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Potential New Costume Slot: "Hand Accessories"

orgamechorgamech Posts: 11 Arc User
edited March 2022 in Suggestions Box
It's been a LOOONG TIME since I've written anything in these forums, but I thought I'd throw something out there and check for the player-base's pulse. This suggestion follows the same concept as the "Foot Accessories" costume slot. The devs would move all claws, rings and items like the hand Gems into this category. If they felt up to it, they could even choose to make some altered versions of claws and rings based off the four/three-finger variants for some of the monstery hand choices. Let me know what you think in the poll, and thanks for indulging me in this simple query!

Potential New Costume Slot: "Hand Accessories" 17 votes

Yes, a "Hand Accessories" option would be a nice addition!
silverowl99galactickirinbkxsaschershadowansemthedarkphazeundialamxninjapiffpanthrax77manintherainz3bakrelicthiefsapphiechudestraloenacito#6758metalheart#4270xerseez#8034 17 votes
No, a "Hand Accessories" option would only clutter things up!
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • orgamechorgamech Posts: 11 Arc User
    Well, not an abundant response but it's better than nothing. Anybody care to give some examples of what they might like to create with this option ... if it was actually implimented?
  • qwerty#5997 qwerty Posts: 2 Arc User
    the brass knuckles could use this
  • orgamechorgamech Posts: 11 Arc User
    the brass knuckles could use this

    Good point!
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,090 Arc User
    Yes, a "Hand Accessories" option would be a nice addition!
    Would be a great place to put shields too. I hate when other items take up categories that are used for others costumes.
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • orgamechorgamech Posts: 11 Arc User
    Would be a great place to put shields too. I hate when other items take up categories that are used for others costumes.

    I understand your frustration, but I've never seen any of the shield props built directly on the character's hands. What you might be in need of is for the devs to add a new costume slot entittled "Bracer Accessories", which I would absolutely be onboard for. It would be a great place to put stand-alone pieces like tubes, bolts, spikes, chains, and blades as well. If each prop had multiple entries set at slitghtly different distances from the surface of the character's forearm, it would drastically cut down on how often clipping might occur.
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