What this guide is going to provide:
- a quick reference guide for each boss fight in Therakiel's Temple.
- information on what most players find challenging so that you can adequately prepare.
- if you have a team member who is new to a given boss fight, copy the image link for the fight and paste it into chat to give them a quick overview of key mechanics and tips on how to handle them.
What this guide is *not* going to provide:
- advice on how to speedrun the lair. This is for players who are new to the fights, not for people trying to figure out how to make it take 15 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
- build advice. The challenges are laid out in the guide. How you address them is up to you. Evaluate the problems and consider the tools available to you given your themes. Then make a few simple decisions with your team at the start and go for it.
Who this guide is for:
- players that are doing TT for the first time
- players that enjoy meeting challenges with a large variety of builds
- players that are fine with dying and enjoy the process of learning
My hope is that this will make it easier to share mechanics with team members that are new to a given boss fight by letting someone quickly copy/paste the image link for a given boss into chat instead of typing out explanations.
Questions to answer before you walk in:
How will your team deal with Valerian’s mobs?
How will your team deal with Fang’s giant army of mobs at the end?
How will your team deal with the Baron’s Congos at the end?
How will your team deal with Vlad’s bats?
My team’s answer to all of the above has generally been one of the below:
Use crowd control and then kill them with moderate AoE DPS
Kill them all with overwhelming AoE DPS
Must haves:Resurrect power or device. You’re going to die. A lot. It’s ok. Just expect it for your first run.
AoE DPS. The mobs must die one way or another eventually. Having one single target attack and using the rest of your power slots for buffs might be meta at cosmics, but that is not the case here. Have a strong AoE in your build.
Know what killed you. When (not if) you die, look in your combat tab and check for what attack or mechanic killed you. Figure out how it works or ask around so that you don’t die to it again.
Nice to haves:Threat wipes for DPS. The bosses tend to either wipe threat or put the tank in positions where they cannot attack. The DPS need to wipe threat.
Crowd control. The mobs hurt. Having a mix of AoE knockups and strong stuns is a great way to give the DPS enough time to clear them out.
More HP and general toughness. If you go in for your first run with your most squishy character and you’re not paying attention, the mobs will tear you apart like a wet paper bag. Give yourself time to react and room to make mistakes by slotting for more CON and more defense. This applies to Tanks, DPS, and especially Healers.
Personal note:
The people who tell you that you can only do this with meta builds are flat out wrong. The lair is being done and has been done with a wide variety of builds. Melee, ranged, hybrids, petmasters (yes really), healers that do damage, DPSers that CC, tanks that heal, ATs, etc etc.
In fact it’s hard to think of passives and powersets I have not seen TT be done with.
With a little coordination with your team about how you will handle the mobs and mechanics of the fights, you can do TT in an hour with just about any powerset. Why do I say that? Because others are already doing it. If you have time and patience, there's no reason why you can't do it as well.
Skarn’s Bane animation - this WILL strip away your passive if you don’t block it.
Soul Beam animation - this is Val’s debuff on you that stacks up to 10.
These are the 2 debuffs referenced in Valerian Scarlet graphic.
General tip; the key to success is to be methodical in your approach. These fights are not the type where you can whack the boss away and ignore everything else.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
I haven't seen it done with full team of ATs. That's not to say it's impossible. Also not sure why it being doable with a full AT team matters.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Just to convinced everyone that the lair can be done by everyone. Even free ATs.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
It can. Plenty of ATs in teams I've been on. I don't see why the team has to be exclusively ATs though. Even so, I don't see a reason why it couldn't be. I just don't think anyone's bothered.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Free players who use ATs...?
42 40s, LTSer.
As mentioned, I've been in teams with ATs.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
At Valerian, when she summon her mobs, she would summon those mobs at you and your party member's location. This could be a good thing or a bad thing. If you fail to kill the sigil quickly, Valerian might summon them while all your party members are far apart and pick off one party member at a time. However, this can be use to your advantage in regards to you and your teammate's position. Sometime, its better to hold off your dps right before Valerian goes into her Geyser phrase and wait for her to summon her mobs or sigil. Its not good idea to let her summon her mobs or sigil, then have her go into her Geyser phrase and have her rain down instant kill geysers on your entire team on top of this.
At Fang, its imperative that you kill the Vargulfs immediately. Her grenade tend to break you or your allies' block while causing them to knock. This is not good when the Vargulfs could use this attack during Black Fang's Chain Cyclone attack. I can't begin to count the number of time this ends the Doomsday Clock perk run because of this combo. Another thing worth mentioning about Black Fang is his uppercut. His uppercut is melee range AoE, so this will send your melee dps and tank up the air if they're not careful. On top of this, those mobs on the ledges will gun your down with their gatling gun, dealing more damage to you and applying Nail to the Ground Debuff on the airborne allies.
At Baron, there is Hallow Ground. You cannot rez or self rez at any point of this fight. Try not to make any stupid mistake since each party member's death makes the fight incredibly harder. When you're curse, you are immune to physical damage, but not magical damage. There are two beings that can harm you while you're: Baron and the Congos. Thankfully, Curse make you immune to the Simon Says mechanic of the fight.
At Vlad, there is a pool of blood in the arena. Going into this pool will drench you with a debuff that you're cover in blood. This is not a flavor text by any means. If you got aggro on Vlad while you have this debuff, Vlad will heal himself even if you block his bite attack thank to this debuff. He his knock is incredible, so keep an eye on his target when he knocks. Sometime the tank might be knock somewhere that will cause him to lose the line of sight of Vlad. If this happen, Vlad will immediately target one of your dps and would probably instant kill them if they don't block or react in time.
At Therakiel, once again, do not underestimate the mobs in phrase one. They can easily gang up and kill a party member. When you use the mirror, do remember to turn on your Traveling Power. As for the Hellemental, each hellemental has 30 seconds before they detonate. Its probably a good idea to kill these hellemental within the time limit or your entire team will get hit by their explosion. When Therakiel does his charge attack or his sword spin attack, Bleak Glory, do NOT be in a position where the light/dark orb buff are behind you. This could mean instant death. If these light/dark orbs are right behind you while he does either of these attacks, you will get knock and you will fly towards these light/dark orbs. You will get knock from the orb buff or have your buff remove and die instantly. Its a special note that his charge attack might not root the player if he is too far from Therakiel.
I'm not attacking or anything, but are you sure those ATs aren't premium or have no DR? Do you only have like 1 AT in the team while the rest is FF? I just find it hard to believe ATs are viable in TT. I'd like to be proven wrong tho.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
I don't know. I'm not on a mission to prove anything and I didn't ask them.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
updated Vlad's graphic to reflect the latest positioning used to deal with the bats.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
And Baron's Simon says in the Alert is actually reversed from the actual lair! In alert you are suppoce to keep distance and come closer, he is not Bluffing like in lair
Since I missed the alerts and only had knowledge of his TT lair version, this caught me off guard!
Nevermind my gripes with the mirror mechanic itself (locks you out of your powers, PERSISTS after you're done with it)