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Need some help choosing post-40 dailies

I'm almost a new baby 40th level and from what I've been reading I should start working on questionite for mercenary gear. I think I have a pretty good grasp on what team content to do for that, but can anyone help me figure out what missions I could be doing when solo in order to most efficiently build up questionite? Right now I've been able to do Whiteout and Serpent Lantern solo without any real problems but I don't know what else I can be doing
Unholy Consult | Pantheon | Lazarus Frost | Sword Saint | Gammatron | Blackguard | Imperator | Sardaukar | Risen Osiris


  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    The Death Rattle Series that starts at Ladyhawk is a good for such, also the Mechanon Quest line with Defender leading you to Dr. Silverback in City Center. Overall, as you mentioned, the Adventure Packs and Comic Series give some. Also, the Alert Dailies, I suggest doing those.
  • omnius#0640 omnius Posts: 204 Arc User
    Awesome thanks
    Unholy Consult | Pantheon | Lazarus Frost | Sword Saint | Gammatron | Blackguard | Imperator | Sardaukar | Risen Osiris
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    You can get blue primaries as good as merc gear rather cheaply from the AH (also a good source for purple secondaries), probably faster to spam Smash alerts and buy it while you work on the real endgame gear grinds: scr, gcr, rampage tokens if you're going for Justice, Onslaught villain tokens.
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    Cosmics will give you Questionite along with Silver and Gold recognition. They can also drop Cosmic secondary gear. Kigatilik and Qwyjibo are probably the easier of the two to start out with.

    Below is a link to the TIPS FOR GIANT MONSTERS + EIDOLON forum article that's good to review when starting Cosmics:

    If you have access to do the Onslaught daily missions, the OV secondary gear is top notch. The missions are easy to do, but it is a bit of a grind to accumulate the Villain tokens to purchase.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Note that you can usually find Fortuitous gear in the AH for not unreasonable amounts. That is pretty much the same as Merc gear. Are you planning on upgrading to gcr/scr gear at some point? If it were me I'd buy some stuff in the AH and just concentrate on collecting gcr/scr. I find that by the time I finish getting that gear I have accumulated ca. 400,000-600,000 Q over the course of the grind. You can use that Q to buy the Merc gear for your next level 40, and so the circle of life (or the grind) will continue.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • omnius#0640 omnius Posts: 204 Arc User
    Great advice here guys Ty so much! Navigating the ins and outs of all the currencies and how to spend it is like a game in itself. I almost bought myself a hideout with zen until I stopped by the anniversary vendor today on a whim and realized I had enough to buy one that way lol.

    Really appreciate these tips, it's going to save me a lot of currency grinding. On that note, are there any up to date guides around on how to buy gear wisely along the lines of the suggestions posted here?
    Unholy Consult | Pantheon | Lazarus Frost | Sword Saint | Gammatron | Blackguard | Imperator | Sardaukar | Risen Osiris
  • omnius#0640 omnius Posts: 204 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    Note that you can usually find Fortuitous gear in the AH for not unreasonable amounts. That is pretty much the same as Merc gear. Are you planning on upgrading to gcr/scr gear at some point? If it were me I'd buy some stuff in the AH and just concentrate on collecting gcr/scr. I find that by the time I finish getting that gear I have accumulated ca. 400,000-600,000 Q over the course of the grind. You can use that Q to buy the Merc gear for your next level 40, and so the circle of life (or the grind) will continue.

    I was told that I should be spending Q for merc gear upon reaching 40 because of the bonuses to currencies it gives you, is that wrong?
    Unholy Consult | Pantheon | Lazarus Frost | Sword Saint | Gammatron | Blackguard | Imperator | Sardaukar | Risen Osiris
  • qawsadaqawsada Posts: 753 Arc User
    On that note, are there any up to date guides around on how to buy gear wisely along the lines of the suggestions posted here?
    I made a little reference here and there. Basic primary path is going Blue gear (Merc/Fort/Blue junk you get from equipment box) > GCR Gear. As basic as it gets for GCR Gear, Justice for DPS, Distinguished for Tanks or DPS if they DON'T want to do rampage, and Virtuous for the healers. As for secondary gear, purple one that you get from the equipment box/ah/15 SCR is good enough to start with. Afterward, it get a bit complicated. If you're melee, get Slicer Glove as soon as possibe (you have to do OV) since this adds DPS to your Melee dps. If you're a tank, get the Defender Glove (you have to do OV) since it has a threat bonus and a shielding effect. The rest depends whether or not you have time to farm more OV or have the global to buy cosmic/determination/eido secondary.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    Note that you can usually find Fortuitous gear in the AH for not unreasonable amounts. That is pretty much the same as Merc gear. Are you planning on upgrading to gcr/scr gear at some point? If it were me I'd buy some stuff in the AH and just concentrate on collecting gcr/scr. I find that by the time I finish getting that gear I have accumulated ca. 400,000-600,000 Q over the course of the grind. You can use that Q to buy the Merc gear for your next level 40, and so the circle of life (or the grind) will continue.

    I was told that I should be spending Q for merc gear upon reaching 40 because of the bonuses to currencies it gives you, is that wrong?

    That is certainly true, but that bonus will go away the second you equip that first piece of gcr/scr gear. It will probably net you an extra 5K Q, which is the same amount you get from your first cosmics each day. To me, that bonus is a nice little extra, but nothing I'm going to lose sleep over since by the time I'm done gearing up I'll have earned over 400K anyway.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • omnius#0640 omnius Posts: 204 Arc User
    ok those are big helpers, thanks again everyone. Looks like my grind is going to end at Distinguished because my years of doing the highest tier raids in MMO's (Rampages in this game's case) ended many years ago for me.
    Unholy Consult | Pantheon | Lazarus Frost | Sword Saint | Gammatron | Blackguard | Imperator | Sardaukar | Risen Osiris
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Cosmics are every bit as difficult as Rampages, unless you are leeching off the hard work of others at Cosmics :)
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • omnius#0640 omnius Posts: 204 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    Cosmics are every bit as difficult as Rampages, unless you are leeching off the hard work of others at Cosmics :)

    apologies I didn't know that! If I just want GCS/SCS for Distinguished gear, what's the best way to earn that without being a leech? I was under the impression that Rampages took way more effort to get a team together for than cosmics and required higher tier gear. I don't mind trying my best to pull my weight on cosmics, I just wanted to avoid the extra stuff involved trying to do Rampages, and was under the impression that you can start doing cosmics well enough in blue gear? I thought Rampages were the highest level to do
    Unholy Consult | Pantheon | Lazarus Frost | Sword Saint | Gammatron | Blackguard | Imperator | Sardaukar | Risen Osiris
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    Cosmics are every bit as difficult as Rampages, unless you are leeching off the hard work of others at Cosmics :)

    apologies I didn't know that! If I just want GCS/SCS for Distinguished gear, what's the best way to earn that without being a leech? I was under the impression that Rampages took way more effort to get a team together for than cosmics and required higher tier gear.
    Rampages are more effort to get together because they aren't as popular, but they aren't harder. Most people at cosmics aren't strictly necessary, but the standards for being a net asset are
    • Kigatilik: don't die, don't wake the dogs.
    • Qwyjibo: don't hit the hearts.
    • Teleiosaurus: be able to provide a spike of above 10,000 damage over 5 seconds, and actually use it during checks (because of how cosmic resistances work it's not super easy to determine whether you're achieving that goal, but it's easily in range for a competent dps in blues with rank 5 mods)
  • Rampages would be below cosmics in difficulty. The reason it's more effort to get a team together for those is because rampage tokens are not a guaranteed drop, so it can be a bit of a grind to get them. As opposed to the main cosmic rewards (SCR/GCR), which while grindy too, are at least a guarantee.

    As for cosmics itself, if you're worried about coming across as a leech, just avoid Dino until you can pump out some good DPS (Dino's health recovers if not enough damage is dealt to her during a DPS check - around 10k damage over ~5 seconds).

    For Kiga and Ape, their health recovery mechanics aren't dependant on the damage you do so you should be good. Kiga recovers health whenever someone dies, and Ape recovers health (as well as other bonuses) if the hearts he spawns aren't CCed or killed (there's usually a CCer present, but on very rare occasions they might ask people to kill one of the hearts). So in a nutshell, don't die at Kiga; don't damage hearts at Ape.

    That's the basic gist of it, but I'll still recommend reading this for a more in-depth look.
    Below is a link to the TIPS FOR GIANT MONSTERS + EIDOLON forum article that's good to review when starting Cosmics:

    And of course, feel free to ask questions when you're actually AT a cosmic, I'm sure most people would be willing to help
  • omnius#0640 omnius Posts: 204 Arc User
    awesome, thanks all
    Unholy Consult | Pantheon | Lazarus Frost | Sword Saint | Gammatron | Blackguard | Imperator | Sardaukar | Risen Osiris
  • omnius#0640 omnius Posts: 204 Arc User
    I've taken the time to do quite a bit of refreshing on the gear grind using the links given and a bunch of other guides, and came to the conclusion that I'm just not a GCR gear kinda guy these days. I'll probably do some ape and Kiga just for fun but that's about it.

    Given that, I'm probably looking at Heroic as my best SCR choice right? If that's correct, what's the most efficient way you'd farm it?
    Unholy Consult | Pantheon | Lazarus Frost | Sword Saint | Gammatron | Blackguard | Imperator | Sardaukar | Risen Osiris
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    The 2 new Ladyhawke serial give good scr, as does the Qlipthothic Warzone. Of course there are also the cosmics and various alert dailies. If you really devoted yourself to it you could probably gather close to 100 scr in a day. Certainly in a week you could have a complete set of heroics.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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