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Power Armor Guide?

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited July 2010 in Power Discussion
I am looking for just some general guidance on some staple powers for PA besides the initial ones you get. I know I should just play the game and find out, but I've been seeing a lot of posts about the cost of respect.

I am going for an offensive build that is mainly PVE with some teaming up, I also want some survivability in solo PVE.
Post edited by Archived Post on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've rerolled my Power Armor Character 3 times now up to level 20. I cant find a solo'friendly build for this Power Set.

    Its extremely frusterating. I'd love to have an "Expert" lay down "The Build" for Power Armor.

    I really want a good solo friendly build.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have a question concerning a PA build

    What is the most effective :

    Concussor beam + eye beam + micro munitions (3 toggles)

    Concussor beam + eye beam + Chest beam (2 toggles and a charge)

    concussor beam + eye beam (2 toggles)

    Considering you have End/Int superslotted with a full bar of energy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    PA is IMHO broken atm. And it will be until the Devs rework the toggle system. I wrote a huge post over in the suggestions forums about it.

    My PA character is, thematically, by favorite build. However, he's currently shelved because of all my characters he's probably the least effective of any (and please note, that all my characters follow distinct themes and not a single one could be considered FOTM). Concussor beam chews through 15 energy per 0.5sec... 30 EPS, and Eye Beams is more or less worthless now post-nerf.

    If I had to make any suggestion for a build, I'd say take the Automated Assault advantage on Wrist Bolter alongside Eye Beams and Micro Munitions. You'll essentially only be looking at the energy cost from MM since the rest are essentially zero. I've never used Micro Munitions though so I can't comment on the damage output. But at least your energy pool won't drop to zero right away.

    I built my PA character based on the concept of a mecha with relentless beam attacks that can pound a single enemy into the ground. He was pretty good at it before the nerf... now he's terrible. I'm working on a new build based on sort of a Gundam/Macross theme (think missile salvos that light up the entire universe :p) that I'm planning to have focus on Wrist Bolter + Mini Gun + Micro Munitions. I'm having trouble putting him together though because I don't want to waste my 2nd and 3rd power slots on PA powers I have 0 use for. If I ever figure out how best to utilize those slots I'll post the build up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I am in the same boat, so if you ever come accross a solution, feel free to share !
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm about to re-create my PA for the 4th time based on a heavy Super Strength/Con (For Invul) and Lower stats End/Recovery for higher energy output and equlibrium.

    Hoping 4th time is the charm. :(

    EDIT: It wasn't the charm. Re-rolling for the 5th time because Ret-con is retarded.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ok time to lay down my 2 cents.

    Power armor is extremly balanced due to the fact that it is a tank/dps power set.

    Most of what i see are people trying to focus on the pure dmg aspect of PA so they get the Int/End or Int/Dex or Int/Ego super stats and then use targeting computer to keep the toggles going longer, it works but you die alot. My super stats are Int/Str and i slot for Str/con/int and use Invul so i barely take dmg but i can still dish it out.

    as far as powers go im only 17 right now.
    offensive powers:
    mini gun
    micro missles
    concussor beam
    power guantlet
    wrist bolter

    passive powers:
    Invul (slotted passive)
    Targeting computer

    jet Boots

    With mini gun and mirco missles i can take on groups of enemys or focus on the Villian or master villan in the group and still kill the henchmen around him, now i can't use all my toggles for the full duration but i dont have to. I took out that 23 werebear villian in the park next to the psi building at lvl17 as well as soloing master villians like gold and iron as well as the Agents around the psi building (lvl20 master Villians).

    I still picked up the Targeting comupter for when theres a bunch of henchmen in a group and i dont have to worry about takeing to much dmg.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well I don't want to share my PA build but I can give you some infos from a lvl 29 standpoint.

    As some noted do note take eye beam after the nerf under any circumstances.

    Ignore the str/con concept, except you really want inv. as your defense power.
    If you run more then one toggle at any given time you will burn fast through your endurance so you have a few options, one is to go with a end/int build!
    The other is to go with some kind of extra endurance builder. Don't take Targeting Computer if you want extra endurance take a look at Defiance(3) or Quarry.

    You can use Chest Beam with your other toggles if the are from a other slot.
    Concussor Beam can push your target outside of the dmg area if you dont move with your target to get all the ticks, even when you see still the beam sfx.
    Mini Gun > Shoulder Launcher with 1-2 targets if the don't have high resist or invulnerable.

    Look outside of your framework.

    Electric: Electric Form/Sheath. The Form is useful because it will increase your particle dmg (Concussor Beam & Chest Beam) and even sonic if you have the Sonic Device.
    Force: Force Shield & Force Detonation, look at the advantages......
    Gadgeteering: Sonic Device, Toxic Nanites (try it with Micro Munitions) and Bionic Shielding for a emergency heal and the best it fits with the PA theme.

    Sometimes even sets that really don't fit with PA can be useful like Regen+Bountiful Chi. Think about you can switch builds with passives...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    darksilver wrote:
    Well I don't want to share my PA build but I can give you some infos from a lvl 29 standpoint.


    Anyway, I'm not big on Offensive passives... especially since the nerf... but your Electric suggestion gave me a great idea for a character concept. Thanks! :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This is my current PA build as of level 11 this morning

    Build by championBuilder 0.2.4

    Download this Build here.

    Steel Dragoon: Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Constitution
    Level 13:

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter
    Level 1: Concussor Beam -- Rank 2
    Level 5: Invulnerability
    Level 5: Jet Boots
    Level 8: Force Shield -- Force Sheath
    Level 11: Mini Gun
    Level 14:
    Level 17:
    Level 20:
    Level 23:
    Level 26:
    Level 29:
    Level 32:
    Level 35:
    Level 35:
    Level 38:

    Level 1: Abyssal
    Level 6: Impressive Physique
    Level 9: Bodybuilder
    Level 12:
    Level 15:
    Level 18:
    Level 21:

    Force Shield + Sheathe is there purely for the energy gain. This build has been very effective solo, even with the Force Sheathe defense reduction on Test (the increased length of the Absorption effect actually makes it a bit more effective thanks to more energy). I never even really use Wrist Bolters. I just open with a thrown object, use Force Sheathe to charge up off of the return alpha strike, then cycle between attacks and reactivating Force Sheathe to keep my energy up.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    shoulder launcher is a waste. why useit pound for pound micro munitions isway better till shoulder launcher gets fixed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If your going for a pure dps build DO NOT get strength it is totally 100% wasted state even with invun. If it is a pure DPS build pick up INT/END and go for Quarry u wanna focus on the damage u can do get your 3-4 main abilitys from each slot then start branching out into other trees Automated Asualt imo is alot better than conc beams as the actual dps u can keep up for longer is better than blowing it all in 5 seconds. i.e ill have mini gun munitions and automated assault on wrist bolter with accelarted metabolism the increase from rank1 and 2 is not worth it over this. int is to good to miss on any PA build the amount of endurance u save per second is far superior to anything else u can add. Look at this post here


    helped me alot on sorting my build out(allthough im going for a tank build)I can easily take 6-8 mobs of same level and 4-5 of higher with mini gun and munitions going. seriously automated assualt with accelarted metabolism is awesome for leveling pick concusve up further down(if u really want it) the tree once u have better stats to manage the endurance consumption.

    still not decided on all my stats but its far better picking up mini gun earlier than what is in your build. I really dont think PA is that broken atm just people are not very well informed with where they should be taking there chars STR is seriously wasted on any PA build dont get it.

    Mainly gone for an AOE tanking build with mine but got talents for single target with LAser sword and Energy shield.
    Build by championBuilder 0.2.4

    Download this Build here.

    anon: Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Intelligence
    Level 13: Super Constitution

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter -- Accelerated Metabolism, Automated Assault
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet
    Level 5: Invulnerability -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 5: Rocket Jump
    Level 8: Micro Munitions -- Rank 2, Rank 3, Challenging Strikes
    Level 11: Mini Gun -- Rank 2, Teflon Coated Rounds
    Level 14: Energy Shield -- Laser Knight, Rank 2
    Level 17: Field Drones -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 20: Laser Sword -- Crippling Challenge, Particle Acceleration
    Level 23: Unbreakable -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 26: Munitions Bots
    Level 29: Sonic Device
    Level 32: Mini Mines -- Wall Of Fire
    Level 35: Concussor Beam
    Level 35: Teleport
    Level 38: Entangling Mesh

    Level 1: Mechanized
    Level 6: Enduring
    Level 9: Brilliant
    Level 12: Mighty
    Level 15: Physical Conditioning
    Level 18: Healthy Mind
    Level 21: Bodybuilder
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    khran wrote:
    PA is IMHO broken atm. And it will be until the Devs rework the toggle system. I wrote a huge post over in the suggestions forums about it.

    My PA character is, thematically, by favorite build. However, he's currently shelved because of all my characters he's probably the least effective of any (and please note, that all my characters follow distinct themes and not a single one could be considered FOTM). Concussor beam chews through 15 energy per 0.5sec... 30 EPS, and Eye Beams is more or less worthless now post-nerf.

    If I had to make any suggestion for a build, I'd say take the Automated Assault advantage on Wrist Bolter alongside Eye Beams and Micro Munitions. You'll essentially only be looking at the energy cost from MM since the rest are essentially zero. I've never used Micro Munitions though so I can't comment on the damage output. But at least your energy pool won't drop to zero right away.

    I built my PA character based on the concept of a mecha with relentless beam attacks that can pound a single enemy into the ground. He was pretty good at it before the nerf... now he's terrible. I'm working on a new build based on sort of a Gundam/Macross theme (think missile salvos that light up the entire universe :p) that I'm planning to have focus on Wrist Bolter + Mini Gun + Micro Munitions. I'm having trouble putting him together though because I don't want to waste my 2nd and 3rd power slots on PA powers I have 0 use for. If I ever figure out how best to utilize those slots I'll post the build up.

    Mini gun is the best sholder power. Sholder launcher utakes 100 power and doesnt really do much. it takes 2 seconds+ from the spell to actuly go off after you click it. you get 1 rocket for 100 power.

    Mini gun + Chest Rockets + auto assult = awesome AOE. i went Int/Endurance and well, i can run mini for 6 seconds and mico for the full amount also. the problem im runing into the the complete LACK of CC. I have no choice but to cross class and im considering turning this PA build into a buff/heal bot.

    You only need 3 powers from PA for a nice DPS build. im at level 24 and i have no idea what to buy. i have 2 powers to buy , but just cant fig out what to get. ALSO i went PFF for my def power. and let me say this spell is 100% **** now. Invuln is still the BEST Def power to get.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    khran wrote:
    that I'm planning to have focus on Wrist Bolter + Mini Gun + Micro Munitions. I'm having trouble putting him together though because I don't want to waste my 2nd and 3rd power slots on PA powers I have 0 use for. If I ever figure out how best to utilize those slots I'll post the build up.

    At this moment of time u wont need anymore slots than that. Get Quarry and go for int/END build then start branching out to what suits your style.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm so damn confused, what are the best stats for dps for PA build? everyone seems to say different combos :S.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Laranoye wrote:
    I'm so damn confused, what are the best stats for dps for PA build? everyone seems to say different combos :S.

    Read it explains why int/end is better dont go for dex u will suffer for it in later life ALOT u need int or at leats end. this is not my post i just pasted btw. remember that there is no right and wrong build as such but not taking INT for a PA build is stupid. All i can say is after reading this post and sorting my build out fully i can now take lots of mobs and nuke them down fast and im in a tank roll with INT/CON as SS

    Originally Posted by tyril132
    The first thing that you need to know about Power Armor is that, mechanically, it works a little differently than other power sets. Most sets have a 'secondary' effect or gimmick attached to their attacks, which compliment that framework's preferred playstyle. In Power Armor's case, our attacks are generally pretty straightforward... but many of them are actually toggle powers that you can turn on and off. Power Armor attacks do, on average, less damage individually than other frameworks powers. You make up for this with the amazing ability to run multiple attacks simultaneously.

    On the note of simultaneously running Power Armor attacks, it's important to note that most Power Armor attacks have a "slot" assigned to them. You can only use one power from this slot at any given time, but may use all three slots concurrently, if you have the endurance to support them. For example; Concussor Beam and Power Gauntlet both use the hand slot, so you can't use them at the same time... but either one can be used at the same time as Mini Gun, which uses the shoulder slot. Additionally, you cannot use any non-toggle ability while running a toggle - these abilities are temporarily "locked out" until your toggle's duration ends.

    The recommended stats for Power Armor are also very misleading:

    Originally Posted by Tyril132
    INT/END + Quarry for pure DPS builds.\
    INT/CON + Invulnerability if you want a good mix of offense and defense.

    INT is a very important staple for Power Armor. Our powers are, generally, fairly expensive in terms of END cost and our DPS only shines when we're running several powers simultaneously. INT is, hands down, the most efficient stat for contributing to this goal and has a synergistic effect with END that results in higher net returns when you focus on both stats.

    CON greatly increases your base hit points and the efficiency of the percentile resistance from Invulnerability, which in turn makes you much harder to take down.

    STR is largely unnecessary, unless you're making a Laser Knight (Laser Sword + Energy Shield with advantages in both) 'tank' build. It's nice to have, but unless you have a niche build, it's not better than the above three.

    In the end though, it really depends on what you want to do with Power Armor. It doesn't play as nicely with other sets as some other frameworks since running any of its toggle abilities forces a 'global cooldown' on all of your non-PA powers for the toggles' durations. That said, there are some fantastic powers you can pick up in other sets to help your build.

    Originally Posted by Tyril132
    As far as which advantages are mandatory; none of them... but depending on your build, you may find Automated Assault + Accelerated Metabolism to be extremely useful, or next to useless. If your build has a low total Endurance pool or less recovery options, it's a fantastic combination. Automated Assault turns Wrist Bolters into free DPS that can also restore endurance while you are running other PA powers, as Accelerated Metabolism does proc regularly as a toggle, even when running other powers.

    PFF is a great defensive power, to be sure, but Power armor relies heavily on INT as a base stat for reasons I'll outline below in just a moment. That leaves choosing either END as your other super stat or EGO. For this kind of build, END is the more beneficial of the two, regardless of the role you take, but neither is optimal if you're focusing on survivability.

    Power Armor attacks are relatively expensive, and each power you run simultaneously increases the total running cost of all your powers. At the same time, Power Armor damage is specifically built around the concept of running multiple attacks at once, as your attacks do not have the flashy secondary effects that most other sets do. That having been said, INT is provably the best stat you can take to help you achieve this goal: the hard reduction in power cost scales extremely well as you run additional powers and reduces the maximum amount of endurance necessary for each 'alpha strike.'

    If you're planning on mostly DPSing, your next stat focus should probably be END. Why END? Well, END has a synergistic effect with INT which actually increases the amount of standing DPS time that INT contributes. REC also contributes a similar effect, but REC's contribution is a static number; END's is variable and scales well with your INT. With similar amounts of END and REC, END will always provide a better return after your first few levels. DEX isn't particularly useful, as its higher chance to crit doesn't do much for you since it's not adding to the amount of time you can run your toggles (which is much more important,) and your crit modifier is probably very low. EGO has similar problems; you won't crit often enough for it to matter. STR is next to useless with a PA DPS build.

    If you're planning on tanking OR you want a balanced role, INT/CON is almost always the best way to go. INT gives you all of the benefits of increased sustainability discussed above, and CON is the single best stat for contributing to your overall survivability, granting you a huge bonus to hitpoints and an excellent passive boost to Invulnerability. If you take PFF, CON will be significantly less useful and you should strongly consider taking END instead. In CON + Invuln's case, however, you can very easily take a healing ability (Field Drones from Gadgeteering are amazing and work wonders with Invulnerability users) and find that you are able to take a much larger volume of punishment than a PFF user.
    Originally Posted by tyril132
    In regards to why INT and END work together so well... let's take a look at two different situations:

    Situation A:

    * Maximum Endurance: 200
    * Running 3 toggles; total cost per second = 70 endurance.
    * INT as a super stat; contributing 40% total power cost reduction.

    Situation B:

    * Maximum Endurance: 250
    * Running 3 toggles; total cost per second = 70 endurance.
    * INT as a super stat; contributing 40% total power cost reduction.

    In situation A, without your INT bonus, you would run out of endurance in ~2.86 seconds. With INT bonus included, you will run out of endurance in ~4.76 seconds. This is a difference of ~1.90 seconds.

    In situation B, without your INT bonus, you would run out of endurance in ~3.57 seconds. With INT bonus included, you will run out of endurance in ~5.95 seconds. This is a difference of ~2.38 seconds.

    What does this mean? In layman's terms, the more endurance you stack, the better the benefits of INT are. Both of them provide added sustainability on their own, but together, they create a synergistic effect that enhances the properties of INT, making it even better than it would be normally.

    In order for Recovery to 'break even' with INT and END, the benefits it provides to your ability to sustain multiple toggles must be greater than or equal to the benefits provided by INT and END. However, since the endurance generated by momentum is not based on a percentage of your maximum endurance, but a static amount determined solely by your Recovery stat, this very rarely happens in practical application.

    ...All of that having been said, I feel it necessary to point out that REC is not a bad stat for Power Armor. In fact, it's pretty good. Taking it helps to reduce the amount of 'building' time from 0 endurance to the amount needed to sustain an attack chain, which is a good thing... It's just not better than INT on a 1:1 basis.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    After reading this guide... Im rerolling my Power Armor for the FIFTH TIME tomorrow :(

    SO depressing... I wish they would just let us Retcon ONE power without having to totally modify everything...

    I just need to switch Str/Con to Int/Con.... *sigh*

    Build by championBuilder 0.2.4

    Download this Build here.

    PA IntCon EndRec: Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Intelligence
    Level 13: Super Constitution

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 5: Invulnerability -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 5: Jet Boots
    Level 8: Micro Munitions -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 11: Unbreakable -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 14: Shoulder Launcher -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 17: Energy Shield
    Level 20: Bountiful Chi Resurgence -- Rank 2
    Level 23: Containment Field
    Level 26: Orbital Cannon -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 29: Mini Mines -- Rank 2
    Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers
    Level 35: Field Drones -- Rank 2
    Level 35: Teleport
    Level 38: Resurgence -- Rank 2

    Level 1: Electric Potential
    Level 6: Tireless
    Level 9: Energetic
    Level 12: Amazing Stamina
    Level 15: Quick Recovery
    Level 18: Boundless Reserves
    Level 21: Investigator
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well im lvl 17 PA and my bild is str/int and have had no prob with solo so far and pvp but after reading this thread im going to reroll int/end and i cant even emagin how power full this framwork would be cause i seem to just own everything in my path. now i do use block often and i find that is the reason most people have problems with this game :) but thx for all the great info
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Awesome guide Calyptic, very helpful xD thanks
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    First off I want to say thanks for all the great responses.

    I think I have an idea what i want to do, but I believe I screwed up in the middle with one power (Laser Sword). So my first question is should I just keep moving forward, or reroll? Second is really where should I go from here even if I take invulnerability. I know I want mini gun, but after that I kind trail off (Force field powers do look nice).

    Current Build:
    Build by championBuilder 0.2.4

    Download this Build here.

    : Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Intelligence
    Level 13:

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet
    Level 5: Laser Sword
    Level 5: Flight
    Level 8: Micro Munitions
    Level 11: Targeting Computer
    Level 14:
    Level 17:
    Level 20:
    Level 23:
    Level 26:
    Level 29:
    Level 32:
    Level 35:
    Level 35:
    Level 38:

    Level 1: Mechanized
    Level 6: Brilliant
    Level 9: Investigator
    Level 12:
    Level 15:
    Level 18:
    Level 21:

    Proposed Build
    Build by championBuilder 0.2.4

    Download this Build here.

    : Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Intelligence
    Level 13: Super Endurance

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet
    Level 5: Invulnerability
    Level 5: Flight
    Level 8: Micro Munitions
    Level 11: Targeting Computer
    Level 14: Mini Gun
    Level 17:
    Level 20:
    Level 23:
    Level 26:
    Level 29:
    Level 32:
    Level 35:
    Level 35:
    Level 38:

    Level 1: Mechanized
    Level 6: Brilliant
    Level 9: Investigator
    Level 12: Energetic
    Level 15:
    Level 18:
    Level 21:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If you dont plane on meleeing dont get power sword. you cant run mini gun + lazer sword or any thing + lazer sword. At lest that was the case last time i tried in CB. Lazer sword is a energy hog.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i wouldnt say re rolling cause it would take you less time to just make some resorces and pay for the respec thing at the trainers not sure exactly what they are called but thats what i did and i paid for half my lvls to be redone and it only took a couple of hours to get the currency needed to do it :)

    yes i know my spelling sucks :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    As a follow up question, should I get PFF or Invul... or even something else? I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions down the line about rankings, but at least I want to get off ont he right path.

    In addition after that are there any good powers that help get your energy back thats actually worth the investment.

    (Edit) Also is targetting computer worth it?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    After reading this guide... Im rerolling my Power Armor for the FIFTH TIME tomorrow :(

    SO depressing... I wish they would just let us Retcon ONE power without having to totally modify everything...

    I just need to switch Str/Con to Int/Con.... *sigh*

    Build by championBuilder 0.2.4

    Download this Build here.

    PA IntCon EndRec: Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Intelligence
    Level 13: Super Constitution

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 5: Invulnerability -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 5: Jet Boots
    Level 8: Micro Munitions -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 11: Unbreakable -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 14: Shoulder Launcher -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 17: Energy Shield
    Level 20: Bountiful Chi Resurgence -- Rank 2
    Level 23: Containment Field
    Level 26: Orbital Cannon -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 29: Mini Mines -- Rank 2
    Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers
    Level 35: Field Drones -- Rank 2
    Level 35: Teleport
    Level 38: Resurgence -- Rank 2

    Level 1: Electric Potential
    Level 6: Tireless
    Level 9: Energetic
    Level 12: Amazing Stamina
    Level 15: Quick Recovery
    Level 18: Boundless Reserves
    Level 21: Investigator

    How did you manage to pick up shoulder launcher? I'm at lvl 17 now with the same powers as your build except I grabbed energy shield at 14 but shoulder launcher is still greyed out for me now.

    Edit: Nvm just found out about the bug with a little forum searching.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    mainly using this as a tank build atm shoulder launcher is not worth it atm. They need to change it so its a charge up and stick a CD on it cause the delay currently for firing i aweful. Anyway i got laser sword mainly with energy shield and talents so i can tank single targets better. I may take up the taunt talent from WB as even at low energy can give quick snap aggro. Laser sword is good when u start stacking INT the cost reduces drasticly mine went from 60 at level5 to 25 at level 20

    Build by championBuilder 0.2.4

    Download this Build here.

    anon: Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Intelligence
    Level 13: Super Constitution

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter -- Accelerated Metabolism, Automated Assault
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet
    Level 5: Invulnerability -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 5: Rocket Jump
    Level 8: Micro Munitions -- Rank 2, Rank 3, Challenging Strikes
    Level 11: Mini Gun -- Rank 2, Teflon Coated Rounds
    Level 14: Energy Shield -- Rank 2, Laser Knight
    Level 17: Field Drones -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 20: Laser Sword -- Particle Acceleration, Crippling Challenge
    Level 23: Unbreakable -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 26: Munitions Bots
    Level 29: Sonic Device
    Level 32: Mini Mines -- Wall Of Fire
    Level 35: Concussor Beam
    Level 35: Teleport
    Level 38: Entangling Mesh

    Level 1: Mechanized
    Level 6: Enduring
    Level 9: Brilliant
    Level 12: Mighty
    Level 15: Physical Conditioning
    Level 18: Healthy Mind
    Level 21: Bodybuilder
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I played around Power Armor ALOT in beta. Got to play one at 40 alot and see how I liked it. I have come with one build that is great both in pve and pvp. This is the most success I have had with power armor. Its got great support with the ability to MEGA debuff the targets defenses, dish out good damage, and have respectable survivability.

    Build by championBuilder 0.2.4

    Download this Build here.

    : Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Constitution
    Level 13: Super Endurance

    Level 1: Force Bolts -- Energy Refraction
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet -- Rank 2, Rank 3, Accelerated Metabolism
    Level 5: Energy Shield -- Rank 2
    Level 5: Teleport
    Level 8: Defiance -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 11: Laser Sword -- Particle Acceleration
    Level 14: Mini Gun -- Teflon Coated Rounds, Rank 2, Accelerated Metabolism
    Level 17: Bionic Shielding
    Level 20: Nanobot Swarm -- Rejuvenating Injectors, Rank 2
    Level 23: Unbreakable
    Level 26: Mindful Reinforcement -- Revitalizing Boost
    Level 29: Bountiful Chi Resurgence -- Resurgent Reiki
    Level 32: Force Eruption -- Gravitational Polarity
    Level 35: Micro Munitions -- Alpha Strike, Rank 2, Challenging Strikes
    Level 35: Jet Boots
    Level 38: Munitions Bots -- Rank 2

    Level 1: Abyssal
    Level 6: Enduring
    Level 9: Energetic
    Level 12: Brilliant
    Level 15: Healthy Mind
    Level 18: Boundless Reserves
    Level 21: Investigator

    Your bread and butter combo will be Minigun + power gauntlets. Minigun strips 30% of the targets defense and lets power gauntlets to really hit quite hard. The energy sword is for anything that gets close and just take 1 or 2 swings to slap another massive defense debuff on the target. You won't be able to utilize micro munitions till later on when you have alot of END and even then I reserve for when I need to spike. I'm a pvper so I took Alpha Strike but you can swap it for Rank 3 if you want it more for the AoE.

    Power armor is an energy hog and Defiance helps you live longer AND it feeds you more energy so you can spam Minigun + Power Guantlet nearly nonstop.

    Bionic shielding + nanobots with heal upgrade is obviously great survivability synergy. Mindful reinforcement wont be an end all heal but it will give you your energy back when it breaks and you can spam it to keep a dmg shield constantly on because when it breaks you get a new one. Bountiful Chi is a nice heal that just helps with surviving. Force Eruption helps you blow away stuff when you are held or for a KB CC, its advantage also lets you buff your damage by 20%. Combine it with the munition bots you can plant yourself and become a turret farm that does nasty nasty damage.

    That is my end all be all power armor build. I have had great success with it and I hope sharing this with some peeps can help them enjoy their power armor toon more. I know it doesn't take alot of power armor abilities but they are your bread and butter of the build. Nothing cooler than a shoulder mounted mini gun, laser pew pew, missile swarm robot commin at you :P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Respute wrote:
    I played around Power Armor ALOT in beta. Got to play one at 40 alot and see how I liked it. I have come with one build that is great both in pve and pvp. This is the most success I have had with power armor. Its got great support with the ability to MEGA debuff the targets defenses, dish out good damage, and have respectable survivability.

    God damm you, that's pretty much my build and you're going to get it nurfed. Shut up about Defiance and it's synergy with PA. Er . . . I mean this build is a load of crap and you've totally gimped yourself. Time to rr n00b.

    In all seriousness, my build is almost exactly the same except I didn't take laser sword. I waited until level 20 to get minigun and took mm at 23 - but I got bionic shielding and nanobots early. Was a bit of a late bloomer, but it worked out.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    BloodzAT wrote:
    As a follow up question, should I get PFF or Invul... or even something else? I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions down the line about rankings, but at least I want to get off ont he right path.

    In addition after that are there any good powers that help get your energy back thats actually worth the investment.

    (Edit) Also is targetting computer worth it?

    Any thoughts on this? I just pulled the trigger and am getting invul, micro and mini, but later on not sure about targetting etc...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Dudelander wrote:
    God damm you, that's pretty much my build and you're going to get it nurfed. Shut up about Defiance and it's synergy with PA. Er . . . I mean this build is a load of crap and you've totally gimped yourself. Time to rr n00b.

    In all seriousness, my build is almost exactly the same except I didn't take laser sword. I waited until level 20 to get minigun and took mm at 23 - but I got bionic shielding and nanobots early. Was a bit of a late bloomer, but it worked out.

    hehe I do agree it is a very powerful build and I intend to run it as an alt, i'm trying to make a combat medic build of sorts, but I don't see it getting nerfed. You are still very vulnerable to burst damage before defiance stacks, CC, and you don't energy when not being attacked. Although as an all around good build that supports in pvp and pve it is quite awesomesauce :D

    Nothing like watching how fast a person dies in pvp after you have laser sworded them and then have minigun with teflon coated rounds on them. Needles to say its amazing with an assist train.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    BloodzAT wrote:
    As a follow up question, should I get PFF or Invul... or even something else? I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions down the line about rankings, but at least I want to get off ont he right path.

    In addition after that are there any good powers that help get your energy back thats actually worth the investment.

    (Edit) Also is targetting computer worth it?

    Targeting Computer is useful the more targets you have. It's good if you plan on picking up mostly or excusivly the AoE PA powers. With enough targets to hit you will have nearly unlimited energy but only if you have enough targets. However take note that Molecular Self Assembly is better with certain PA that force a small cooldown on all other powers, such as micro munitions, results in nearly endless energy against any number of targets but only works with "certain" powers. Quarry is also very good and affects ALL powers.

    PFF vs Invuln is a matter of how you intend to play. PFF is a great defense for a burst character or someone who isnt expecting alot of damage. Healers cant really "heal" the shield and once its down you drop pretty fast, but it does regenerate itself pretty quickly. It also stacks with good DPS stats such as EGO and END so you can dabble in DEX and good DPS out of it. Invuln is better if you intend on taking damage and have healer support. However it scales with CON/STRE which is more tailored for a melee tank. Defiance is great with PA because it returns energy and only scales with CON giving you leeway for another super stat of your choice.

    For pure power return targetting computer is good vs many targets (more pve orientated), molecular self assembly with specific powers (micro munitions for example that force a small cooldown), or Quarry that flat reduces the cost of powers and affects everything and synergizes well with high intelligence. If you want a mixture of defense and power return Defiance is the way to go.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This is my planned build . At lvl 19 now have not have any problems with soloing.

    [Build by championBuilder 0.3.2

    Download this Build here.

    anon: Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Intelligence
    Level 13: Super Endurance

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter -- Rank 2, Accelerated Metabolism, Automated Assault
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet
    Level 5: Concussor Beam -- Rank 2, Rank 3, Accelerated Metabolism
    Level 5: Jet Boots -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 8: Force Shield -- Force Sheath
    Level 11: Force Eruption -- Gravitational Polarity
    Level 14: Mini Gun -- Accelerated Metabolism
    Level 17: Personal Force Field -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 20: Field Surge -- Power Swell
    Level 23: Arcane Vitality -- Impart Freedom
    Level 26: Shoulder Launcher -- Bunker Buster
    Level 29: Chest Beam
    Level 32: Force Detonation
    Level 35: Circle Of Arcane Power
    Level 35: Teleport -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 38: Containment Field

    Level 1: Mechanized
    Level 6: Brilliant
    Level 9: Energetic
    Level 12: Enduring
    Level 15: Healthy Mind
    Level 18: Investigator
    Level 21: Boundless Reserves
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My highest lvl hero (lvl 16) so far is Power Armor/Might, but the only Might power I have so far is Beatdown. I find Beatdown complements Power Armor because I can pretty much knock the tar out of anything that gets too close without worrying about running out of energy fast. (Its saved my butt during fights against Villains and Master Villains several times)

    I like Mini-Gun a lot, but I hate that it keeps shooting at defeated targets; hope that's a bug they fix and not intended.

    Concussor Beam is awesome. I have one hero I made who is a cyborg and took it on him as his only PA power (his others are Dual Blades and Gadgeteering) and I use it a lot more than hissingle-target Gadgeteering attacks. (I'll drop a Particle Mine when fighting groups and use Concussor Beam on whichever enemy still alive has the most health left or is the biggest threat)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    So, Is an Int/Rec build just plain fail then over Int/End? I don't really get what the End description means by "Energy Return from fighting powers", is that referring to things like Accel Metabolism?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If you look at the latest Test Server patch notes, Int is being changed with the way it effects PA's toggle poweres. For the worse, from the looks of it. I'm not sure what the outcome will be. It sounds like they are trying to make it more difficult to run multiple PA toggles at once.

    After this change, not sure if Int/Con will still be the way to roll PA.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Halogen wrote:
    If you look at the latest Test Server patch notes, Int is being changed with the way it effects PA's toggle poweres. For the worse, from the looks of it. I'm not sure what the outcome will be. It sounds like they are trying to make it more difficult to run multiple PA toggles at once.

    After this change, not sure if Int/Con will still be the way to roll PA.

    Well the "bug fix" on the test server is only important if you have a mix like str/int or con/int. The impact with a end/int build is not that big. I have atm 383 energy and a 0,94 power cost decrease I can live with the changes. ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    well just a quick reply from my experience playing PA up to level 16 so far

    seem to rape pretty much anything i come across with careful use of energy shield

    anyway i rolled with wrist bolter, laser sword, mini gun and micro munitions

    grabbed invulnerability field and energy shield for defense and went with heavy str/con/int talents/items etc.

    im not exactly far in the game but PA seems perfectly fine if played right
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Primary staT: con.
    secondary end. int via equipment.

    powers: wrist bolter with whatever upgrades you want. as energy builder

    defense: whatever you think is most awesome.

    concussor beams with at least rank 2 <-- main damage.

    Support power: that circle that gives you endurance.

    basicly<: you soak up damage like a sponge while beaming to death anything. having 3-4 full salvos from the conc beams with a 4-5 second refil through energy build will seriously kill anything you come across, kept other players.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have a 33 PA which can kill about everything you can throw at him.

    He has as secondary set Gadgeteering. I run both minigun and micromunitions together without issues. My SS are Int and Rec. For items i have taken Con and END as pri;ary choice and int and rec as secondary. I have on my primary item slots items that have a chance to give extra endurancem as well as an itemthat halves the endurance usage for ranged skills. You can also create such an itemwith science tradeskill m but there is no text on the item and thus i aint sure it actually works.

    You also can take force shield as bocking skill and upgrade it with sheating so that it lingers and keeps giving you endurance while using your toggles.I did not do it on this char. A must to take is also sonic device.

    IMO PA isnt broken, but it is one of those powerframes where you need to learn what to use as items and such.

    I have regen which is not the best choice but it allows me to turtle up in case i get in trouble against alot of mobs which usually is inside a lair , while my turrets finish the job.

    70 percent of the time i end a fight with 80- 100 percent of endurance filled. Forget the single target toggles , they are useless at this moment. Also the Rocket toggle fails imo but i do use that one for fun.

    For those not believing mefeel free to lookme upingame and ill show you
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I've really enjoyed my PA character so far. My build is something like this (only in the mid 20s so far):

    Build by championBuilder 0.3.2

    Download this Build here.

    Gold Aegis: Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Endurance
    Level 13: Super Constitution

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter
    Level 1: Concussor Beam -- Rank 2, Accelerated Metabolism
    Level 5: Invulnerability -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 5: Jet Boots -- Rank 2
    Level 8: Laser Sword -- Rank 2, Particle Acceleration
    Level 11: Mini Gun -- Rank 2, Accelerated Metabolism, Teflon Coated Rounds
    Level 14: Energy Shield -- Rank 2, Laser Knight
    Level 17: Micro Munitions -- Rank 2
    Level 20: Unbreakable
    Level 23: Arcane Vitality -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 26: Orbital Cannon -- Rank 2, Anvil of Dawn
    Level 29: Resurgence -- Evanescent Emergence
    Level 32: Mindful Reinforcement -- Revitalizing Boost
    Level 35: Chest Beam
    Level 35: Teleport
    Level 38: Immolation

    Level 1: Abyssal
    Level 6: Boundless Reserves
    Level 9: Healthy Mind
    Level 12: Investigator
    Level 15: Bodybuilder
    Level 18: Physical Conditioning
    Level 21: Jack Of All Trades

    I do have a respec saved and I'm considering switching to Int / Con superstats.... right now I'm focusing on Int and a bit of Str from gear. My main strategy at lower levels was to use Mini Gun as an opener, or Minigun plus Micro Munitions if I have enough energy, and then build up energy and cut things down with Laser Sword. Minigun + Micro Munitions will usually wipe out henchmen or get them close to dead, and Laser Sword is great on Villains or above. Concussor Beam is also good for villains or lone remaining henchmen... in particular it's great against melee villains since it keeps them back away from you. I prefer it to Power Gauntlet because of the repel. Of course once I got Orbital Cannon I just started opening with that when possible... it's such a fun power. :)

    I find that Invulnerability plus Arcane Vitality makes me very hard to kill, especially with Unbreakable. In tough supervillain fights I can turn off all attacks, hit Unbreakable, and then alternate blocking (for energy) and Arcane Vitality to get most of my health back before Unbreakable wears off. And unlike Resurgence, Arcane Vitality has no cooldown... you can use it any time you have energy.

    I'm sure there are better builds, but this one has been fun and effective. I soloed Stronghold at even level with no deaths, and Fight Club at even level with only a couple. One thing I've really liked is Accelerated Metabolism on Minigun... it often gets a full maintain even without building energy first, and it helps a lot when combining Minigun with Micro Munitions. Minigun plus Concussor Beam is aslo great ranged damage, but the energy cost is extremely high.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Halogen wrote:
    If you look at the latest Test Server patch notes, Int is being changed with the way it effects PA's toggle poweres. For the worse, from the looks of it. I'm not sure what the outcome will be. It sounds like they are trying to make it more difficult to run multiple PA toggles at once.

    After this change, not sure if Int/Con will still be the way to roll PA.

    Did anyone look into that ?
    Like Halogen I'm quite unsure about the consequences for a toggle user, like we PA are, with a CON/INT build (which I just started...)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This is my solo PVE build. I'm level 28 END/INT PA with some gadgeteering. I've put a few points into REC and CON (and a little bit of STR for Invulnerability). I'm also running in Protector. I had to reroll a couple times but as of right now I'm really having no problems taking out large groups and surviving. I don't know if this matters but I started doing nemesis stuff at 25 and have so far had no difficulty.

    Build by championBuilder 0.3.2

    Download this Build here.

    Blueprint: Level 40 Champion

    Level 5: Super Endurance
    Level 13: Super Intelligence

    Level 1: Wrist Bolter -- Automated Assault, Accelerated Metabolism
    Level 1: Power Gauntlet
    Level 5: Invulnerability -- Rank 2, Rank 3
    Level 5: Jet Boots -- Rank 2
    Level 8: Micro Munitions -- Rank 2
    Level 11: Energy Shield -- Rank 2
    Level 14: Mini Gun -- Teflon Coated Rounds, Rank 2
    Level 17: Field Drones
    Level 20: Unbreakable
    Level 23: Entangling Mesh
    Level 26: Orbital Cannon -- Anvil of Dawn, Rank 2

    Level 1: Technological Intuition
    Level 6: Brilliant
    Level 9: Enduring
    Level 12: Energetic
    Level 15: Boundless Reserves
    Level 18: Investigator
    Level 21: Tireless
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I'm looking for help with a good power armor build.

    Right now here's what I'm looking at.

    Super Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Mighty (Rank 1)
    Mini Gun (Rank 1)
    Wrist Bolter (Rank 2)
    Tireless (Rank 1)
    Invulernable (Rank 1)
    Energetic (Rank 1)
    Super Constitution (Rank 1)
    Power Gauntlet (Rank 2)
    Energy Shield (Rank 1)
    Jet Boots (Rank 1)
    Power Gauntlet (Rank 1)
    Wrist Bolter (Rank 1)
    Power Armor (Rank 1)


    Health: 2159/2159
    Energy: 46/157
    Strength: 64
    Dexterity: 10
    Intelligence: 45
    Ego: 13
    Presence: 10
    Recovery: 18
    Endurance: 57
    Offense: 0
    Crit Chance: 0.92%
    Crit Severity: 33%
    Physical Defense: 26.88
    Energy Defense: 26.88
    Dodge: 10%
    Avoidance: 16.67%

    Now I'm fresh out of WoW, this is my second day playing. The hell am I doing? Anything right? Anything wrong?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    War-Spider wrote:
    I'm looking for help with a good power armor build.

    Right now here's what I'm looking at.

    Super Intelligence (Rank 1)
    Mighty (Rank 1)
    Mini Gun (Rank 1)
    Wrist Bolter (Rank 2)
    Tireless (Rank 1)
    Invulernable (Rank 1)
    Energetic (Rank 1)
    Super Constitution (Rank 1)
    Power Gauntlet (Rank 2)
    Energy Shield (Rank 1)
    Jet Boots (Rank 1)
    Power Gauntlet (Rank 1)
    Wrist Bolter (Rank 1)
    Power Armor (Rank 1)


    Health: 2159/2159
    Energy: 46/157
    Strength: 64
    Dexterity: 10
    Intelligence: 45
    Ego: 13
    Presence: 10
    Recovery: 18
    Endurance: 57
    Offense: 0
    Crit Chance: 0.92%
    Crit Severity: 33%
    Physical Defense: 26.88
    Energy Defense: 26.88
    Dodge: 10%
    Avoidance: 16.67%

    Now I'm fresh out of WoW, this is my second day playing. The hell am I doing? Anything right? Anything wrong?

    Wow, massive thread necro. Go to my guide for help.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Post deleted by KenpoJuJitsu3
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I googled, this thread came up first. I figured to use it since there was already people posting in it rather then make my own. Since it's a general interest topic and mine would be nothing not already expressed here, I thought it was appropriate.

    Never mind me then.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Post deleted by KenpoJuJitsu3
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