So this is something that’s been on my mind for quite a while... What is up with the champions encounter at the start of Aftershock part 6, the one where the player has to take on the role of a gimp Avatar of the Kings of Edom and battle some or all of the champions (depending on group size). Is it bugged or are they really tuned like this? I most fun these solo since my friends and guildies don’t play as often as I do. I like the comic but this one particular part is rather infuriating as it doesn’t seem possible to beat both Witchcraft and Defender (for solo run) in a single attempt. Every single time, I get Witchcraft down but by that point there’s no hope in finishing off Defender before he finishes me off and I’m forced to eat a defeat. But then just this morning I was trying the run as the King of Lost Hope... 4 attempts and not once could I get Witchcraft below 10% so I just gave up and dropped the mission from my log.
What is up with this? This encounter doesn’t seem like it was play-tested at all. This definitely seems really overtuned.
“mostly run these solo...
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
> Well that stuff came out yeeeeeeears ago, so if it was playtested then it was playtested way back then. I wonder if any of the champions had their powers tuned up as a result of balance adjustments to other stuff over the years and the avatars didn't. Shame too cause that's my fav comic series.
Hmm. That is possible that the champions had their powers adjusted over the years since they have player powers by the avatar you’re forced to play as for this encounter wasn’t buffed to accommodate the above. In that case it would be just an oversight I guess. Just the main thing I’m getting at is I don’t really feel like an avatar of the kings when a single npc version of the toon I’m playing as would smash the temporary avatar...ness... self into the ground. I know full well that you’re technically a newly made avatar, but even newly made avatars shouldn’t be THIS weak. Either the champions need to be seriously nerfed, the player seriously buffed, or do a bit of both so that the player can actually feel like something of the demi god-like being they’re playing as for this one and only part in the game.
I know it’s too late for this, but it would have been really cool if you fought all of the champions regardless of group size, but the player(s) were just as strong as the cosmic level npcs the avatars are so it balances out.
He's got five powers most of which are of almost no use. I tried to get his paralyze power to paralyze but unsurprisingly with three-bar villains they mostly shrugged it off. His heal run power gives 60 hp per tick, but given that you have a bar of some 27 thousand, that's not important in a fight and just as unimportant out of a fight. His cone attack might get Witchcraft to split her heals, but since it doesn't do more total damage against two opponents you could just alternate targets with one of your other powers. Forget it.
I ended up engaging and then backing off in the air over the pit until only Witchcraft was shooting at me. I'd hit the resistance debuff (and most damaging) power every time it was ready and let the eye beams work her down the rest of the time. Boring, slow fight but it eventually takes her down. Eventually. And the same with Defender. For me it was a squeaker because I lost three quarters of my hps trying to get other powers to do stuff... if you didn't screw around it probably should be cake.
Honestly, I recall having trouble with soloing it way back then. And as fermi says, there is a difference in how well the avatars fight, which sucks if you want to pick a certain one for perk reasons...
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Yep, sure, it is older content, but better remove it then until nothing is left besides the "relevant" stuff.
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My bad, I fixed that issue. Embedding video was disabled.
I tried it again recently with the ice tank AT and got through the stage OK. The Avatar I chose had a power equivalent to Pillar of Poz, and although it was very long to heal, I was able to resume the battle with good HP.
You obviously need to separate the two champions to stand a chance and to do a lot of running and hiding and wait for a chance to snipe whenever you can. The giant imp statues can give good protection.
I am not bad at punctuation!
MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY.
Oh, I once was able to separate both, but Witchcraft is the problem here. She will heal herself up and get your HP faster down than you hers, I tried two different avatars and both had the problem to deal not enough damage to counter her healing while healing themselves enough against her damage. If you try hide-and-seek with her, she will heal herself simply up when you have a quarter of her HP down.
My characters
Won on the first try, though I had the advantage of a ranged form (the become doesn't remove your form). It's problematic from a design standpoint that most of their powers are useless (I just burned them down with their energy builder). It does not seem harder than it was at launch, it's just that everything else is so much easier (because PCs have had so much power creep) that the difficulty seems absurd compared to everything else.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
1. If you don't like the avatar you chose, log out your character and come back 5 minutes later to choose a different one. It's pretty much the first action in part 6, so there's no delay once you are back.
2. The Cthulu-looking one suggested above isn't good for this battle because no healing. I didn't check them all out but I get the impression the best you can hope for is a low-power healing rune, so be prepared to be patient. I chose the Master of All Sorrows (to the left of the big boss Avatar) and that worked out well.
3. Don't worry about your build or gear or anything else. The avatar is what it is what it is and what you see is all you get.
4. Block and block and block some more.
5. Kill Defender first. He goes down quickest. Try at least to keep Witchy on the blind side of him if you can't split them up. You should be able to defeat him with plenty of health to spare.
6. Attack Witchy but don't take her below about 75% health, and don't let your own get too low because she's going to be attacking you while you lead her to a place that's to your advantage.
7. Find a place where she remains engaged in combat with you but can't "see" you. I found a rock formation with a jutting-out part that achieved that perfectly. As long as she is engaged but can't see you, she will not heal or go away.
8. Heal yourself to maximum. This could take ten minutes or so but nobody's hurrying you. Take pleasure watching Defender writhe in agony if he's in the picture.
9. Finish her off. I had a rotation going (for the avatar I mentioned) of hex of suffering - ebon ruin - then something that looked like venomous breath while the first two were recharging. I was on about 60% health when she fell.
10. The only time I died in the whole adventure was right at the end when I got too brave for my own pants in the heroes-vs-avatars battle.
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/tFH1D6G"><a href="//">Witchcraft kindly waiting while the enemy heals (completely ignoring her suffering boyfriend).</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
I am not bad at punctuation!
MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY.
- Choose an avatar with heal. It seems the best you can hope for is a low-power healing rune.
- If you don't like the avatar, sign out and come back in 5 minutes to choose a different one (it's the first action in part 6). I chose Master of All Sorrows.
- Forget build and gear. The avatar can't be boosted or assisted.
- Block block block
- Kill Defender first. Keep Witchy blindsided behind him.
- Attack Witchy to about 75% HP. Don't let your own HP get too low because you're about to run under attack.
- Find an irregular rock formation and find a positon in it where you're in range and she can see you but she can't target you. Ideally she should be firing at you right up to that moment.
- She will then stay engaged in combat and won't heal or go away.
- Healing rune, healing rune, healing rune for 10 minutes.
- Kill Witchcraft.
- And that's the weakest that avatar will ever be. When the gang appears at the end, it will be way stronger.
I am not bad at punctuation!
MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY.
Witchcraft being patient (and completely ignoring her boyfriend writhing in agony on the ground).
I am not bad at punctuation!
MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY.
I am not bad at punctuation!
MMORPGs are just bad at recognizing non QWERTY.
Just ran Aftershock with a friend and had no real troubles at all. Kovar does wander around a bit, but that's all. The Champions (Witchcraft, Ironclad and Defencer) near the end were pushovers compared to previous times I have done it (3 of them vs. 2 of us was new). We took no damage at all. When we then fought the avatars one-on-one they also were easy kills. If anything, my expereince on this run with two level 23 characters was that it was a cakewalk.