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Can you convert an Archetype slot into Free Form?

klytustrueklytustrue Posts: 43 Arc User
I am a Lifetime Member, who got an Automaton Archetype back when they were ONLY available as archetypes, but it also said you would be able to convert the character to a Free Form once you hit Level 40. Well, after many, many years, I finally got around to hitting level 40... but when I used my free retcon, all I had were the Archetype options all over again. I hate to just delete and recreate the toon, since there is Bound gear I would loose.

So, is there a way to convert this toon to a Free Form? If so... how?


"The man I was is the crucible which has forged the man I have become."

Best Answer

  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    edited July 2021 Answer ✓
    You need to Retrain not Retcon. You should be able to Retrain at character select screne at any level if you are lifetime sub. All of this is free for LTS. (At least the first couple of times I think)
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix


  • klytustrueklytustrue Posts: 43 Arc User
    Thank you so much!

    "The man I was is the crucible which has forged the man I have become."
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