So I've got this sort of form, see, based on a different shoggoth concept:

and I was hoping to show more of a hint that I'm using myself rather than magic or a weapon for crowd control.
Although nothing like that exists exactly, there are two powers that give me the right feeling: Quicksand, and Corrosive Pit.

Bonus points for the fact that they look great when changing their color, rather than appearing too bright or saturated.
I could also throw in Ooze Tunneling, I guess (though it needs to be colorable), and Corrosive Jump (though I think what I saw was too saturated for my liking, but still).
This current state of mind has me thinking more.
What if we had mud/tar powers? They could be fun extras in the Earth or Darkness powersets. Not enough reason why to not put them there, at least. Mud, earth, obvious and logical. Tar, typically black, could fit right in with darkness. It'd be like how Veil of Mist and Veil of Darkness are.
Picture throwing mud or tar at an enemy, with a chance (or an advantage if you really must) of slowing it down a bit, and eventually encasing and incapacitating it,
or creating a mud/tar patch on the ground that slows enemy movement, possibly with a chance/advantage to knock them down, as if they slipped,
or a charged splash that encases and paralyzes a group of enemies, sort of like Grasping Shadows (since it does look a little sticky and has the right sort of animation for trapped targets struggling to break it), but thrown by the caster instead of just coming from the ground, to show a connection and make it not simply another "spellcasting" case,
or splattering mud/tar in an enemy's face to lower perception.
Mud/tar powers also open up another aura idea, for letting people have the appearance of being made of it, flowing slowly downward. Good for mud/tar golems, elementals, whatever.
If anyone else has ideas on how mud or tar could be used in a power, post away. The more ideas we come up with, the more likely this sort of thing might be considered (I hope, 'cause I mean the sets they'd fit into already exist).
A power version of the "Devouring Shadows" would work nicely as well. I'd say it should be of the same default color as Quicksand, though, so as to match.
Really, I suppose everything muddy should share Quicksand's coloring.🤔
Mud Tunneling... for lack of a better name.
Basically, take the texture of Quicksand, and apply it to Ooze Tunneling. It'd be a bit better for some people in comparison to the dark/light coloring of existing Ooze Tunneling powers.
Wait I already mentioned that.
Still, an Ooze Tunneling power that matches Quicksand's texture would be great.