What is the most efficient way of farming resources? My current bet is:
-Mercenary equipment + resource boost + spam smash alerts
-Go to vibora bay and start killing things/doing missions. Sell the costumes/items in the auction store
If the second one is a better idea, what is the best thing/best mission to do?
I don't think a temple is something easy to rush. Also, I was looking for stuff to do alone
For just one singular person period, your best bet's probably going to be running the Serials, where- if you're doing it right- you can generate usually 20G-50G (depending on how many or few gear drops you get) plus ~50SCR and 15k or 15.5kQ in an hour or less of play. Obviously, resource boosts, resource gain boosting gear like Mercs or Aurum Heirlooms and the likes will help get a little more out of the mob and mission reward side of things too, but that's not going to be all of your gain. Plus, you'll have a miniscule chance of getting some random drops worth varying amounts, mostly from Talisman (Serial 2-1) and from War on Peace (Serial 3-2.) If you're trying to minmax your money gain, you can always use the SCR and Q to buy devices from the SCR vendor and the Q store to sell to other people in turn, or you can hoard those to get unlocks and the likes for yourself.
Beyond those, hitting up some of the "intermediate" open missions that got revamped a few years back (Reign of Frogs and ASCIIng For Trouble) will have a chance of netting you some drops; they're easy enough that a lot of people have already oversaturated those drops into quasi-worthlessness but a costume drop worth 100G and an extremely rare device worth 600G or so is still going to do you a fair bit better than just running around Vibora Bay punching werewolves and hoping you get the one costume piece that goes for more than 10G or 20G these days to drop. Of course, remember that these drops are rare and such is the curse of trying to grind by only running single-player content: anything involving a group's usually going to wind up being faster in the long run.
If we go into the realm of "alone" in quotation marks though, that opens you up to Smash Alert spam, which, if you're willing to consider forming a private team for (which doesn't have to be with people you know, as much as people you know will almost always be better than randos) will be the fastest consistent source of Gs available, at the cost of there being almost no value to it beyond those Gs. ("Oooh, look at me, I got a lucky 0.1% drop chance for a Jack Fool mask, that's worth like 80G since Kaiserin added that one Anniversary alert with Chronos or whatever his name is I forget" and the likes.) With a fast team, being able to just relax and pull 4G or even 5G per Smash, and take around a minute per Smash (though that depends on which Smash it is, long cutscenes and mandatory mook kills make some much longer) means you can usually rake in 200G-300G an hour for very little effort, though pub-queuing instead of forming a private team generally results in easily 50G an hour or less just due to slow queues, sluggish players, bad builds (and I mean BAD, not just "ewww not running full meta and R9s, literally the worst") and beyond.
In turn, this also opens up the realm of Open Missions that actually take multiple players to run. If you're doing Cosmics at all, then you're probably bound to do the Burden of Beastmen OM at the end of the Cosmic train; this can be one or two very slim chances every four hours to get a Chimeral Potion Of The Vulture drop (usually worth 600G to 1kG depending on market saturation) as well as costume drops worth just a casual couple dozen Gs each depending on which you get. Occasionally, people will run Destroid Rise Again, which'll net you (IIRC) 8G base and you'll have an once-again slim chance of getting some costume unlocks worth a slight 100G-300G or so and some devices that'll usually net you 500G to 1kG or even more depending on which ones they are. And then of course, if you're willing to bother with basic mechanics, then there's the Eidolon of Destruction down in the QWZ. He's harder than Cosmics, but drops good rewards consistently enough that unlike Cosmics (which you run for the SCR and GCR to gear a character and MAYBE you'll get a few hundred Gs worth of a gear drop on the side) people run this guy explicitly because, even heavily farmed as his drops are, many of them are still worth middling to high hundreds of Gs and some even push into the thousands, especially the PVD which is at this point one of the most sought-after items in the game. Just remember that if you're doing Eidolon, please engage in common courtesy: put a Threat Wipe on your DPSes and use it at the usual Threat Wipe moments (every time Eido BOOMs and Knocks everyone back + both of the times Eido teleports to the middle of the room and Stuns everyone several seconds after) and help keep Yellow Orbs dead if ranged DPS, make sure to kill three of the Portal Guardians on top of each Red Orb during Red Orb phases, yada yada. If you're new to Eido, honestly, just say so and people will happily fill you in on whatever your specific role should be doing.
Saying that, there's always one more thing to remember: whatever's new or limited-time will always be the most valuable thing to do. Usually, when an event's up, unless it's already been farmed to death over past runs, it'll be more consistently profitable unless it's being bottlenecked in some way (like, for example, Snake Gulch Mechanon Liberator or Anniversary DRA being bottlenecked by zones full of low-levels expecting to be the only lowbies and expecting to get carried by a zone full of minmaxed sweats, only for something that'd take five minutes with a zone full of minmaxed sweats to take a nail-biting barely-under-twenty-minutes instead.) If a new piece of content has been reworked or had rewards added to it, it will be the most profitable thing until its value goes down, such as when Unknowable was new and, despite being easy (if supremely boring) its rarest costume drops were worth 20kG+, and now they're worth something like 4kG-6kG or so tops, or back when the Therakiel's Temple rework was fresh and people were buying Therakiel's Sword costume pieces for 20kG+ instead of the, like, 2kG-3kG it's worth now, or Brilliance actually trading hands for 100kG or some wild garbage instead of the, like, 8kG it seems like it's going for these days from what little I've paid attention to on Brill prices (I just keep the few I get to slot them myself but I digress.) I mean... obligatory paragraph break so this doesn't run on too long, but!
Heck, this is why everybody drops everything to queue any Alert that has Mind Slayer in it. Despite having been added something like a year ago, with time to be devalued by running en masse plus that one Anniversary AtTENd Alert that can drop most of the Alert boss costume drops, Mind Slayer's Hair is still rare enough to go for a middling few thousand Gs, a far cry from the 20kG+ it was going for as soon as it was added but still valuable enough that people will totally go for that, like, one in two thousand drop chance for the one of four costume pieces that'll make them big bucks without having to actually slog through content with big numbers or intended strats and mechanics to do it. In turn, Viperia Hair 2 from Serpent Lantern still fetches big bucks too because of how much of a pain it is to grind (AP reward circle and all) and how astronomically low its drop rate is (I want to say it's genuinely 0.1% or something like that, which is why its price still teases its way into the low quintuple digits in Gs even while every other costume drop you can get from Serpent Lantern has been devalued into oblivion.) Back when they were just added, you could make something like 2kG an hour farming Bleak Ones in Lemuria and selling the various Sea Creature Fin drops, which now go for a small fraction of the price due to being farmed out plus being added to Unknowable's drop pool as more loot table clutter. Just remember: if it's new and/or hasn't been farmed out yet, the prices will be that much higher if you get a drop and decide to sell it instead of keeping it for yourself.
As an aside, some event Alerts like to pair up the chance of drops worth a few hundred Gs or even a few thousand Gs depending on which Alert you look at with a base 6G yield at level 40 for something that takes, like, 5 minutes to blitz with a casual team, or 10-12 minutes at a slow solo pace when saddled with a dead weight party. These, like the TTAlerts and the Finkle Foundry for such examples, are quite popular whenever they become available as a result.
So, long story short, there are options! The real question is more what you are or aren't willing to do, or what you don't have time to do, or what you don't have the right characters/builds to do, so on and so forth.
This is my cry for help
Do Talisman costume parts still drop in the Serial? I do that almost every day and haven't got anything from her for months.
Thank you so much for the long and detailed response!
They do, it's just abysmally rare. Abysmally. I wanna say it's comparable to getting a costume drop from an Alert boss, so something like sub-one-percent, but it's hard to say for sure because it's in that realm of ridiculous rarity (and inability to reliably grind it, similar to ye olde Viperia Hair 2) where 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% and 1.0% would all look roughly the same unless you could peek at the code directly or brute-force thousands of attempts somehow.
No problem! It's also worth considering what you're aiming to grind Gs for/what you're trying to buy and how much or little time you have to do it in, since that'll definitely inform what you're likely to start doing to earn money, but that's a very subjective, personal-preference sort of thing if you aren't stuck in a time crunch.
This is my cry for help
ah-hah-hah-hah-ha! You are being way way way too generous with those numbers. Cryptic's idea of rarity percentages is not quite on as on par with Artix percentages. (1 on 2000 in some cases) But its still really low to the point you might likely never see it.