Stances, Allow us to be able to change what stance we have even while using a travel power and add the static stance from the tailor as a possible usable stance.
Would you like the ability to edit your stance? 33 votes
I think it'd be nice to have an option to change stances the same way we change moods. That way I don't have to make multiples of the same costume, with different stances, and switch between them. It would also be cool to switch from and upright run to an all-fours bestial run when using Super Speed and Acrobatics. And I'm always up for more stances to be added as options.
what would be cool is if we could lock one of our emotes we have as our normal stance. it would just cycle that emote over and over. that would make emotes more desired as a flexing or heroic pose would become our normal standing animation.
My stance on stances is somewhat nuanced. But, if I am to be forced into you binary stance paradigm.. then I will say yes to more options... and make a rude stance at StairsO.
> Faulty poll. Does not have a "Do not care option"
That’s called not voting
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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