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Release Notes 10/31/2024

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
  • Added Corrupted Greaves and Boots costumes to the event store.

The Flying Dutchman
This open mission will be available in Vibora Bay during the last week of the Bloodmoon event. The Ghost Ship can be found patrolling around the map.

Phase 1: Defeat Pirate Ghosts in 4 locations.
Phase 2: Defeat Pirate Captains at the docks.
Phase 3: Defeat Dread Pirate Ruperts.

During this fight, the ghost ship will attack random players, and as the fight progresses, begin to summon abyssal beings that increase the resistance of Dread Pirate Ruperts while active. Defeating these entities will remove the boosts.

Once Dread Pirate Ruperts reaches a certain health threshold, he will begin trapping players in a waterspout, dealing unmitigated damage while trapped. Players can be freed from the spout.
  • Added Specter Auras as possible drops.
  • Added Spooky Collar, Spooky Bracers, Spooky Leg Accessories, Spooky Greaves, and Pumpkin Emblem costumes as possible drops.
  • Added Ghostly Wail, Vapors of the Nether Realm, and Abyssal Wave devices as possible drops.
  • Added Ghostly Blades power variant device as a possible drop.
  • Added Ghost Cat and Kitten action figures as possible drops.
  • Added Ghostly costume transformation as a possible drop.
  • Added daily mission for this open mission on Dweomer.

  • New Power: Wrathful Blade
  • Tier1 Heavy Weapons
  • Form
  • Adds a stack of Enrage whenever you apply a Burning effect. Scales off of Strength.

Abyssal Wave
  • Ranged Dimensional damage.
  • 50ft range.
  • Deals damage to targets within a 25ft sphere.
  • Summons 3 Abyss Tentacles to attack nearby targets.
  • 120 second recharge.

Ghostly Wail
  • Ranged dimensional Damage
  • 50ft range.
  • Deals damage in a cone in front of you.
  • Chance to apply Fear. If target is feared, chance to snare instead.
  • Paralyzes targets on full maintain.
  • 90 second recharge.

Vapors of the Nether Realm
  • Applies 5 stacks of Charged Up to you.
  • 90 second recharge.

Power Variant Devices
Ghostly Blades
  • Scales off of Eye of the Storm
  • Deals melee dimensional damage to targets around you.
  • Chance to Fear targets.
  • Heals you for every target hit that is affected by fear.


  • genesis0903genesis0903 Posts: 10 Arc User
    For god's sake.

    Its been more than 2 months since you broke Kigatilik's dogs, still no fix.

    As a player who has been doing "ccing" cosmics for couple of year on this return to the game. I would say that.

    The new "dog chasing" changes that you have introduced on the previous all cosmic tweaks has worsen the ccer's life quality.
    And it does not get fix anything at kigatilik's mechanic as it claimed to be (i dont know why did you get the idea of touching kigatilik) at all but only to make it worst. Because of these reasons.

    1. the guaranteed dog's attack via the new "chasing behaviour" targeting to the cc who usually being expected to take damage, upon Fight initiation befoe the tank. making the ccer taking more damage then it was before because before that dogs was simply walk toward ego storm/telemealstorm and didnt even got chance to bite yet. But now apart from 3-6 of kigatiliks' hits which in total around 24 k damage, has been added up with 4 DOGS Chasing Bites which around7-8k per dog.

    2. Since the dog chasing behaviour that you added is super buggy sometimes the dog is chasing out and stuck on the terrain. All this does not fix "late dog " at all! and sometimes even chasing the ccer/healer/ or anyone who got aggro after phase 1 fight beyond the usually range which making kigatilik fight really rely on whether or not thier aggro gonna get bugged.

    3. The thing that truly need to change is the dog collision behaviours which they usually "wiggling" around its target (which is the cc) and sometimes casing the "dog spread which the wiggling making them spread out whilst affect by Ego storm
    And that is the thing that truly mess things up because they usually get spread out more than the radius of typical mass ccing powers (25 ft) such as from Ego Sleep, Electrocute, Gasping shadows, or the device like Revenacy.

    And again this has been ongoing for more than two months. if you really wanna spend time adding more PVDs...
    Please at least revert back, before September 26 patch and Please admit it that all these

    "Fixed an issue where Kigatilik's hounds could have odd leashing behavior when the fight reset." -
    "Fixed an issue where Kigatilik's hounds would occasionally chase targets far beyond their combat area." -

    all that mentioned hasnt been fixed at all!

    The good dev does not letting the players stuck with buggy endgame contents like this (even we are already has nothing but cosmics to do these days) where everyone suppose to participate to get gear and excel into game play like this.

    Best regards
  • beelzebalzzbeelzebalzz Posts: 6 Arc User
    Thanks for filling in the Toggle Form gap that your new PVDs created.
    Honestly it's silly that this oversight happened and sillier that the only way we get a new power is when it's fixing a problem with devices.

    This new set of devices is basically a whole tree and you could have made it unlockable like the Lockbox Ultimate powers but instead you chose to make it based on drop chances and character bound devices over account bound power unlocks. This limits it to those who are extremely lucky or have a large stockpile of resources available to buy them with.
    It also uses ALL of the PVD slots available to a character which prevents the use of other PVDs, not that any viable build would have room for them.
    So ya, Thanks i guess.
  • abaddon#5073 abaddon Posts: 27 Arc User
    If Flying Dutchman OM it's gonna be a event only mission, needs to have it's cooldown time reduced, or more semi-permanent instances of Vibora Bay needs to be open.

    Remember that usually 1 or at most 2 instances of VB are open, this is not Millenium City.

    If it's gonna stay permanently in the game, it's ok.
  • For god's sake.

    Its been more than 2 months since you broke Kigatilik's dogs, still no fix.

    As a player who has been doing "ccing" cosmics for couple of year on this return to the game. I would say that.

    The new "dog chasing" changes that you have introduced on the previous all cosmic tweaks has worsen the ccer's life quality.
    And it does not get fix anything at kigatilik's mechanic as it claimed to be (i dont know why did you get the idea of touching kigatilik) at all but only to make it worst. Because of these reasons.

    1. the guaranteed dog's attack via the new "chasing behaviour" targeting to the cc who usually being expected to take damage, upon Fight initiation befoe the tank. making the ccer taking more damage then it was before because before that dogs was simply walk toward ego storm/telemealstorm and didnt even got chance to bite yet. But now apart from 3-6 of kigatiliks' hits which in total around 24 k damage, has been added up with 4 DOGS Chasing Bites which around7-8k per dog.

    2. Since the dog chasing behaviour that you added is super buggy sometimes the dog is chasing out and stuck on the terrain. All this does not fix "late dog " at all! and sometimes even chasing the ccer/healer/ or anyone who got aggro after phase 1 fight beyond the usually range which making kigatilik fight really rely on whether or not thier aggro gonna get bugged.

    3. The thing that truly need to change is the dog collision behaviours which they usually "wiggling" around its target (which is the cc) and sometimes casing the "dog spread which the wiggling making them spread out whilst affect by Ego storm
    And that is the thing that truly mess things up because they usually get spread out more than the radius of typical mass ccing powers (25 ft) such as from Ego Sleep, Electrocute, Gasping shadows, or the device like Revenacy.

    And again this has been ongoing for more than two months. if you really wanna spend time adding more PVDs...
    Please at least revert back, before September 26 patch and Please admit it that all these

    "Fixed an issue where Kigatilik's hounds could have odd leashing behavior when the fight reset." -
    "Fixed an issue where Kigatilik's hounds would occasionally chase targets far beyond their combat area." -

    all that mentioned hasnt been fixed at all!

    The good dev does not letting the players stuck with buggy endgame contents like this (even we are already has nothing but cosmics to do these days) where everyone suppose to participate to get gear and excel into game play like this.

    Best regards

    Thank you for breaking all this down. I don't understand how it's ok to just leave them bugged? Cosmics are literally the biggest form of endgame content, and it hasn't been resolved. This is ridiculous. The dogs need to be fixed asap.
  • I would also like to request that something be done about Kiga. It’s been awful for the last couple of months.
  • phasestarphasestar Posts: 127 Arc User
    The Flying Dutchman
    This open mission will be available in Vibora Bay during the last week of the Bloodmoon event. The Ghost Ship can be found patrolling around the map.

    Phase 1: Defeat Pirate Ghosts in 4 locations.
    Phase 2: Defeat Pirate Captains at the docks.
    Phase 3: Defeat Dread Pirate Ruperts.

    During this fight, the ghost ship will attack random players, and as the fight progresses, begin to summon abyssal beings that increase the resistance of Dread Pirate Ruperts while active. Defeating these entities will remove the boosts.

    Once Dread Pirate Ruperts reaches a certain health threshold, he will begin trapping players in a waterspout, dealing unmitigated damage while trapped. Players can be freed from the spout.
    • Added Specter Auras as possible drops.
    • Added Spooky Collar, Spooky Bracers, Spooky Leg Accessories, Spooky Greaves, and Pumpkin Emblem costumes as possible drops.
    • Added Ghostly Wail, Vapors of the Nether Realm, and Abyssal Wave devices as possible drops.
    • Added Ghostly Blades power variant device as a possible drop.
    • Added Ghost Cat and Kitten action figures as possible drops.
    • Added Ghostly costume transformation as a possible drop.
    • Added daily mission for this open mission on Dweomer.

    Thanks, this sounds like fun!

  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    This morning it took about an hour to get through kiga because of how whacky the dogs now are. By contrast ape and dino took about 10 minutes each with the same players. That alone suggests that kiga should be reverted back to his pre-fixed state. The players have been punished enough.

    I know this is the first year for the Dutchman and it's not going to be fixed until next year, but chasing after it with anything less than a r3 flight travel power (maybe also athletics?) is rather pointless. By the time one gets to the next location with anything less than that r3 tp the fight has already moved on. Best to just wait at the dock for the ship to circle back. I recommend taking the next year to turn Grond into some kind of cosmic with the same sort of movement/chase mechanic. That way you can take some time to figure out how to better implement the chase aspect.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • Overall, I think the Kiga changes have made ccing for Kiga much easier than before the changes. Three positives of the fight after the changes:

    1. Initial dog pull AI is more predictable with their lunge attack
    Sometimes before, you would need to be able to take an unblocked dog bite, but now you can do a solo pull consistently with minimal HP and resistance investment.

    2. Dogs will now (more often than not) get cced when a cc is applied to them
    Before changes, cc would (sometimes) apply after an indeterminate amount of time allowing the dogs to shift or even attack you. Waking dogs up from Ego Sleep with certain powers still allows dogs to shift a lot.

    3. Dogs don't have aggro issues anymore
    They used to stick to targets after multiple resets which forced players to build around permanently chain ccing and having threat abilities.

    Points 2 and 3 open up a lot of build diversity for the ccer now that players do not have to build to make up for all the bugs with the dogs. You can now CC Kiga with as little as only 1 dedicated CC power. While the current Kiga still has problems, I think it is in a better state than before the changes.
  • elseguard#5205 elseguard Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2024
    Wrathful Blade works well so far. Its not a big thing, but its kind of weird that it has that name....but shows a hammer as the icon. Seems like an oversight.
  • genesis0903genesis0903 Posts: 10 Arc User
    > @behemothking#9246 said:
    > Overall, I think the Kiga changes have made ccing for Kiga much easier than before the changes. Three positives of the fight after the changes:
    > 1. Initial dog pull AI is more predictable with their lunge attack
    > Sometimes before, you would need to be able to take an unblocked dog bite, but now you can do a solo pull consistently with minimal HP and resistance investment.
    > 2. Dogs will now (more often than not) get cced when a cc is applied to them
    > Before changes, cc would (sometimes) apply after an indeterminate amount of time allowing the dogs to shift or even attack you. Waking dogs up from Ego Sleep with certain powers still allows dogs to shift a lot.
    > 3. Dogs don't have aggro issues anymore
    > They used to stick to targets after multiple resets which forced players to build around permanently chain ccing and having threat abilities.
    > Points 2 and 3 open up a lot of build diversity for the ccer now that players do not have to build to make up for all the bugs with the dogs. You can now CC Kiga with as little as only 1 dedicated CC power. While the current Kiga still has problems, I think it is in a better state than before the changes.

    To be honest, even I agree with your positives point but still. The bugs that are still lingering even though it was said to be fix is still true. After a reset or even p1 the dog still got chance to aggro someone further beyond the usual range, and yes the ‘leashing’ or folks in the game called it ‘buggy floating’ behaviour still there.

    But my points still stand, that

    First, all these changes in past couple of months is adding more damage on the fight initiation than it was before with ‘guaranteed’ attacks from dogs charge attacks. Even how predictable they are now but the damage still there (with usually 2-3k per hit with blocked).

    Secondly, even what that you said is true on aggro changes ‘during the fight’ that need not for the ccer to have a challenge adv on one of their mentalist power(that does not break cc), and ‘might’ open up more possibilities for cc build. But I dont see the possibility of the freshly new cc char (who usually coulnt access to end game gears at beginning) could survive all that intial damage which as i said are : 4-6 of Kiga hits PLUS 4 dog bites all that in very 5 seconds of the fight alone, without the use of certain traditional powers like Bionic Shielding, Masterful dodge. Or even equipped with a less preferrable passive in fight for a support, Aura of Radiant Protection.

    And even that we could say now there is almost no possibility for the cc to ‘not being in a support role or stacking presence’ with all these changes.

    I have couple of Int based Dps/Cc and without the investment on certain devices I couldnt withstand these initial damage , and I used to cc without the need of challenge adv before…

    Even that you could see how, the dev think or well known… about ccing mechanics that used to require challenge adv previously, but the newly added cosmic wonder that has -10% threat on its already contrast on what you said.

    Also, if these changes is truly ‘open up more possibilities’ at least on what I said above, surviving all these damage without those powers, we would already has more folks to build new chars delving into more ccing by now.

    So if you are still expericing the wait of ccer when Kigatilik Om was reset (not include the even time like this ) for a very long time or eventually you are the one who is needed to seitch char and do it yourself. Then I would say that what you implying is not true because all these changes and bugs are already scared people and discouraged many of them to build a cc.

    And about the encouragement of people to engage more into this, whilst the recent change on Blade Tempest the dev immediately response on the complain and added the gear convertion vendor and provided a free respec to Blade Tempest user.

    But for all these cosmics ccing mechanic changes and even before that on Manipulator change ( or fixed) I didnt see any compensation on that from their sides.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Overall, I think the Kiga changes have made ccing for Kiga much easier than before the changes. Three positives of the fight after the changes:

    1. Initial dog pull AI is more predictable with their lunge attack
    Sometimes before, you would need to be able to take an unblocked dog bite, but now you can do a solo pull consistently with minimal HP and resistance investment.

    2. Dogs will now (more often than not) get cced when a cc is applied to them
    Before changes, cc would (sometimes) apply after an indeterminate amount of time allowing the dogs to shift or even attack you. Waking dogs up from Ego Sleep with certain powers still allows dogs to shift a lot.

    3. Dogs don't have aggro issues anymore
    They used to stick to targets after multiple resets which forced players to build around permanently chain ccing and having threat abilities.

    Points 2 and 3 open up a lot of build diversity for the ccer now that players do not have to build to make up for all the bugs with the dogs. You can now CC Kiga with as little as only 1 dedicated CC power. While the current Kiga still has problems, I think it is in a better state than before the changes.

    Are you playing a different game or something? The dogs aggro is still wonky. Their aggro range seems to act up as well. Sometimes they start walking around randomly after resetting. It's not about the dogs being easier to CC for you. They need to function properly so that anyone can make a cc toon and cc them.
  • gammabreakergammabreaker Posts: 249 Arc User
    Playing around with Fiery Spirit, Scorching Claw, and Flaming Frenzy, I've noticed a few things. One bug, the others I'm not sure if they're working as intended or not.

    Fiery Spirit
    • The Unstable Accelerant that it applies does not grant its effect to Fire Snake, even though Fire Snake is specifically listed as a Burning effect three times in its description.
    • Unsure if this part is intended. The Pyre Patch it creates does not rank up with Howl, lasts 10 seconds instead of 16 seconds, and does not scale with Critical Strike & Critical Severity. Flashfire's Pyre Patch, by comparison, does all of the above.

    Flaming Frenzy
    • The secondary effect on Scorching Claw, Engulfing Flames application rate, scales with rank (15/15/50 at R1 to 25/25/100 at R3).
    • The secondary effect on Flaming Frenzy, the healing effect, does not scale with rank at all.
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