaviors enhancement as subtle as what the beam should look like, how it should move, how color would be implemented, what happens if one of the targets moves or turns sharply, etc.
So interesting concepts, but it's not a very thought-out suggestion, and the numbers are all wrong (as some of the others pointed out).
I hope this is received as constructive criticism and that we can see a "gadgeteering devices 2.0" thread soon based on this feedback
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
I'll see if I can't refine the ideas a bit, but I think we all agree that Gadgeteering needs some active healing devices. I'll just edit the first post instead of creating a new thread or posting the revamp in this one.
Hopefully we'll get something out of this, also vote for my Jumpjets thread as well.
(Check siggy)
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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