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Release Notes 12/19/2024

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
edited December 2024 in Release Notes
Winter Event
  • Added Tundra sidekick to the event mission store.
  • Added Cryogenic Tights costume to the event mission store.
  • Added Cryogenic Bracers costume to the event store.
  • Added Frigid weapon auras to the event store.
  • Starting on 12/26/2024 7am ST, there Festive Lance and Cryogenic Boots costumes will be available in the event store.
  • Added Callous Cleaver, Glacial Rend, Ice Breaker and Frozen Spear power variant devices as possible drops from Clarence.
  • Clarence has been spotted around Millennium City!
  • Completing the The March of the Mecha Soldiers daily mission grants a Winter Wonderland Charm. This currency can be obtained once every 20 hours on your account.

Reprint Event
  • This event is over.

Alert Event
  • For the next week completing Alerts will give bonus rewards.

Story Event
  • Starting on 12/26/2024, for 1 week story missions will give bonus rewards.

ZEN Store
For the next 2 weeks there will be a 20% discount on the ZEN store.

The Magnificent Keypack will be available for the next 2 weeks.
  • Cost: 3000 ZEN
  • 35x Cosmic Keys of Power
  • 1x Regal Flight

The Cryogenic Keypack will be available for the next 2 weeks.
  • Cost: 900 ZEN
  • 10x Cosmic Keys of Power
  • 1x Cryogenic Tube Costume

  • Added Mineral material unlocks to the Questionite store.
  • Added Melee Weapon Aura: Default to the Questionite store. This aura removes any material overrides on a weapon. Example: The Ice material override on the new Heavy Weapon power variant devices. This has no effect on weapons that inherently have a special material, like TK Blades.

  • Updated power visuals.
  • Howl ability can now apply Hard Frost.

  • Frigid Bite: Deals Cold damage and has a 20% chance to apply Chill. Heals self 2.5% health.
  • Frigid Maul: 10ft cone. Deals Cold damage in a cone in front of it and has a 20% chance to apply Chill. 50% chance to knock down targets. Heals self 2.5% health.
  • Frigid Swipe: 10ft cone. Deals Cold damage in a cone in front of it and has a 20% chance to apply Chill. Heals self 2.5% health.
  • Lunge: Lunges to target.
  • Chilling Roar: 15ft pbaoe. Deals Cold damage to targets around it. Knocks up targets. Disorients targets. 20 second recharge.
  • Polar Breath: 50ft range. Deals cold damage to targets in front of it. Applies Chill. 10 second recharge.

Open Missions
  • Fixed an issue where the Jailbreak open mission was not granting the new rewards properly.
  • Increased the health of the bosses.

  • Fixed an issue where Teleiosaurus's ranged spit attack had lower damage and activation time than her melee bites.

Players who owned Ice Burst or Chilled Form have received a respec.

Ice Cages
  • Updated visuals so shattered and expired ice cages vanish in time with the actual explosion effect.

Ice Column
  • Updated column fx.

  • Fixed an issue where various parts of the fx did not hue shift correctly.

Arc Of Ruin
  • Fixed an issue with the ground swipe position.

  • Fixed an issue with how Cold Snap and Chill was being calculated in this power's damage. In its previous state, Cold Snap added very little damage despite what the tooltip stated, while Chill was adding too much.
  • Cold Snap will now increase the total damage of Shatter by 30%, including any Chill bonus added onto it.
  • The bonus damage for Chill has been corrected, and is about 12% less than before. The original tooltip values were much lower than the actual damage bonus.

Icy Embrace
  • Now also triggers off of shattering Ice Structures.

Chilled Form
  • Added FX.

New Power: Frigid Determination
  • Ice Framework
  • Applies a stack of Focus anytime you apply or refresh Chill, or Shatter an ice Structure.

Power Variant Devices
Callous Cleaver
  • Scales off of Cleave
  • Deals Cold melee damage in cone around you.
  • Chance to Chill targets.
  • On the last hit, chance to apply Hard Frost to your primary target.
  • Refreshes a portion of Chill based on rank of the power.

Glacial Rend
  • Scales off of Eruption
  • 15 second recharge
  • Deals Cold melee damage in a cone in front of you.
  • Stuns targets.
  • Creates a Ice Column at your primary target.
  • Places Eruption and Ice Burst on cooldown.

Ice Breaker
  • Scales off of Skullcrusher
  • Deals Cold melee damage in a 10ft sphere around your target.
  • Knocks Down targets.
  • Deals additional damage if a target is affected by your Chill, and additional damage if you are affected by Cold Snap. Expires all of your Chill stacks.
  • Shatters any Ice Objects.

Frozen Lance
  • Scales off of Skewer
  • Deals cold melee damage to target.
  • Deals damage to additional targets in a 5ft sphere around your target if you are affected by Cold Snap.
  • Deals additional damage for each Chill on the target.
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • heroshima1heroshima1 Posts: 110 Arc User
    "Trade Paperback
    This event is over."

    Do you mean Reprint Event?
  • stormstryke2stormstryke2 Posts: 30 Arc User
    Reprint vendors are gone? Or will they be around a week to cash in?
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    Please fix the Typo in [Scorching Claw] where it mentions FRENZY instead of SHRED on the Tooltip
    Added Tundra sidekick to the event mission store.

    🐻 🐻‍❄️ B E A R 🐻‍❄️ 🐻
    Power Variant Devices
    Callous Cleaver

    Scales off of Cleave
    Deals Cold melee damage in cone around you.
    Chance to Chill targets.
    On the last hit, chance to apply Hard Frost to your primary target.
    Refreshes a portion of Chill based on rank of the power.

    Glacial Rend

    Scales off of Eruption
    15 second recharge
    Deals Cold melee damage in a cone in front of you.
    Stuns targets.
    Creates a Ice Column at your primary target.
    Places Eruption and Ice Burst on cooldown.

    Ice Breaker

    Scales off of Skullcrusher
    Deals Cold melee damage in a 10ft sphere around your target.
    Knocks Down targets.
    Deals additional damage if a target is affected by your Chill, and additional damage if you are affected by Cold Snap. Expires all of your Chill stacks.
    Shatters any Ice Objects.

    Frozen Lance

    Scales off of Skewer
    Deals cold melee damage to target.
    Deals damage to additional targets in a 5ft sphere around your target if you are affected by Cold Snap.
    Deals additional damage for each Chill on the target.


    Cleave and Skullcrusher are GOOD now (as PVDS)
    Added Melee Weapon Aura: Default to the Questionite store. This aura removes any material overrides on a weapon. Example: The Ice material override on the new Heavy Weapon power variant devices. This has no effect on weapons that inherently have a special material, like TK Blades.
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    Added Melee Weapon Aura: Default to the Questionite store. This aura removes any material overrides on a weapon. Example: The Ice material override on the new Heavy Weapon power variant devices. This has no effect on weapons that inherently have a special material, like TK Blades.
    Shame it doesn't work with Toxic Blades, but again Toxic Blades are just TK Blades with CRACKED UP STACKED Visuals

    (Why the Melee weapon aura Space doesn't work on them thought?

    Now... how will this work when using invisible weapons? 🤔
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • thisiscraftaaathisiscraftaaa Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    The ice pick costume unlock appears to now be missing from the event costume store, with festive lance in its place.
    Post edited by thisiscraftaaa on
    The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.

    This is my cry for help
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User

    The Magnificent Keypack will be available for the next 2 weeks.
    • Cost: 3000 ZEN
    • 35x Cosmic Keys of Power
    • 1x Magnificent Flight

    Not a biggie but the flight power is Regal Flight and not Magnificent Flight.
  • chimerafreekchimerafreek Posts: 412 Arc User
    Winter Event
    Added Melee Weapon Aura: Default to the Questionite store. This aura removes any material overrides on a weapon. Example: The Ice material override on the new Heavy Weapon power variant devices. This has no effect on weapons that inherently have a special material, like TK Blades.
    I feel like it would have just made more sense to do this the other way around and NOT have the weapon get the override from the PVD and instead just made it an ice aura for weapons.

  • heroshima1heroshima1 Posts: 110 Arc User
    2 things.

    1. Reprint vendors should have remained to allow folks to spend their vouchers, just like every other event. Removing them at the end of the event, vs 1 wk after is BS!
    2. The Making Naughty Nice daily is the mission that grants Winter Wonderland charms, not March of the Mecha Soldiers.
  • h4forumsh4forums Posts: 288 Arc User
    undocumented change:
    jailbreak om bosses have increased durability
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Does the OM drop the promised mods now?
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    With all these element damage melee pvds, when are we getting melee form toggles that scale off of End or Rec?
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    With all these element damage melee pvds, when are we getting melee form toggles that scale off of End or Rec?

    A Healing Toggle for Ice and Electricity would also be welcomed to mix and match, only Fire and Force have one

    I'm using Smoldering as toggle (DEX primary, REC Stacking) on my Fire melee PVD build because I didn't want to change his Build into STR to use the Fire melee Toggle
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • wrathsoul1wrathsoul1 Posts: 682 Arc User
    The Ice Axe costume piece is no longer on the shop.
  • shapey#5696 shapey Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    Bug: Frozen Lance does not have a 100% chance to apply Chilled when fully charged.

    The tooltip for it when Skewer is Rank 3 shows "45% - 100% chance to apply Chill to affected targets," but after testing the device, it had incredibly inconsistent application rate, seemingly more so once the target has 3 stacks of Chilled.

    The bug appears to actually be with Chilled itself. New stacks of Chilled cannot be applied once there are 3 stacks of Chilled on a target. I'm aware they can only stack to 3, but stacking debuffs can be reapplied as 'new' stacks on a target with a separate timer, making it a sort of pseudo-refresh. Currently, Chilled no longer follows this rule, and at least 1 stack has to expire in order for a new stack to be able to be applied.
    Post edited by shapey#5696 on
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    After this patch, Erbil sometimes refuses to spawn, causing the OM to instantly fail and go on CD

    and WOOO BOY you seriously gave the OM bossses too much resistance!

    This is supposed to be a lvl 8-15 OM, the resistance is WAY too much
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    avianos wrote: »
    With all these element damage melee pvds, when are we getting melee form toggles that scale off of End or Rec?

    A Healing Toggle for Ice and Electricity would also be welcomed to mix and match, only Fire and Force have one

    I'm using Smoldering as toggle (DEX primary, REC Stacking) on my Fire melee PVD build because I didn't want to change his Build into STR to use the Fire melee Toggle

    I have a melee Rec primary character who is using Fear Consumption's Mental State proc. The half damage for melee and range is just as high as a damage focused form per stack, so I'm making the most of the Healing and Shielding benefit. I just want something damage focused for Rec melee that isn't power set specific.
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    avianos wrote: »
    With all these element damage melee pvds, when are we getting melee form toggles that scale off of End or Rec?

    A Healing Toggle for Ice and Electricity would also be welcomed to mix and match, only Fire and Force have one

    I'm using Smoldering as toggle (DEX primary, REC Stacking) on my Fire melee PVD build because I didn't want to change his Build into STR to use the Fire melee Toggle

    I have a melee Rec primary character who is using Fear Consumption's Mental State proc. The half damage for melee and range is just as high as a damage focused form per stack, so I'm making the most of the Healing and Shielding benefit. I just want something damage focused for Rec melee that isn't power set specific.

    I believe the premise in your second sentence is in error. As any "damage focused form" will give you twice what you are getting when stacking Rec, when you compare properly.

    That said, I don't personally care about topping leaderboards. I do care about my dps being good enough for Dino dps checks and Eido runs. If they succeed at those, even using a non-dps focused form, I'm good to go. I always have plenty of optimized characters that it's fun to see what else can be fun.

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • spordeliaspordelia Posts: 477 Arc User
    • Added Mineral material unlocks to the Questionite store.
    Amazing! Thank you so much.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    With all these element damage melee pvds, when are we getting melee form toggles that scale off of End or Rec?

    PVDs for toggle forms probably next up?
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    Is there a title for the Mineral Unlocks in the Q Store?

    If not, can I suggest:

    "Precious Stone"
    "Diamond Hard"
    "Magnificent Minerals"
    "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend"
    "Shine Bright Like A Diamond" etc
  • spyderfox333spyderfox333 Posts: 6 Arc User

    Callous Cleaver either is using the incorrect animations, or the AoE numbers are incorrect. The swings that look like Cleave's full 360 swings have tiny arcs while Cleave's tiny AoE last hit is the full 360. Looks very strange.

    Did you mean to give it Brilliant Cleave's animations?
  • rinzler156rinzler156 Posts: 125 Arc User
    You should only remove the Reprint Vendors when the Winter Event ends. This will allow enough time for every player to grab a few more pieces, without relying on drifter salvage to get more in the allotted 2 weeks.

    Also? Removing the voucher vendors after the Reprint ends was unnecessary.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    edited December 2024
    rinzler156 wrote: »
    You should only remove the Reprint Vendors when the Winter Event ends. This will allow enough time for every player to grab a few more pieces, without relying on drifter salvage to get more in the allotted 2 weeks.

    Also? Removing the voucher vendors after the Reprint ends was unnecessary.

    Especially when there were no notes that the vendors would be removed immediately. The devs have trained the players to understandthat vendors will hang around for a week after an event ends. Pulling them immediately after an event ends runs counter to all the expectations crated by dev prior dev practice. Consistency is crucial to keeping players happy.

    Bringing back the Reprint Vendors,with proper announcement for how long they will be around, at the end of the winter event, seems warranted.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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