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It's been 10+ years, time to fix the professions.

Currently there is only ONE of the tree professions which offers the player access to
harvesting R4 mods out in the maps, Mystisicm. The other 2 only offers R3 mods for harvesting.
This has been the case for over 10 years now and it's about time it gets sorted out,
because moddning is an important part of the endgame - yet it's been ignored for so long.


  • squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 876 Arc User
    diggot wrote: »
    Currently there is only ONE of the tree professions which offers the player access to
    harvesting R4 mods out in the maps, Mystisicm. The other 2 only offers R3 mods for harvesting.
    This has been the case for over 10 years now and it's about time it gets sorted out,
    because moddning is an important part of the endgame - yet it's been ignored for so long.

    Well, technically only 8 years, since it was the gear change with On Alert that screwed up nodes. Before that they worked properly.

    I'm not even sure that science and arms don't have level 4 nodes, i've never bothered to look. But there's still nodes which are nonfunctional 8 years after on alert (several around Hoarfrost hills for mysticism, for example).
  • diggotdiggot Posts: 309 Arc User
    Yes the Mysticism nodes around Hoarfrost was tested today. They say they require +101 skill,
    but even with 200+ they can't be harvested. So i farmed up the skill to 300+ and went back
    to the same nodes which required 101+ . And finally at 301+ i could harvest them - but they were still Rank1 nodes..

    These professions are seriously broken.
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    I feel that there is no good reason to have three trees any more. They all get and do the same thing, both from a fusion and node gathering standpoint.

    And, of course I know that each mod is assigned a tree making it use the skill number as a factor for fusing. But, so what? That doesn't do anything useful other than to have 3 trees/types.

    Just make it 1 type.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    warcanch wrote: »
    I feel that there is no good reason to have three trees any more. They all get and do the same thing, both from a fusion and node gathering standpoint.

    And, of course I know that each mod is assigned a tree making it use the skill number as a factor for fusing. But, so what? That doesn't do anything useful other than to have 3 trees/types.

    Just make it 1 type.​​

    I could joke and say they use atleast a different table and animation? Wish we simply had such as Emotes, Account Wide of coures and the tables in our hideouts, just open the siderooms already someone. But yes since crafting removal there is no point keeping them seperated anymore like this. I wish they only had added Fusion instead of replace this all and reworked outdated items simply.
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    I'd advise against merging R&D. There are items in the world that aren't crafting nodes and require specific skills to operate, like in Save the Earth and in some mini-lairs. Losing even more player identity for the sake of simplicity would suck.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    I'd advise against merging R&D. There are items in the world that aren't crafting nodes and require specific skills to operate, like in Save the Earth and in some mini-lairs. Losing even more player identity for the sake of simplicity would suck.

    True on that, i forget those, tho issue i see with them even back with old crafting they were often higher as what you goten there to level as, like Stronghold as example, you are way to low often to use those items at all when you level there and such, so i not even know what they do often due done it already adn can't re-enter then. Those seriously need a rework to to be more accesable as well. Why you forget such even more often that way.
  • diggotdiggot Posts: 309 Arc User
    There is a clear differense in which type of mods is mainly harvested from nodes,
    where mysticism is more prone to give Ego and Endurance - which are Sciense mode.
  • torduvidetorduvide Posts: 25 Arc User
    I'd advise against merging R&D. There are items in the world that aren't crafting nodes and require specific skills to operate, like in Save the Earth and in some mini-lairs. Losing even more player identity for the sake of simplicity would suck.

    No, it wouldn't, really suck at all. We're not losing player identity, we're just getting rid of a useless relic of a bygone era, assuming we can't keep them in the first place as you seem to posit. Let's not sit here and pretend that those really add much of anything. I imagine, just like someone already mentioned, that most players will never even get to use them during their natural progression of content (assuming they ever even get out of alerts in the first place while leveling.)

    They don't add anything to the game other than some fluff and that isn't nearly enough to warrant they stay if they would be the things in the way of consolidating all of the trees into one simple fusion skill.
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    I'd advise against merging R&D. There are items in the world that aren't crafting nodes and require specific skills to operate, like in Save the Earth and in some mini-lairs. Losing even more player identity for the sake of simplicity would suck.

    This is a good argument for making MORE uses for individual "crafting" skills.

    One of my pet peeves is that in Operation Stanglehold (?) where you go into Stronghold Prison in The Desert, if you have a high enough Mysticism skill you USED to be able to get the Hot Sleep Fists Primary Offense item. You can't get it any more. And, even if you could, it's current version is not advisable to use. Which is a shame as it gives some interesting effects chances.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
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