Due to my job as a specialised electro-technician, I regularly have to travel across the Western Europe far and wide which sometimes put me in locations where any decent connection to the Internet was a luxury.
Because of the aforementioned element of my personal life, I've only been able to complete nine (9) daily missions out of the ten (10) required by the overarching mission to unlock the Crimson Belt.
Normally after an Event, we used to have a discount at The Drifter which scaled accordingly to the number of missions already completed prior to the Event's deadline.
Sadly I can only witness powerless as that's now the second time we don't get any discount whatsoever on a mission-related Costume Piece, regardless of how much hard work we've already done.
And I can actually prove the absence of said discount, because I've asked friends who have completed the mission to see how much that Crimson Belt sold for them : it was still 240 Drifter Salvages regardless of the mention "You've already unlocked this item"!
I would like someone to look into that issue before it becomes a recurring thing with future seasonal and non-seasonal Events. And probably see to (re)activate the much needed (and rightfully deserved) discount.
Which, unfortunately, means that if you no longer have the quest - either from completing it, or when the mission gets auto-removed right after the event ends - the discount progress vanishes and you have to pay full price.
Preferably, it'd be nice if they could make it so the "wrapper" missions weren't auto-dropped until the patch that removes the stores, rather than the patch that ends the event, because yeah it's kind of lame.