Plat powers: reskin all chains to make vine/thorn vine powers, slashing/poison options do crushing/hold effects even maybe a slow. Reskin the summon pet (toys) to have small sprouts running around springing up out of the ground to hold and slow targets, possible poison,/piercing damage options. Reskin the Kinetic Darts, Telekinetic Barrage, as Poison thorn, and thorn Barrage (note these could also be great as a thrown dagger powers as well). Skewer: would be great as a large thorn spike option to have do a hold/poison instead of piercing. Earth Splitter: Summon vines, causes vine/thorns to come up from the ground causing cushing damage and slowing or holding everything in the path to target. Optional poison/slashing or piercing damage Summon vines: like the nightmare invasion colossus that summons the dark tentacles these are vines/thorn vines that attack and then after a while go back into the ground, options of slowing/slash damage, crushing /hold. Summon pet: carnivorous plant, options are a mushroom, a big flower with big teeth, a venus fly trap looking thing or a tree looking thing with flowers etc. Option as they level increased bit, trip, poison attacks to slow, hold, or confuse. Binding of Araton: restraining vines, options thorns for piecing, poison.
I could go on but you get what i am saying, you have vine swinging, already and other thing to confuse and such that could be mushroom spores and things as well.
Have the emanation point in the mouth area.
Gives them some Advantages, like applying bleed, poison or some mucus similar to the FoxBat bubblegum effect.
One as a Ice/Cryo engine
One as some sort of Electric generator
Maybe some for Fire and Plasma/Radiation
Also a retool of the Flamethrower power for Ice and for Plasma
Also maybe retooling some of the Mind/Mental powers to make some new Sound related powers
You could add cosmetic options in the pet areas....
If... you don't want to go to the trouble...
Pet form contest.
A forum post where people with actual art and 3d skills could post images of alternate forms for CO. I would love to have been doing this all that time but... my only talent is a minor talent with music and ability to dream up useless crap.