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My heroines... feedback appreciated!!

cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Costumes and Concepts
Quick directory of all of my costumes, up to date, with pictures.


Oh my... where to start.... well if you are really really interested on the ideas behind a particular heroine you can browse here or ask me right away. I'm not going to repost the explanations of each again since this would get this thread quite convoluted and huge, instead I am just going to keep moving with the new designs/changes.

Anyway here are my heroes... well more like heroines. I am not deep into RP in CO and I can't offer you a deep background story for each, but I can offer you the idea behind the character and the costume and the powers she's supposed to be using.

Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
Post edited by cascadence on


  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Aaaand for the first batch (well I never thought I would say that again... feels odd =p) I got a change and a couple new, hope you like em... and if not let me know why =p hahaha.

    Snap Update
    I noticed recently that for some odd reason I did left Snap hands bare, and she did look sort of odd on that regard. So the most recent costume set (Holo Hex) did fix that and in what I think, a good way. Now she definitely looks more like she could produce lightning out of those gloves.
    Black Wing
    Here's my martial arts, dodge tank. She's definitely a homage of my beloved caped crusader, yet definitely not a homage to the already existing girl counterparts. This is one of the occasions I said to myself "I have just to do it". Of course I added a twist of my own and added details like the "fake pantyhose" to make her look more feminine. Oh... and by the way those new "boomerangs" powers in the PTS made me REALLY happy haha, it was just perfect!!!!
    Vampire Swordsman Concept
    This is a concept that I had walking around in my head for awhile. I was lacking the characteristic vampire among my roster, so... since I don't own a dual blades hero... this was the perfect time to do it. Though i'm gonna be mixing dual blades with darkness... definitely a combo made in heaven, along with bat flight. I wanted to make a sexy yet elegant... you know quite vampirish. This is what I ended up with... after a couple of kinky iterations that I am not sure if im gonna post =p. I am yet to determine if I'm gonna go black eyes with red iris or keep her with human-ish eyes.


    Thaaat's it for this starter batch... yeah if you've seen my screenshots I changed yet again the setting, this time to the tailor. Hopefully this will be the definitive background/lighting. Also I am using renderscale to get higher resolution looking screenshots.... likely i'm gonna re-do the last couple of batches with this background.

    As always feedback/comments are really appreciated, and hope you like em ^^.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • d0m1nusdrak3d0m1nusdrak3 Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Red Lightining and Snap are my 2 favorite :D
    Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
  • logandarklighterlogandarklighter Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I really like what you've done with Snap, Cascadence and Steel Maiden. Love the powersuit/armor looks there.

    REALLY amazed with Shalassa. The Roinesh pieces REALLY work well with the Atlantea/Lemurian look there! That's a classic case of -

    *FACEPALM* "Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect! Of COURSE that set would work like that!"

  • roadwulf1roadwulf1 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    yeah, I need to redo my character post (3rd time now) ^_^

    Love the hands on Snap now, they look awesome.

    As for the concepts:
    Blackwing is very simplistic, but it might need a little help. The vampire swordsman isn't bad, but again a few tweaks here and there.

    I've bought the new Power Armor, but I have yet to do anything with it. Maybe this week.

    My Characters(Archived Post, will repost when time allows)
    Side-kick System Compilation Thread
  • unkomanplusunkomanplus Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Very swell costumes here.
    Black Wing and your caster concept are super cool. And Titania. Basically, I love classic looking super heroes, is what I am saying.

    I do wonder why Violet Arrow is green but... I see there's another thread with more costumes. Violet ones. Ack, I'm going to go read about these ladies.
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I really like what you've done with Snap, Cascadence and Steel Maiden. Love the powersuit/armor looks there.

    REALLY amazed with Shalassa. The Roinesh pieces REALLY work well with the Atlantea/Lemurian look there! That's a classic case of -

    *FACEPALM* "Why didn't I think of that! That's perfect! Of COURSE that set would work like that!"


    Thank you!!! Yeah, that was the intention with Shalassa, more than mimic-ing the look of lemurians in game, I went more for an atlantean option since I had more references there.

    Also... I had to make use of the Roin'esh armor, since its tad inflexible (usually only fits alien armor types) I wanted to give it a different look that fitted.
    roadwulf1 wrote: »
    yeah, I need to redo my character post (3rd time now) ^_^

    Love the hands on Snap now, they look awesome.

    As for the concepts:
    Blackwing is very simplistic, but it might need a little help. The vampire swordsman isn't bad, but again a few tweaks here and there.

    Well Black Wing is supposed to be simplistic since she's a homage, I can barely think of any changes I could do to her... maybe a different set of boots, we shall see what new costume sets come in the future.

    About the vampire swordsman concept, yup that's a work in progress, this is like the first draft, though I am not in a hurry to finish her up since I intend to play her until the dual blade review kicks in (which I am predicting December in the best of cases).
    Very swell costumes here.
    Black Wing and your caster concept are super cool. And Titania. Basically, I love classic looking super heroes, is what I am saying.

    I do wonder why Violet Arrow is green but... I see there's another thread with more costumes. Violet ones. Ack, I'm going to go read about these ladies.

    First, thank you!!!, yup I sooooo love as well classic looking heroes. This is a MMO about superheroes (believe it or not its not a demon/god simulator! =p hahah)... so going all crazy with tights and classic hero looks, usually its a must for me =p.

    Aaaand... yeah Violet Arrow used to be violet but... later on I changed my mind and wanted to use a more classic archer costume but... well yeah the name. I sooo learned my lesson of not naming heroes after colors ever again (unless I am really sure I wont change it later on =p). Actually at the moment I am renaming her to "Artemisa" its like her placeholder name until I come up with something better hahaha.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • cyberruckcyberruck Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I like steel madien,marlie,and the crusader chick.
    Good job!
  • emberstaembersta Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cascadence wrote: »
    Quick directory of all of my costumes, up to date, with pictures.


    Oh my... where to start.... well if you are really really interested on the ideas behind a particular heroine you can browse here or ask me right away. I'm not going to repost the explanations of each again since this would get this thread quite convoluted and huge, instead I am just going to keep moving with the new designs/changes.

    Anyway here are my heroes... well more like heroines. I am not deep into RP in CO and I can't offer you a deep background story for each, but I can offer you the idea behind the character and the costume and the powers she's supposed to be using.

    Number 22: Metroid evolved! Pew pew pew!
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cyberruck wrote: »
    I like steel madien,marle,and the crusader chick.
    Good job!

    Thank you!!! I am glad someone likes Marle =p, usually she's not mentioned.
    embersta wrote: »
    Number 22: Metroid evolved! Pew pew pew!

    Hahahaha! yeah... its hard to use those shoulders and not having that mental relation. Though I tried to strive as far as possible from Samus, by using a different color scheme, a waaaaaaaay lighter version of her armor and a completely different helmet and hair slipping off her helmet. I think she's closer to looking like a female iron man, than Samus =p.


    Okay time for the next batch... this one its rather small since I haven't been as active on the costume side the last few weeks.

    Err... actually this is not her ingame name, but I kinda made the mistake of rushing her creation and used a really generic (and kinda bad) name... so this is a temporal one, also serves as a homage to my beloved Record of Lodoss War.

    Aaaanyho... yeah this is my fire themed character. After reading the latest volume of Empowered... somehow I wanted to see if I could manage to pull out a character that would looked Adam Warren-esque and here's the result. Sexy (thats why the garter and the mini skirt are intentional) yet subtle at the same time. I am happy how she came out looking like, definitely a brighter color scheme than usual and also.... a collar!! first time I use one!. Its too bad that metal colors don't look as great in the tailor, but def they click better ingame.
    Mary Wheelahan mini update
    Well... err.. this is just a change of color on her goggles. While I usually don't post changes as small as this one, I thought this was significant since I wanted to depart from the accidental pulp look to the intended victorean/steampunk engineer look. As a change to that, I've seen that goggles usually are portrayed green in Steampunk, so as glows... so yeah I went ahead with that change and I think it looks fine


    As always guys, I am really thankful for your kind words and feedback. Hope to see you soon ^^.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • dataweaver42dataweaver42 Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Red Lightning, version 2: I like the look overall; but if I may make a suggestion, I've found that using the "Scales Layered" shoulder pads (with proper coloration) gives a very nice "extended wings" effect when combined with the Classic Falcon chest and arms, making it look like the chest symbol is extending right off the shoulders.
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Red Lightning, version 2: I like the look overall; but if I may make a suggestion, I've found that using the "Scales Layered" shoulder pads (with proper coloration) gives a very nice "extended wings" effect when combined with the Classic Falcon chest and arms, making it look like the chest symbol is extending right off the shoulders.

    Hmmm... just tried this, indeed looks REALLY good from behind, gives the shoulder pads a featherish look. From the front side... I am not sure of the effect you mention, maybe its just on males? because the shoulders look really tiny and definitely not getting the impression you mentioned.


    Costume wise I haven't been as busy as of late, as I've been actually playing the game =p... and also I am in a sort of a costume creation block, hahaha. Though I have a couple of interesting ideas floating in my head, hope I can make up something with them soon.

    Here's the little I've produced in the last 2 months.

    Black Wing - Armored version
    This one as it sounds, its a more tankish/realist approach to my vigilante homage. This indeed... looks a bit Nolan-ish, but I looove the look and feel of it. I am in love with the Nighthawk tight pieces, in fact I have made another character which is using most of them, but I won't post her since there isn't much there to see.
    Shalassa - Water version
    Well... yeah I know she's a Lemurian, but the original look its more for land fighting. For water I came up with this version, keeping the "revealing" and "atlantean" theme characteristic of her, and also making the armor lighter for swimming and water combat. I realized that the dragon armor pieces make hell of a good armor for water/scaley types.


    As always guys feedback, comments and flaming its aaaalways appreciated in here =), catch ya next time!.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • mashuganamashugana Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    cascadence wrote: »

    This is truly inspiring to a returning player - amazing creativity - thank you for sharing :)
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "Aaaand... yeah Violet Arrow used to be violet but... later on I changed my mind and wanted to use a more classic archer costume but... well yeah the name. I sooo learned my lesson of not naming heroes after colors ever again (unless I am really sure I wont change it later on =p). Actually at the moment I am renaming her to "Artemisa" its like her placeholder name until I come up with something better hahaha."

    First of all, AWESOME toons. Some of the best Humanoids I have seen in the Game!
    As to your Archer name, how about something along the lines of Wilhelmina Tell?

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    mashugana wrote: »
    This is truly inspiring to a returning player - amazing creativity - thank you for sharing :)

    Thank you!!! I had for the longest time the idea of making a decent collage of my heroines... and there's the result. It's far from perfect, though I am glad to know that at least some like it ^^
    jorifice1 wrote: »
    First of all, AWESOME toons. Some of the best Humanoids I have seen in the Game!
    As to your Archer name, how about something along the lines of Wilhelmina Tell?

    Thanks!!!!!!! and hmmm... thats a good name actually! way better than my original one. That's it... next time I create a new character im gonna post a thread asking for names =p. As for my archer I am waiting for my stipend to build comfortably big so I can spend it on a rename token for her.... and Wilhelmina Tell its tempting =p.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
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