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AORP what happens when..

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Power Discussion
The controversy over AOPM x 5 teams and Rage of Majesty prompted a sudden thought!
What exactly happens if instead of AOPM a team uses AORP instead?
100% defence all round or is there some kind of cap?
Sounds dull but I'm curious.
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    AoRP do stack, though it hits an implicit return. Remember, 100% resist is 1/(1+1.00), 50% true resist.

    The most powerful is the mix of different types, especially AoRP + AoPM, but AoED and even Medical Nanites would work very well in there.

    Where I've personally seen something worth controversy is AoPM STR stacking in KotH. The reason being it exploits that map's dependence on KB. But that's an interaction between map and mechanic. Easier to change the map.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    And another speedy reply to another rather daft question.
    Yes I should know by now but how?
    Just had visions of unscratchable teams for a moment there and yes I have read the stuff on Cryptic maths but it's all rather complicated.
    Thanks skeeterbarnes my curiosity is satisfied... For Now!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    To put the AoRP thing in a more practical context, let's say you've got 4 people handing out +.50 shield, and each one has a +.20 pd/ed from gear.

    no AoRP: 1/(1+.20) = .833, you have 16.7% "true" defense
    1 AoRP: 1/(1+.20+.50) = .588, 41.2%
    2 AoRP: 1/(1+.20+.50+.50) = .455, 54.5%
    3 AoRP: 1/(1+.20+.50+.50+.50) = .370, 63%
    4 AoRP: 1/(1+.20+.50+.50+.50+.50) = .313, 68.7%

    So that first one is a doozy, by the time you get to the third you're better off with some other passive.

    Now combine those with dodge, IDF, heals...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    For claraification: SS PRE/x ~ 200 both ==> AoRP 59 % Res (self), 38 % Res (group); Res Gear related: 24 %

    1 AoRP: 100 / (1+.24+.59) = 54 % true damage; 46 % resisted
    2 AoRP: 100 / (1+.24+.59 "self"+.38 "other") = 45 % true damage; 55 % resisted

    for ref.: 200 CON Defiance => 6x 16 % Res = 96 % (.96)
    100 / (1+.24+.96) = 45 % true damage; 55 % resisted

    This concludes that two AoRP users combined provide each other with damage mitigation on par with Defiance, and beginning with three AoRP users in the group everyone will get defiance like (or better) damage mitigation (3x .38 = 1.14)

    And the more the merrier.

    5 AoRP: 100 / (1+.24+.59+.38+.38+.38+.38) = 29 % true damage, 71 % resisted
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    4rksakes wrote:
    The controversy over AOPM x 5 teams and Rage of Majesty prompted a sudden thought!
    What exactly happens if instead of AOPM a team uses AORP instead?
    100% defence all round or is there some kind of cap?
    Sounds dull but I'm curious.

    What happens is that your Zombie Apocalypse match goes 20 mins... ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    mirth81 wrote:
    What happens is that your Zombie Apocalypse match goes 20 mins... ;)

    With 5 AoRP? Gonna need some serious petspam to back that up, otherwise hero zombies will still be able to kill you.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Empyreal10 wrote:
    With 5 AoRP? Gonna need some serious petspam to back that up, otherwise hero zombies will still be able to kill you.

    Yeah, I know, just joking about all the stackers I've been seeing in ZA...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Evidently the stacking does remind one of CoX Defender teams.


    Ofcourse, in CoX, the usually very independant and "lone-wolf" style of game play (which leaves many players foolishly vulnerable), the "Archetype" limitations of those individual toons, the over abundance of Stalkers and all kinds of exploits (kidnapping into guard tower, anyone? :rolleyes:), and the existence of super-crappy, idiotic and game breaking powers like TPFoe... etc etc.. all justified the existence of such teams.

    It was actually a farely challenging task to maintain Defender-centric teams in that most people I've played with, at least in the North American servers, pretty much sucked in the "team play" and "formations" concept (other than the people who ONLY did team playing in arena fights, rather than true hero vs. villain situations in Siren's or RV). Every defender had to play a distinct part, as well as provide both unique and universal buffs (the example of former being TP-resist shielding to protect against TPFoe attempts, the example of latter being Tactics stacking, for stealth detetcion, sight and hit probability buffing).

    Therefore, it was one of those team/formation gameplay consisted of very powerful buff/debuffing but also squeamishly squishy individuals where one failure or one death can cascade into a total team wipe.

    Another factor that justified such team/formation buff stacking, was that there were also very interesting counters using powers which normally was considered sucky. For instance a stationary Defender team centered on Hurricane and multiple AoE debuff protection can be broken by Corruptor's and their Gas Traps, which stack enormous amounts of debuff and paralyze through continuous vomitting, breaking up hero formations.. as well as Mastermind's wide area Forcefield repell and team TP, in which case a MM would take the villain team and TP smack in the middle of hero formations and break it up in a truly villainous manner. Other powerful AoE debuffs such as radiation was also very useful.


    Compared to that... in CO, buff stacking is so easy. Some protective buffs like Ebon Sigils, especially when there are multiple numbers of them + Nimbus, is goddamned impossible to break... AoE debuffs are usually weak or non-existant, and it is very difficult to break through the formation, especially when the people standing in formation are not squishy as Defenders,,, AoPM stacking, bringing up everyone's health to over 11k levels, multiple shielding powers and healing dealth, STR stacking totally preventing knocks... etc etc..

    In those situations, it just makes opponents spit at something and then log out.

    Just give us some powerful debuffs which are most useful in breaking up bunched up people.

    (ps) For starters, increase the perception debuff, damage, and potency and duration of coughing in Gas Arrow, dammit! :D
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