Most of the NPCs in this game have been around since launch, making most of their designs almost ten years old. In that time, they have added hundreds of costume pieces.
I think it's high time we gave the multitudes of NPCs a facelift. This would be a huge undertaking, however, and I don't expect your team to do it alone. I think the community could help out. I'm going to be posting a few costumes in here from time to time, showing the original next to my updated take on it. If you're so inclined, I'd love for you to do the same.
Succubus- Monstrous Form
-replaced the original beast legs and hooves with the special Krampus legs and hooves
-replaced the original arm straps with longer, more detailed arm straps
-replaced the original gloves with clawed gloves that transitions into the arm straps
-replaced the horn belt with the straps belt
-elongated the arms
-kept the color scheme, but replaced basically everything else but the head because there really isn't any other options for snake heads that I'm aware of
-I'm not sold on the boots, if you have any suggestions for alternatives, I'd love to hear 'em.
I aged them up, based on their ages described in the source books. (Mostly in their 40's now.)
(Obviously couldn't use Sapphire's belly diamonds, but they'd be there if I could.)
(Kinetik is still WIP, which is why is belt is using default colors.)
Redesign is on the right, just in case.
Also that Claude is like.. a complete and total improvement in every aspect. The current one looks like he's got a big wad of cream on his head (super scary)
Soundsrisky, I like what I'm seeing. Got any more up your sleeve?
EDIT: Also, how'd you do that? Getting the NPC in that pose as a PNG, getting your character in the same pose as an PNG, and then putting it all on a background?
As for the image, I use the demo_record function and playback to do it. It requires editing to .demo file to display an NPC's costume instead of the player's and using the "danimtogglebits" command during the demo to get the pose that I'm looking for, then taking multiple images into Photoshop to create an alpha channel for the transparency.
Here is another example you may like.
Hey, that me! Where the heck is the 'put sword on shoulder emote', cuz I need that in my life!
Also, that all sounds incredibly cool and complex and I wanna learn how to do that. I'll need to see if creating the alpha channel for transparency is something I can do with Paint.Net.
And hey, maybe they can correct his voice while they're at it.
Also, all the redesigns look amazing
While some of the heroes from Bloodmoon simply look old school, Nimbus has some things I feel don't quite work. Her color palette being one of the biggest weaknesses. It's one where it feels like small adjustment can work but the original ideas can be retained.
As for another character, I never liked the Talisman redesign that happened when the game went free-to-play, so here's a kind of goth-witch version of her.
Next up, Menton! This took some thinking and I think this works. It's better than the original at least. If the character is supposed to be the most powerful human psychic alive, someone so powerful that he can't be kept awake and that Dr. Destroyer has special protections against him, maaaaybe he shouldn't have been designed in a way that people would compare him to Steve Urkel?
Tried to split the difference between some of the stuff described and shown of him in the tabletop with some of the stuff in CO. Changed the brain part to be a bit more subtle and tried to maintain a visual difference with PSI's palette since he's not part of them.
My characters
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Though less armored, I overall feel like the changes make her more intimidating. When I showed this to some friends, they said that she's giving off 'Vasquez Energy' (a la "Aliens"), and that's totally fitting.
Far more intimidating. The first guy looks like he's a Furry and he's a children's mascot. Am I going to learn how to count to ten or some letters from the first one? :P
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
My characters
Myabe they'll do a graphic update of npcs when we hit Decade Anniversary...
I like how Silver Avenger went and became thicc.
And why did they remove the giant braindome from npcs?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
See, I never really got the straight-laced professional vibe from her. All of her dialogue is about busting heads, kicking ****, and beating up bad guys.
Also, being a professional does not require one to be "straight laced". I would say she's a professional UNTIL agent, but not straight-laced.
My characters
Honestly I think there is a disconnect going on here... you are associating physical strength with mental strength as if they are a one to one comparison... they are not. One can be physically weak yet have a powerful mind. While I think Menton should be updated, and if I felt I had the pieces to do so I'd post my own take, however I don't think his essence should be so drastically changed. He's physically weak, which means he should be a pushover yet he isn't because he has such high mental strength that even Dr. Destroyer, a world class threat, is concerned about what he can do.
Technically not my intent. I stated "splitting the difference" because in the tabletop he's visually portrayed as more suave and classy (though natively from Spain). Now, I can't say exact MMO game developer intent for him. I actually think him projecting an image of being cooler than he is and a reveal upon defeat would be pretty cool but it is but one potential idea.
All in all, I think the Claude Baine proposal beats everything else in the thread by a landslide since it does the best at improving the base concept while still maintaining it.
From posts you've made over the years, I know that you're a decent guy, zamuel, and your delight in seeing peoples' costume threads over the years gas been good to see. Let's see this thread continue and not devolve.
This thread has actually managed to get me seriously back into the tailor again
And, for the record, I like the Werewolf revamp too. From FLOOF! to RAWR!
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
though, i suppose someone like claude baine is supposed to be scary, not cuddly
Very well put! This definitely isn't meant to be a contest. This is meant to be a place for people to submit their costume ideas. If you don't like someone's costume? Instead of saying something, submit your own take on it! Really like someone's costume? Let them know, but not at the expense of other's submissions.
Now granted, this isn't *quite* the same, because the first is one of the 'escaped experiment' manimals, and the later is a 'part of the tribe' manimal. Used a lot of the Bird People costume pieces, and I thought the werewolf fur worked well as feathers.
My apologies. I let myself get offended instead of keeping my cool. In many ways I was caught off guard since I'm used to most of the longtime fans of Champions tabletop vocally hating Menton's CO visual design. Added onto the fact that a lot of early CO missions and NPCs tend to involve references and parodies, the thought that the design was intentional on brains =/= brawn or that someone would even like the way the design as presented never occurred to me. Still, this is detracting from the thread and potentially would be better suited for discussion elsewhere. Sorry about that.
Destroid Shock Trooper is in an interesting situation in that the one in game isn't one of Dr. Destroyer's robots but is instead using the model of one of the Lemurians. Presumably a bug, this leaves more breathing room for changing the look. Tried to find the right boots and bracers so the Shock Trooper fit in with the other Destroids but hopefully has enough details to stand out on its own.
kinda rushed this but made Al'Qeqthoth taller... suppose to be more intimidating.
would of use this head
and give his minions worm heads instead
Let's not go destroying player made villains. Mmmkay.
Remaking Crypticmadedefaultalertnemeses on the other hand....
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber