I just want to play this beatiful game.
so here we are again.
Idk if this is related to windows 11 or else but I'm unable yet again to launch Champions Online. The game ran pretty smoothly for months tho.
Since July 2nd I only got the same sys msg over and over again.
Cryptic Launcher Autoupdate
Trying to update the launcher.
please be patient.
43.6 MB remaning...
then the whole thing froze and the same process restart over and over.
Cryptic Launcher Autoupdate
Trying to update the launcher.
please be patient.
27 MB remaning...
Tried connecting 6 times
the actual times gets even higher than 6 but you get the idea by now.
So, my dear Champions Online Community and Developers my question is:
how can you help me fix this issue?
I won't be able to complete the partiot event nor any other in-game activity in CO due to this problem that prevent me for launch the MMO in question.
PLEASE , and by that I mean P L E A S E , help me.
what is happening?
EDIT: NOW i got in
SO let's see how long Champions Online works without issues this time around.
'Trying to update the launcher. Please be patient'
It gets to around 80.5 MB remaining, then restarts from the ~115Mb start...
It'll try for 13 attempts, then break with a 'Connection error'.
Great time to try and start a new character, eh?
Update! Managed to get patched but had to basically farm retries by bringing up twenty plus copies of the launcher patcher through manual launching for quite a while for it to get through. Still an issue for other people though. The forums went out for a little while too, as did all of arcgames, so... something funky's up, dunno what though.
This is my cry for help
Find the shortcut to the launcher, right click and select properties, and add -console to the target line. When you open up the shortcut after it should open up a console window. Please post anything it happens to spit out while you're stuck in the update loop.
If you're launching through steam or arc then you'll have to find the install location, create a shortcut and apply the above.
[E:/Champions Online_en/Champions Online.exe] [House] [x86]
fileDataDir: E:/Champions Online_en (0.00)
Loaded FolderCache with 0 files from hoggs (0.00)
UtilitiesLib_SetFileSystemIsInitted (0.00)
Connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: autoupdating E:/Champions Online_en/Champions Online.exe
PatchClientLib: still connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: autoupdating E:/Champions Online_en/Champions Online.exe
PatchClientLib: still connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: autoupdating E:/Champions Online_en/Champions Online.exe
PatchClientLib: still connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: autoupdating E:/Champions Online_en/Champions Online.exe
PatchClientLib: still connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: autoupdating E:/Champions Online_en/Champions Online.exe
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
Restarting launcher after first chance auto-patch: "E:/Champions Online_en/Champions Online.exe" -console -updatedfrom "CL_2023_06_26_11_28"
Then, another window popped up with the foillowing:
[E:/Champions Online_en/Champions Online.exe] [House] [x86]
-updatedfrom CL_2023_06_26_11_28
fileDataDir: E:/Champions Online_en (0.00)
Loaded FolderCache with 0 files from hoggs (0.00)
UtilitiesLib_SetFileSystemIsInitted (0.00)
Connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: skipping unneeded autoupdate CrypticLauncher3FC
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
AutopatchDialog thread shutting down
GamePrefsInit: giGamePrefSet is now 'Gameprefs.Pref' (0)
Skipping System Requirements check
calling SHGetKnownFolderPath
PW Launcher installation not found
CC_ERR_CLIENT_NOT_LAUNCHED: installed: true, running: false
Failure of some kindOpening url:clinternal://cryptic.loc/BSP_LOADING
[0714/142245.524:INFO:CONSOLE(144)] "A parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script, http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js, is invoked via document.write. The network request for this script MAY be blocked by the browser in this or a future page load due to poor network connectivity. If blocked in this page load, it will be confirmed in a subsequent console message. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5718547946799104 for more details.", source: http://championslauncher.crypticstudios.com/launcher_login (144)
[0714/142245.541:INFO:CONSOLE(144)] "A parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script, http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js, is invoked via document.write. The network request for this script MAY be blocked by the browser in this or a future page load due to poor network connectivity. If blocked in this page load, it will be confirmed in a subsequent console message. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5718547946799104 for more details.", source: http://championslauncher.crypticstudios.com/launcher_login (144)
Setting JSAPI version 2
After this window popped up, the launcher came up after a few seconds.
(Couldn't cut and paste from console once the connection error popped up. But no error text came up when the connection problem did.)
An afternoon update: Still failing, but some attempts do manage to reach as low as 65MB remaining... Before restarting.
_when this show up :
Cryptic Launcher Autoupdate
Trying to update the launcher.
please be patient. 112mb
_count 10 sec and disconnect your wifi (just from your PC dont turn off your router)and connect back fast and count 10 sec and disconnect again.....
_every time you do this (*number*mb) will decrease until you finish it
_when launcher show up click on Option and uncheck (On-demand patching) and (Force verify)
_and congratulations you back to play again
PPl posted. this still going for me. Any news? i dont want to do the wifi thing hehe
Trying the third option from This post worked to get the Launcher running. This works if you're running under another launcher like Steam or ARC.
Essentially, you sidestep the launcher trying to update in a broken loop, by replacing it with the latest copy.
HOPEFULLY that works for you. It has for me!
I'm not the only one having trouble launching CO
Unistalled and re-installed the game 4 times.
Issue is still there. I just noticed the -console advice kaiserin#0958 posted few days ago .
I'll try that and let you know if something runs or not
1)First attempted solution (failed): used the OLD CO standalone installer to see if the fresh start will help. After installing, the launcher popped up that small update window, then went completely dark, with no further reaction whatsoever, while still running as per task manager, while the console printed only the launcher's file execution, and nothing else. (My guess there, that the old launcher does not connect to the new launcher for update, but that's just a guess).
2)Second attempted solution was to reinstall ACR and see if it'll launcher there. (Worked): basically had to download the ARC, and install CO from there letting the launcher start, then shutting it down before copy-pasting the LIVE\PTS folder from the existing client into the new one to skip the downloading of the full game all over again.
That got me into the game in the end, but I'd rather get back to stand alone client, so still looking how this'll resolve.
Now, after I patched to the very last patch and hitted the PLAY button it crashed again, CER no "trying to connect to the update launcher" stuff. I can surely confirm it crashes after every patch. So it might be something patch-content related I guess. Idk really I'm not a programmer afterall. Anyway no CO for me for the time being. Maybe tomorrow and /or in the upcoming days? we'll see. TYIA for the help.
It saddends me that only CO has this kind of issues
My favourite MMO and I'm not allow to play it the way I wish I could
in half4 vcolor_S0;void main() {// Stage 0, QuadPerEdgeAAGeometryProcessor
half4 outputColor_S0;outputColor_S0 = vcolor_S0;const half4 outputCoverage_S0 =
half4(1);{ // Xfer Processor: Porter Duff
sk_FragColor = outputColor_S0 * outputCoverage_S0;}}
// Vertex GLSL
#version 100
precision mediump float;
precision mediump sampler2D;
uniform highp vec4 sk_RTAdjust;
attribute highp vec2 position;
attribute mediump vec4 color;
varying mediump vec4 vcolor_S0;
void main() {
vcolor_S0 = color;
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = vec4(gl_Position.xy * sk_RTAdjust.xz + gl_Position.ww * sk_RTA
djust.yw, 0.0, gl_Position.w);
// Fragment GLSL
#version 100
precision mediump float;
precision mediump sampler2D;
varying mediump vec4 vcolor_S0;
void main() {
mediump vec4 outputColor_S0;
outputColor_S0 = vcolor_S0;
gl_FragColor = outputColor_S0;
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with default flags. (vs_5_0)
Retrying with skip validation
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with skip validation flags. (vs_5_0)
Retrying with skip optimization
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with skip optimization flags. (vs_5_0)
Failed to create D3D Shaders
[0828/195716.434:WARNING:angle_platform_impl.cc(48)] HLSLCompiler.cpp:258 (compi
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
[0828/195716.434:WARNING:angle_platform_impl.cc(48)] HLSLCompiler.cpp:258 (compi
C:\fakepath:39:52: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
[0828/195716.435:WARNING:angle_platform_impl.cc(48)] HLSLCompiler.cpp:258 (compi
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
[0828/195716.435:WARNING:angle_platform_impl.cc(48)] HLSLCompiler.cpp:258 (compi
C:\fakepath:39:52: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
[0828/195716.436:WARNING:angle_platform_impl.cc(48)] HLSLCompiler.cpp:258 (compi
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
[0828/195716.436:WARNING:angle_platform_impl.cc(48)] HLSLCompiler.cpp:258 (compi
C:\fakepath:39:52: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
[0828/195716.437:ERROR:shared_context_state.cc(77)] Skia shader compilation erro
// Vertex SKSL
uniform float4 sk_RTAdjust;in float2 position;in float2 localCoord;out float2 vl
ocalCoord_S0;void main() {// Primitive Processor QuadPerEdgeAAGeometryProcessor
vlocalCoord_S0 = localCoord;sk_Position = position.xy01;}
// Fragment SKSL
uniform sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S0;
in float2 vlocalCoord_S0;void main() {// Stage 0, QuadPerEdgeAAGeometryProcessor
half4 outputColor_S0 = half4(1);float2 texCoord;texCoord = vlocalCoord_S0;output
Color_S0 = ((sample(uTextureSampler_0_S0, texCoord) * half4(1)));const half4 out
putCoverage_S0 = half4(1);{ // Xfer Processor: Porter Duff
sk_FragColor = outputColor_S0 * outputCoverage_S0;}}
// Vertex GLSL
#version 100
precision mediump float;
precision mediump sampler2D;
uniform highp vec4 sk_RTAdjust;
attribute highp vec2 position;
attribute highp vec2 localCoord;
varying highp vec2 vlocalCoord_S0;
void main() {
vlocalCoord_S0 = localCoord;
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = vec4(gl_Position.xy * sk_RTAdjust.xz + gl_Position.ww * sk_RTA
djust.yw, 0.0, gl_Position.w);
// Fragment GLSL
#version 100
precision mediump float;
precision mediump sampler2D;
uniform sampler2D uTextureSampler_0_S0;
varying highp vec2 vlocalCoord_S0;
void main() {
mediump vec4 outputColor_S0 = vec4(1.0);
highp vec2 texCoord;
texCoord = vlocalCoord_S0;
outputColor_S0 = texture2D(uTextureSampler_0_S0, texCoord, -0.5);
gl_FragColor = outputColor_S0;
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with default flags. (vs_5_0)
Retrying with skip validation
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with skip validation flags. (vs_5_0)
Retrying with skip optimization
C:\fakepath:33:35: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with skip optimization flags. (vs_5_0)
C:\fakepath:39:52: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with default flags. (ps_5_0)
Retrying with skip validation
C:\fakepath:39:52: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with skip validation flags. (ps_5_0)
Retrying with skip optimization
C:\fakepath:39:52: E5000: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ';' or ','
Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with skip optimization flags. (ps_5_0)
Failed to create D3D Shaders
Do you have access to another computer where you can install the game and see if it works there? Might be something in your computer.
[C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Champions Online/Champions Online.exe] [House] [x86]
-affiliate appid=9880
-launchedfrom steam
fileDataDir: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Champions Online
\-> (0.00)
Loaded FolderCache with 0 files from hoggs (0.00)
UtilitiesLib_SetFileSystemIsInitted (0.00)
Connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: skipping unneeded autoupdate CrypticLauncher4FC
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
AutopatchDialog thread shutting down
GamePrefsInit: giGamePrefSet is now 'Gameprefs.Pref' (0)
Skipping System Requirements check
calling SHGetKnownFolderPath
PW Launcher installation not found
CC_ERR_CLIENT_NOT_LAUNCHED: installed: false, running: false
Failure of some kindSetting breakpad minidump AppID = 9880
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: lolno [API loaded no]
Opening url:clinternal://cryptic.loc/BSP_LOADING
Setting JSAPI version 3
I only wanted to buy some keys. 😔
[ed: Have verified that the inability to connect via Steam was the result of a user error, but the inordinately long loading time remains consistent even after reinstall.]
-affiliate appid=9880
-launchedfrom steam
fileDataDir: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Champions Online
\-> (0.00)
Loaded FolderCache with 0 files from hoggs (0.00)
UtilitiesLib_SetFileSystemIsInitted (0.00)
Connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: autoupdating C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Champions Online/Champions Online.exe
PatchClientLib: still connecting to server "patchserver.crypticstudios.com" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to server "" on port 7255
PatchClientLib: autoupdating C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Champions Online/Champions Online.exe
Autoupdate still keeps resetting back to 100+ mb plus, being stuck in infinite loop.