Sorry but 13/13 to SSS ? Pay 180€ to get Livetime Acc. and get a awesome Mod

Realy? A R3 Dual Mod is better than this Might Core...…. and i´ll dont pay 180€ for an R3Mod....
Cryptic … u want to earn Money? It dont work with somthink like this…. so Change stats please.
Maybe u could give a lot more for new and old livetimemembers … exclusive powerset, realy Mighty devices and so on ….
thats the way to get new member and Money!!!
1. Cheap as dirt FF slots(look at the typical price of 30$/per).
2. A mountain of free costume sets from the shop(bundled together they're worth like 5 times the cost of LTS).
3. Premium pack for free(this gives you a mountain of things to go with it.)
4. You get a free OV.
5. Don't have to pay for the money cap unlock.
6. Dood, do I have to go on? Look over what you're getting before you cry about it.
It's effectively a rank 9 CORE, you're comparing a CORE to regular stat mods. Compare it to another CORE, such as the growth amulet, which at rank 9 gives 25 stat points... so the vet core is even slightly better, since it gives 26 points in total.
Regarding your $180 fairy tale.. i hate to break it to you, but $180 isn't all that much.. at least not, compared to what certain people are spending on zen / microtransactions. For the current price, you get a whole lot of good stuff already "mighty devices" included.
Stick to reposting my AH items for ridiculous amounts of globals, it seems to be more your thing, than logical thinking.
It's effectively a rank 9 CORE, you're comparing a CORE to regular stat mods. Compare it to another CORE, such as the growth amulet, which at rank 9 gives 25 stat points... so the vet core is even slightly better, since it gives 26 points in total.
Regarding your $180 fairy tale.. i hate to break it to you, but $180 isn't all that much.. at least not, compared to what certain people are spending on zen / microtransactions. For the current price, you get a whole lot of good stuff already "mighty devices" included.
Stick to reposting my AH items for ridiculous amounts of globals, it seems to be more your thing, than logical thinking.[/Quote
Right, Mighty core is better than Growth core… buuuuuuut: Growth core is for PSS not SSS / u could buy an Growth core R9 for low in AH not for real Money / I cant match the v core with an dual core, thats Right but the stats are to low anyway
For the current price, you get a whole lot of good stuff already "mighty devices" included.: sure good stuff but not awesome… Mighty devices inluded? Which one?
AH items for ridiculous amounts of globals: Grind Q. Convert to Z. Buy whatever… AH/Zen and Qstore items are not a part of LT btw. Please dont misunderstand, i am an LT member and i spend Money to support the game but LT is only good not awesome… they have to do more for there community! I dont understand the egalitarianism between FTP and LT.
Stick to reposting my AH items for ridiculous amounts of globals, it seems to be more your thing, than logical thinking.: ok read the part with reference to AH/Zen/Qstore and LT Membership because reading seems to be more your thing, than logical thinking
spectacular 13 points..... kidding ureself. Vcore stats are to low!
Maybe ... i´ll hope that cryptic read this. I like the game but the game dies slowly. No more good changes. No interaction with the community. They renamed powerset and sell for new (Armor power set toogle useless for FF) / Left eye of ruby dragon was worst case / No more costume parts per month for LT / No realy new events / no hunts for lagecy Itmes (like Diablo or WOW but thoose games dont die ). Cryptic needs money... sure but selling LT with only good not exclusive stuff convinced nomore.
Cryptic has to work hard now, do massive more. Otherwise the game dies. It hurts becouse CO has potential but Cryptic twiddle one's thumbs.
I´ll think ure right.... they wont do somethink but look at Serverlist. Max 3 server at same time with 30 or 40 player. Well lets see what happend... hope the best ....
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
So, we all just have to enjoy the game for what it is. Some old timers will hang on until the game shuts down, some will drift in and out, some new people will discover it for the first time and join in.
So this went pretty quickly from not liking the Veteran's core mod to the game is dying. I find the extra option of using the V core useful on over half of my toons, so that tips it toward the "it's an amazing option vs slotting a utility core that won't help option". Use it if another utility core would offer less than the V core. Don't use it if another core will perform better. It won't be for all toons and it seems it was never intended to be a god mode mod but more of a flexibility mode mod.
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