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Release Notes 7/25/2024

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
edited July 2024 in Release Notes
Defender's National Training Program
This event will be active for 2 weeks.
  • During this event getting a brand new character to level 40 will give you 3 tokens to use in the event store.
  • It must be a newly made character. Characters made prior to this update will not count.
  • It does not matter how you get to 40.
  • The rewards are given via the Perk system, and may take a few minutes to be rewarded upon hitting level 40.
  • At level 6 any viable character will receive a popup giving information about the event.
  • You do not need any missions to participate.
  • Event currency is now account-wide.
  • Added Baseball emotes to the event store for 2 tokens.
  • Added Baseball Bat costume to the event store for 1 token.

Gear Modification Bonus
For the next week, removing modifications from gear is heavily discounted.

Collector's Lockbox
  • For the next month this lockbox will be dropping.
  • Added the contents of the Scarlet Scarab lockbox to the store.
  • Added the Valorous lockbox to the Drifter's Collector's store.

ZEN Store

The Mercenary Keypack will be available for the next 2 weeks.
  • Cost: 900 ZEN
  • 10x Cosmic Keys of Power
  • 1x Mercenary Armor costume

The Stormsurge Keypack will be available for the next 2 weeks.
  • Cost: 900 ZEN
  • 10x Cosmic Keys of Power
  • 1x Windswept Hair costume

Character Limits
  • Increased Character Limit by 5.

  • Added perks for leveling the Inventor or Fissile archetype to 40. The Inventor perk can be earned retroactively by logging into an existing level 40 Inventor.

  • Fixed an issue where Cosmic Presence could expire other Cosmic effects from other players.
  • Increased the amount of Offense Justice gear gives as a bonus to 175 (from 148).
  • Increased the amount of Defense Distinguished gear gives as a bonus to 65 (from 64)
  • Increased the amount of Healing bonus Virtuous gear gives as a bonus to 40% (from 38).

  • Added cursor scale options to the basic options menu.

  • Fixed an issue where the Helicopter costume was not displaying the blades properly when using Ranks 2 and 3 of Jetpack.

Archetype Changes

New Archetype: The Fissile
Superstats: Intelligence/Dexterity/Recovery
Specializations: Guardian/Vindicator
This archetype does not need to be unlocked.

Power Progression:
  • 1. Particle Rifle
  • 1. Particle Blaster
  • 6. Plasma Radiation
  • 8. Radiation Suit
  • 11. Electromagnet OR Tractor Beam
  • 14. Technological Prowess
  • 17. Pulse Beam Rifle
  • 21. Radiation Shield
  • 25. Molecular Self-Assembly
  • 30. Plasma Cannon
  • 35. Nanobot Swarm or Cloaking Device
  • 40. Orbital Cannon OR Implosion Engine

New Superstats: Intelligence/Presence/Recovery
New Specializations: Overseer/Sentinel
Updated Inventor talent to match new stats.
Added Overseer talent that uses the previous stat spread the Inventor talent had.

Updated Power Progression:
  • 1. Sonic Blaster
  • 1. Experimental Blaster
  • 6. Experimental Burst Ray
  • 11. Support Drones OR Bionic Shielding
  • 14. Technological Advancements
  • 17. Medical Beam
  • 21. Energy Shield
  • 25. Molecular Self-Assembly
  • 30. Resurrection Serum
  • 35. Sonic Device OR Miniaturization Drive
  • 40. Implosion Engine OR Orbital Cannon
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited July 2024
    Power Changes
    All players have received a free respec. As a note free respecs do not stack with any previous ones.
    Some players may also receive a forced respec due to the various power changes in this update. Please visit the powerhouse to reset your powers.

    Detect Vulnerability
    • The scaling of this spec now sharply diminishes after 350 Intelligence (30% armor pen).
    • Adjusted scaling to no longer have a higher scaling at lower levels.

    Intelligence Specializations
    • Swapped Revitalize and Enlightened spec locations.
    • Preparation: Now provides Defense based on your secondary superstats.
    • Enlightened: Now provides healing bonus based on how much cooldown reduction you have from gear. This amount scales normally up to 36%, then has diminished scaling.
    • Revitalize: Increased amount per rank to 3%, reduces total ranks to 2.
    • Tactician: Increased totals ranks to 3.

    Intelligence Mastery
    • Changed to provide +20 Intelligence and +30 maximum power.

    • The healing bonus amount given by this spec has been reduced. This spec scales normally up until a 36% bonus, then uses a diminished scaling.

    Misc Power Changes

    Accelerated Metabolism
    • Reduced cooldown to 10 seconds (from 15).

    Charged Buff
    • Increased duration to 12 seconds (from 10).
    • Increased Flight Speed to +3 (from +2).

    • Increased speed reduction to 50% (From 25%).

    Plasma Beam
    • Increased activate period to 0.5 seconds (from 0.25). Damage and cost has been adjusted to accommodate the change so the power still has the same output.

    • Increased activate period to 0.5 seconds (from 0.25). Damage and cost has been adjusted to accommodate the change so the power still has the same output.

    Call To Battle
    • Increased damage reduction per rank.

    Particle Smash
    • Fixed an issue where the damage radius was incorrect. Radius increased to 20ft.

    Soul Vortex/Implosion Engine
    • Increased the effectiveness of the pull.

    • Chance to apply Clinging Flames now scales with rank.
    • Spitfire adv: Now increases Clinging Flames chance by 10%.

    Fire Breath
    • Chance to apply Clinging Flames now scales with rank.
    • Chemical Burn adv: Now also changes the damage type to particle.
    • Spitfire adv: Now increases Clinging Flames chance by 10%.

    Power Variant Devices
    • Fixed an issue where Technology based PVDs were not being affected by effects that boost Technology powers.

    Telekinetic Assault
    • Fixed an issue with how the bonus damage was being calculated. Players should notice higher bonus damage now.

    Eye Beams
    • FX adjustments for all ranks.

    Luminescent Slash
    • Adjusted animation sequence to look smoother when chaining.
    • End of Line adv: Changed energy thresholds to 65% and 90% (from 70 and 95).

    New Power: Violent Roar
    • Tier 1 Supernatural Bestial.
    • Active Offense.
    • Increases damage and boosts your Strength and Recovery while active.
    • Increases the amount of Energy your Recovery gives you.
    • Adv (2): Chance to apply bleed on all direct damage Supernatural attacks.
    • Adv (2): Adds a damaging component to the Howl ability. Expires all effects of this power once used.

    New Power: Storm Cloud
    • Tier 2 Electricity.
    • 100ft.
    • Deals electrical damage to targets.
    • Attacking a target affected by this Power with direct electrical damage has a chance to Arc to a different target.
    • Attacking a target affected by this Power with direct electrical damage has a chance to apply Negative Ions.
    • Adv (2): Stuns targets.

    New Power: Eye Lasers
    • Tier 0 Laser Sword.
    • Blast.
    • 100ft.
    • Deals Particle damage and has a chance to apply Plasma Burn.
    • Damage is considered melee damage within 15ft, and ranged further away.
    • Refreshes the duration of Plasma Burn depending on the number of stacks on the target.
    • Adv (2): Applies Disintegrate on full charge.
    • Adv (2): Spreads your Plasma Burn and Disintegrate effects to nearby targets.
    • Adv (2): Stuns your target on full charge.
    • Adv (2): Applies Download to you, reducing the cost of Technology powers and increasing the effectiveness of energy builders.


    Implosion Engine
    • Area effect increased to 40ft (from 25). Cost has gone up due to this change.
    • Changed damage type to Particle.

    • All On-Next-Hit abilities now share a linked cooldown of 15 seconds.
    • Fixed an issue where these powers could apply to non-direct damaging abilities.
    • Fixed an issue where On Next Hit abilities were nag flagged as Gadgeteer powers for mod purposes.

    Miniaturization Device
    • No longer applies a generic damage debuff, instead, now applies Disorient to affected targets. This effect scales with rank.
    • Reciprocating Gizmo Adv: Removed the generic damage and speed buff. Now applies 3 stacks of Charged Up.

    Sonic Device
    • Now considered ranged damage. Base damage has been reduced to account for the additional bonuses it now receives due to this change.
    • This power can now critically hit.
    • New Adv (2): Now applies the stun to multiple targets.

    Toxic Nanites
    • Moved to Tier 1 (from Tier 2).
    • Now deals an initial amount of Toxic damage up front. This damage is reduced if used against multiple targets.
    • Applies a stack of Deadly Poison.
    • New Adv (2): Increases the aoe damage of this ability while lowering the single target.
    • New Adv (2): Adds an additional stack of Deadly Poison to the effect.

    Gauntlet Chainsaw
    • Moved to Tier 2 (from Tier 1).
    • Added chance to apply Bleed every hit.
    • Removed Open Wound advantage.
    • Increased maintain duration to 5 seconds.
    • Ripsaw Adv: Damage boost amount now applies as the target's health decreases, up to 35%. (From 30%)

    Pulse Beam Rifle
    • Moved to Tier 3 (from Tier 1).
    • Removed escalating damage effect. Now deals continuous damage.
    • Increased base damage and cost.
    • Increased Critical Rate and Severity, and they now also now adjust based on rank.
    • Adjusted the Hit FX and Pulse FX to not strobe quite as much.
    • Finite Improbability Engine Adv: Increases this power's damage by one rank, and makes the crit/severity bonus a flat rate.
    • New Adv (2): Reduces the cooldown of Technology powers while maintaining.

    Experimental Burst Ray
    • Removed the random effects from this power.
    • Increased chance to apply Disorient based on charge time.
    • Increased the damage boost overcharge gives per stack.
    • Increased Overcharge duration to 10 seconds (from 5).
    • Increased Overcharge max stack count to 5 (from 3).
    • Increased cone radius to 45 degrees (from 30).
    • Increased damage variance to 25% (from 10%).
    • New Adv (2): Chance to apply Bane to targets.
    • New Adv (2): Creates a random Healing Rune one your primary target when fully charged.
    • New Adv (2): Applies Download to you, reducing the cost of Technology powers and increasing the effectiveness of energy builders.
    • New Adv (2): Applies Download to you, reducing the cost of Technology powers and increasing the effectiveness of energy builders.

    Particle Mine
    • The Particle Mine can now be placed anywhere within range.
    • Can now stack up to 5 mines at a time.
    • Now knocks up targets.
    • Removed Ejector Module advantage as the effect is now built into the power.
    • Reduced damage due to new effects.
    • Fixed power coloring issues.
    • New Adv (2): Chance to apply a stack of Plasma Burn.

    Experimental Blaster
    • Removed Confuse effect.
    • Added chance to Disorient. Chance is guaranteed when fully charged.
    • New Adv (2): When fully charged, applies Disintegrate to the target.
    • New Adv (2): If your are injured, scaling chance based on your current health that the base particle damage of this attack will instead heal you.

    Tractor Beam
    • Increased damage and cost.
    • New Adv (2): When fully maintained, applies Disintegrate to your primary target.
    • New Adv (2): Pulls additional targets towards you.
    • New Adv (2): Applies Download to you, reducing the cost of Technology powers and increasing the effectiveness of energy builders.

    Nanobot Swarm
    • This power is now an Active Offense.
    • Grants a damage boost and breakout damage.
    • Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds (from 120) to match other Active powers.
    • Fixed an issue where the amount of recharge reduced was being reduced by how much recharge reduction you had.
    • Reduced base recharge reduction to 15 (from 20) to account for new cooldown time.
    • No longer affects Ultimate or Active power recharges.
    • Rejuvenating Injectors Adv: While this power is active, now heals whenever a power of yours comes off of cooldown.

    Bionic Shielding
    • The heal effect is now considered a heal over time for interaction purposes.
    • Reduced the healing effect by 10%.
    • Added a 3 second cooldown.
    • Overloaded Circuits Adv: The damage from this advantage is now considered reflect damage, no longer scales off of ranged bonuses and can no longer critically hit.

    Resurrection Serum
    • Reduced cooldown to 3 seconds (from 15).
    • New Adv (2): Resurrects up to 3 additional players within 25ft.

    Attack Toys
    • Fixed an issue where Replicated Toys were not considered to be the player's pet. This was causing it to have issues with other power interactions.
    • Updated flight power so they do not toggle it on and off periodically while fighting.

    Strafing Run
    • Changed to use primary target instead of a reticle.
    • Reduced damage and cost.
    • Adjusted how the damage is distributed between each hit so that the majority of the damage is on the last hit.
    • Increased area effect to 15ft (from 10).
    • New Adv (1): Changes damage type to Particle.

    Orbital Cannon
    • Increased damage and cost by a small amount.
    • New Adv (2): Refreshes the duration of Plasma Burn and Disintegrate.

    New Power: Cloaking Device
    • Tier 2 Gadgeteering.
    • Wipes all threat from up to 20 nearby targets.
    • Adv (2): Reduces the amount of threat your attacks generate by 100% for the next 10 seconds.

    New Power: Detonator Switch
    • Tier 3 Gadgeteering.
    • 45 second recharge.
    • Detonates any Particle Mines you have out, and increases their damage radius to 25ft.
    • Explodes all of your Gadget pets within 100ft of you.
    • Depending on what pet is affected deals damage or heals nearby allies.
    • Places all Gadget pets on a 5 second cooldown.
    • Power can only be activated if you have a applicable pet active.

    New Power: Particle Blaster
    • Tier 0 Gadgeteering.
    • Blast.
    • 100ft.
    • Deals Particle damage and has a chance to apply Plasma Burn.
    • Refreshes the duration of Plasma Burn depending on the number of stacks on the target.
    • Adv (2): Applies Disintegrate on full charge.
    • Adv (2): Heals you instead of dealing damage if your health is low.
    • Adv (2): Spreads your Plasma Burn and Disintegrate effects to nearby targets.
    • Adv (2): Applies Download to you, reducing the cost of Technology powers and increasing the effectiveness of energy builders.

    New Power: Medical Beam
    • Tier 2 Gadgeteering.
    • 100ft Range.
    • Heals target.
    • If target is in an offensive or Hybrid Role, boosts their base damage.
    • If target is in Support or Defensive Role, boosts their resistance.
    • Adv (2): Increases the heal on this power for a short time whenever a power comes off of cooldown.
    • Adv (2): Heals allies nearby you for a small amount.

    New Power: Radiation Suit
    • Tier 1 Gadgeteering.
    • Offensive Passive.
    • Boosts Energy damage, and other damage to a lesser degree.
    • Adds a flat amount of damage absorption, and a greater amount against damage over time effects.
    • Increases resistance to Energy damage.
    • Has a 10% chance to apply Plasma Burn when attacking with Energy damage.
      Chance to apply Plasma Burn to targets you damage.

    New Power: Electro Magnet
    • Tier 2 Gadgeteering.
    • 50ft Range.
    • Creates a Electro Magnet at your target's location that pulls nearby targets.
    • Deals a small amount of Particle damage.
    • Creates a Static Field once the effect expires.
    • Adv (1): Chance to apply Negative Ions.
    • Adv (2): Chance to apply Plasma Burn.
    • Adv (1): The Static Field now applies at your location.

    New Power: Radiation Poisoning
    • Tier 1 Gadgeteering.
    • On Next Hit.
    • Cooldown: 30 Seconds.
    • Deals an initial amount of Particle damage up front. This damage is reduced if used against multiple targets.
    • Applies a stack of Plasma Burn.
    • Adv (2): Increases the aoe damage of this ability while lowering the single target.
    • Adv (2): Roots affected targets.
    • Adv (2): Adds an additional stack of Plasma Burn to the effect.

    New Power: Radiation Shield
    • Tier 1 Gadgeteering.
    • Block.
    • Gives higher energy resistance than most shields.
    • Adv (2): Reduces the cooldown of your Technology powers by 1 second whenever you take damage. Does not affect Ultimate or Active powers.

    New Power: Plasma Cannon
    • Tier 3 Gadgeteering.
    • 20 second recharge.
    • 50ft.
    • Deals particle damage to targets in front of you. Deals additional damage for every Radiation effect on the targets.
    • Stuns affected targets.
    • Refreshes the duration of your Plasma Burn and Disintegrate.
    • Adv (2): Applies Restoration.

    New Power: Plasma Radiation
    • Tier 1 Gadgeteering.
    • 50ft Range.
    • Deals particle damage to targets in front of you.
    • Chance to apply Plasma Burn.
    • Adv (2): Increases base damage by 50%, but there is a 5% chance every hit that the power will go on cooldown for 5 seconds.
    • Adv (2): Increases chance to apply Plasma Burn, and guarantees application when fully maintained.
    • Adv (2): Chance to Snare targets, Chance to root targets.
    • Adv (2): Refreshes Plasma Burn.
    • Adv (2): Refreshes Disintegrate.

    New Power: Sonic Amplification
    • Tier 1 Gadgeteering.
    • Energy Unlock.
    • Grants energy whenever you apply Disorient.
    • Scales off of Recovery and Endurance.

    New Power: Technological Prowess
    • Tier 1 Gadgeteering.
    • Ranged damage Form.
    • Scales off of Intelligence.
    • Triggers whenever one of your technology powers is fully charged, maintained, or comes off of cooldown.

    New Power: Technological Advancements
    • Tier 1 Gadgeteering.
    • Healing Form.
    • Scales off of Intelligence.
    • Triggers whenever one of your technology powers is fully charged, maintained, or comes off of cooldown.

    New Power: Energy Blaster
    • Tier 0 Gadgeteering
    • Energy Builder
    • Chance to apply Plasma Burn on the initial hit.
    • Adv (2): Adds a chance to apply Plasma Burn on every hit.
    Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on
  • criswolf09criswolf09 Posts: 761 Arc User
    Hello Kaiserin, I wonder if it is a typo but in the Fissile AT power progression you say level 1. Experimental Blaster. Is this intended or will it have the new Particle Blaster power?
    Useful Guides about Archetypes and General Gameplay of the Game Click Here
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Sure wish we had someone to update the HeroCreator. Maybe someone at CO can reach out to the owner to see if she can be lured back?
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • mutantmaidsmutantmaids Posts: 119 Arc User
    I see that it says the character limit was raised by 5, but I only received 2 character slots, and cannot buy any more.
  • rattlerboyrattlerboy Posts: 5 Arc User
    why not just make another new AT instead of butchering an old one, or are we expected to go FF to keep the builds we liked every time you have the whim to "fix" something.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    I see that it says the character limit was raised by 5, but I only received 2 character slots, and cannot buy any more.

    How many characters do you currently have? The limit was raised from 125 to 130.
  • thisiscraftaaathisiscraftaaa Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited July 2024
    Question: if I retrain an existing level 40 into either of the ATs that now give perks, will that result in me getting the appropriate perk?

    Edit: disregard this question. Just retrained my Fissile (the original Fissile, neat) to be, well, The Fissile, and got the perk plus "The Fissile" title, can confirm it works.
    Post edited by thisiscraftaaa on
    The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.

    This is my cry for help
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Not sure if this is a bug or not. I could not get Hex of Suffering, Soul Vortex, Strafing Run or Implosion Engine to proc stacks of Concentration, even at max range. Worked fine with Soul Beam and Psionic Acc.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • Sharpshooter detoggles when I hit something. Two of my characters don’t have a toggle form anymore. Please fix. :(
  • thisiscraftaaathisiscraftaaa Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited July 2024
    Sharpshooter detoggles when I hit something. Two of my characters don’t have a toggle form anymore. Please fix. :(

    JUST came here to report this bug; it appears that Sharpshooter detoggles itself whenever it WOULD normally gain/refresh stacks in combat. (I.E. good old Two-Gun-Mojo spam for example.)

    Edit: okay, it's being even weirder, now I'm not sure what's doing it, but it's easy to get it to break using muni maintains at least.

    BUG: All instances of Enchanted Fortitude Defense mod and Magical Conditioning Defense mod are Bind On Pickup. This was reported a few weeks back in a thread that for some unknown reason got deleted within an hour or two of reporting. (This same thread reported Coruscating Might and Swift Wings, which WERE successfully fixed before this patch went live, at least going by R3 tooltips.)

    If someone could check the R5, R7 and R9 versions to see if they're different, that would be swell. Please and thank you!
    The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.

    This is my cry for help
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    No mods are bind on pickup, you're looking at them through a store that has binding overrides.
  • thisiscraftaaathisiscraftaaa Posts: 263 Arc User
    No mods are bind on pickup, you're looking at them through a store that has binding overrides.
    Come on, it takes, like, five seconds to check; I wasted 1.5kQ on this...
    The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.

    This is my cry for help
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited July 2024
    Looks like there's a binding override on the questionite store. If you rank them up they'll unbind.
  • historiphilehistoriphile Posts: 97 Arc User
    That detective coat has been in limbo for a while (almost 2 years?). Next time you're doing a keypack, maybe run that again? Or move the coat to the TPB store? I have so many friends who want it and can't get it.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited July 2024
    The Gadgeteer Particle Rifles fourth color is adopting the Base Costume Colors fourth color instead. At least on the Plasma Rifle skin.

    While using super speed TPs the running animations are broke on all new two handed technology powers. They work with acrobatic, but not athletic too. When are we getting animations fixes?

    Are the level 40 archetype titles unlocked account wide?
    Post edited by crypticbuxom on
  • thisiscraftaaathisiscraftaaa Posts: 263 Arc User
    The Gadgeteer Particle Rifles fourth color is adopting the Base Costume Colors fourth color instead. At least on the Plasma Rifle skin.

    While using super speed TPs the running animations are broke on all new two handed technology powers. They work with acrobatic, but not athletic too. When are we getting animations fixes?

    Are the level 40 archetype titles unlocked account wide?

    I retrained a character into a Fissile day one to check, and Fissile at least is account-wide. I'd assume the same applies for Inventor. (The Fissile's perk and title is an uncolored "The Fissile")
    The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.

    This is my cry for help
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Anyone know what got fixed on the 7/26 patch? No notes here.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    While using super speed TPs the running animations are broke on all new two handed technology powers. They work with acrobatic, but not athletic too. When are we getting animations fixes?

    I'm not seeing any issues with these animations, can you show an example?
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    A big thank you for this power review! There are a lot more good changes and new powers than I initially thought would be part of this review. I'm still trying out a bunch of the changes but the improvement to the strength of powers that use Pulls is great and Electro Magnet has a really nice animation. Great job overall!
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,401 Arc User
    Incidentally the out call is with the wrong hand, the outs should be made with the right
  • redcastle56redcastle56 Posts: 137 Arc User
    I know its no HeroCreator, but my reference spreadsheet has been updated with the new powers and spec changes.

  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    edited August 2024
    On PTS I am seeing ALL on-next-hit powers going on a 25 second CD, instead of the stated 15 second CD. Fix?
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Using Detonator Switch with Support Drones is not very useful since they tend to die before you need them. E.g. at cosmics where a big wire frame attack will wipe them out before you want to detonate them, which is after the wire frame goes off. Instead of giving them burst healing maybe it would be better to give them a HoT (10-12 seconds) and then the trick is to detonate them before the wire frame.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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