Nightmare Invasion Event
For the next week the Nightmare Invasion event will be running!
- New Mission: Complete the Colossus daily mission 5 times. Rewards the Spiked Crown costume.
- Added Feather Mask costume to the event store. Updated mask with an optional eye piece.
- Added account unlocks for collecting 10 of Unnerved Emote, Roar Transformation and Incantation Transformation.
- Updated collection perks to unlock if you have collected the specific item.
ZEN Store
For the next week the Elemental Tights pack can be claimed for free! Check the Featured or Bonus tab to claim.
Added Rex Loyal Sidekick Pack:
- Cost: 1500 ZEN
- 1x Rex Loyal Sidekick
- 1x Rex Action Figure
- 1x Raptor Feet Costume Unlock
Special Vendor
- Added Traffic Cone costume to Dev store.
- Added Always On version of the Fun Nullifier device to the Club Caprice vendors. This version of the device is always active while in your inventory.
10 out of 10 kaiserin
Added Always On version of the Fun Nullifier device to the Club Caprice vendors. This version of the device is always active while in your inventory.
Best change I have seen in ages.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Yeah, you don't have to do any of the content, but to be clear, I'm saying the event has a lot of knocks, pulls, stuns and holds and you're saying "Well that's only 1/3rd of the event"
And yes, I'm being (partly) sarcastic, but still…
> (Quote)
> NUUU! The Fun Nullifier is for people that don't like fun! What's the point of even having fun little devices like balloons and tacos if over half the server population carries these things around? The original Device version at LEAST tells you when you target a player that you shouldn't bother wasting a balloon in your quest to get your Water Balloon Battalion perk and title. Will this version of the device also have the same icon showing on the target, or are we going to be wasting water balloons on people with no sense of humor?
> And yes, I'm being (partly) sarcastic, but still…
It’s to address harassment.
A water balloon here and there is fine...usually I never even notice them. But some players are going out of their way to follow and torrment.
I wonder how many players who need/want this device will learn of it, since it is buried in Caprice?
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
*points to my name*