After three years of dedicated research. Oro'Sen Goylen, on July 7th 12:00 am. Activated the Biological Nanobot Single Mind System. This is his new body. It started as one single cell that with a few bits of questionite and oro's natural energy. It began to double every ten minutes. It has since been 12 days. Thanks to some allies. the number as of 7/19/12 was 2^1747 the bots are contained in a distant off world storage. The storage is composed of Flat tech, and is not very large as each chamber holds 100 trillion bots. The issue is now that there are over 100 million Storage devices. And every ten minutes that number doubles. Upon 7/31/12 the double process will finish. The final answer is now to pick a spot to let the drones exist. As they are all a single mind of Oro himself. He is a kind fellow and a Doctor. He only wants the well being of every person. The issue of the Idea i give is terrifying. To let them inhabit the body of every living person on the planet earth. Purge Disease, Infection, Sickness. Cancer. Anything of Natural Human (not heroes) issues will be solved. Broken bones mended in minutes. No more obesity. Included with this plan is a global monitoring system, which will do as said in keeping an eye on the Humans of Earth. This is the Proposal I give to you all. Let my bots come to Earth I will end Sickness. The downside is. "I will be watching."