At the request of a Discord poster(way back when), I've compiled a few things. Namely, a list of Chest pieces that are gender-specific, when we'd really rather have them not be so, and some costume pieces we do not have access to, with the best pictures I was able to snap. List below, with pictures by yours truly(armor pieces colored to make them stand out)
Both Bone Armor chests:

Males have a cool chestplate, whereas females have an almost robe-like thing that goes great with long skirts. I think it'd be fair if both genders got both chests, so people have more variety in options.
Armor Ancient Tech:

Lemurians use this a lot. It's a cool chestpiece that goes great with a number of options female heroes have access to, so giving them access to this chestpiece too would be nice. Arcane heroines would love this, I reckon!
Armor Heavy 1:

If you've seen a Destroid with two know, the yellow-and-grey know what this chestpiece looks like. It also works great as a chest protector for sports-themed costumes(which is what I colored the one above as). Only male heroes can use it, which makes me sad.
Armor Heavy Carapace:

Aquatic Lemurians and some Qularr use this costume(more on that in the pictures). As far as I can tell, it seems to use similar assets as the Rock chest, which'd mean tooling this out for female heroes should be decently simple.
The Cyberpunk chest:

This piece of armor. I'd have taken a shot of an NPC wearing it, but they all vanished, so I had to shell out 45000 of my hard-earned Qs to get one myself(you're welcome). It's an amazing armor piece, and I bet way more people would use it if female heroes could also use it(they can use every other Cyberpunk piece, just not this chestpiece for some dumb reason).
Starting with an issue about the Heavy carapace chest, as seen on THIS Qularr Invasion Leader(soz for poor shot, it's a hassle getting pictures off of dudes who aggro like crazy):
For some reason, it seems like he he has an armored variant of the Carapace chest, as well as leg accessories and possibly knee pads(hard to tell on digitrade legs) that I've never seen in chargen before.
...and while we're on the subject of the Qulol, here's something else:
This is an average Flying Drone, and it seems like he has Chiton kneepads, though that may just be weirdness with his skin type. What ISN'T weirdness is that he wears a version of Armor Obliques we don't have, with more details and even stripes with glow levels(a version of it's attached to the Gadroon version of Cowl Flair 2). Cyberlord uses it too...and I haven't gotten a picture of him, but I think he also uses a Collar piece that's basically the Retro Sci-Fi helmet sans bubble. If someone could snap a picture, that'd be cool.
It looks like it'd be sweet with inner glows and all that. Also, on that subject, look at his long skirt. Why don't we have access to a tattered style like that? It'd add character to quite a few heroes!
Here's another thing that helmet can do:
It combos with another costume piece we don't have yet, Black Talon's armored overhang, to form big, tough space/diving helmets.
And...something else. Look at this Elder Worm minion:
He's the one I tried snapping a picture of this helmet for(and Slug has an attachment for it, so it ties the helm into the Elder Worms more)...but then I noticed the chestpiece he's wearing. What the hell IS that chestpiece? I've never seen it before on anyone else, enemy or hero, and I initially thought it was just a Superconductor chestpiece until I looked closely. I also don't think we have access to those square knee pads he's rocking, either.
I forget if players have access to the Defender boots, but I'm roughly 100% sure we don't have it in the Circuitry pattern that the Empyrian robots have it in. We also don't have access to whatever knee pads they're using.
Next, a Maleficia:
Looks fashionable, right? With that sweet jacket with the attached collar? She does. But we don't have access to that jacket for some strange reason. I also know there's a Sidekick who wears the same jacket, but I forget her name.
I saw this thing out and about while I was cruising Lemuria for a picture of the Black Talon overhang, and I thought 'Why don't the character generator's shark pieces have access to these textures?! It would be SO COOL!".
Next, a statue:
These statues seem to be made using the character generator, so I figured I'd snap a picture of the statues' stony texture. Maybe a texture like it for players would be neat.
And lastly, your friend and mine, SOCRATES:
I noticed this on statues too, but look at her head. We have a helmet that evokes her head shape, with the extended, swooshing bit on the back, but not the actual head type that looks like that. What gives? Also, a 'Horizontal Bars Hologram' texture might be cool for stuff like Holoforce pieces and such.
I have no idea, frankly, why this thing is excluded from the female chargenner. It's a really cool emblem, and I bet people would use it more if it was available to ladies too. I certainly would!
Also, a general thought. You know how we have certain costume pieces that are stuck on textures like Glass, PSI and Holoforce? You know, things like any given pair of dome helmet visor, the 90s and Retro Sci-Fi goggles, some of the Cyberpunk armor pieces, the various PSI pieces and the Holo-Hex plates? Wouldn't it be great if those got access to all the cool texture filters that more modern 'clear' things, like the Futuristic visor and the Emissive visor, have access to? That'd be so cool!