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Soooo after 4 years, I've decided to revisit this game. Any big changes? How is the game population now? And is it still lockbox mania or is there more content? Oh and any new power trees? I have a freeform slot (the purchasable one)

"Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."



  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited January 2019
    Soooo after 4 years, I've decided to revisit this game.

    Welcome back! o/

    Any big changes?

    Tons. So many that we should probably make a thread listing all of them for when people ask this because it's tough to remember all of them on the spot like this. Not sure what we even had 4 years ago. At some point we got an epic lair, a new lvl 40 zone, bunch of new events like Nightmare Invasion and High Noon, new gear and devices, and of course tons and tons of new costume pieces. Many power sets were revamped and got new powers, a process that is still ongoing. Oh and we got like 50 Cat action figures. Oh and recently they started updating old lairs. Vikorin is a proper lvl 40 lair now, and Destroyer Factory is about to have skull tech.

    How is the game population now?

    About the same I guess? It's difficult to measure the population accurately, but I can say that I see tons of people at events and cosmics.

    And is it still lockbox mania or is there more content?

    Both. We still regularly get new lockboxes, and we still get new content.

    Oh and any new power trees?

    Laser Sword.

    I have a freeform slot (the purchasable one)

    Make sure you head to the builds section of the forum if you have any questions. Lots of changes and lots of great new options, and that section is quite active with people eager to help you navigate things.​​
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    You did it better last Sept
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    You did it better last Sept

    To be fair, in that thread they were considering returning. In this one they've decided to actually return.​​
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    The Return Returns: Part II
  • novaninja555novaninja555 Posts: 839 Arc User
    lmao xD yes I did return this time. The game music is so nostalgic <3 Gosh I loved this game so much

    The game population has definitely dropped since the last time I was on, though I can't say I was actually expecting it to be too high. But I probably am never going to find a game with as much character customization as this one, so I am fine with playing it anyways :3

    "Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."

  • rhino#0585 rhino Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    I'm brand new to the game and I'm finding getting starting info is hard to do. I'm sure since the game has been around for a while that there are a lot of players who have been to max level over the years with many different characters so there probably aren't to many newbies joining the game. So all of the things i'm confused about are probably just simple issues ... I've also found since as a new player I can't ask questions on the forums or ask questions in a zone in game ... which I get it is to limit trolls and the like ... but it isn't helping alleviate my confusions.

    The last online hero game I played was City of Heroes and I stopped playing that early-mid 2000's. My character is currently level 10 i believe.

    I'm going to ask some pretty basic questions here ... if they are going to annoy you or make you hostile please just move along ... I'd appreciate any help you can offer.

    1. There are a number of archtypes that aren't available when you make a character, I assume that you need to buy these options in some capacity using 'zen' or whatever that is. My question here is this ... are there any guides or webpages that explain to you what all the different types of characters are and how to develope them? I made a Behemoth and I did see some guides on youtube about them but they were 8 years old or so ... does that guide still hold up or has them game changed to much since then? How can I learn more about the powers and stuff?

    2. The game offers all kinds of different currencies ... plus lots of stuff is bought when 'zen' ... which you buy with RL cash. I get it that is a way for the company to make some money off a free to play game so no complaints there. But can someone explain or point me to a link that can explain a bit about zen, and this Global, National, Local currency stuff? Also there are these UTIL things ... but I can't find anything in the game about that.

    3. I found that you can collect, earn, buy equipment to boost your stats ... that is pretty common in a RPG, but I'm a bit fuzzy on how it all works. Binding, trading, buying, bags ... these aren't too clearly explained in the game that I have found ... but I'm sure its all old hat to you old time players. Can I get a little help on this or point me to a good resource?

    4. Crafting ... the game gives me hints that I can craft or merge items but I haven't found any tutorials or ways to do that. Can you guys explain this or point me to a good resource?

    5. Are there any walkthroughs on how to play the game(ish) like you might find with a CoD or RDR2 or WoW ... like a game guide or a how to I could follow that for a few levels to get the low down?

    6. Is there anything else I should know or that you would have liked to have known when you first started? I can't really talk to anyone in the game since I'm new so I haven't had any interaction with other people.

    7. Can you chat with a mic? How does that work? I see that the game has a mic option but it doesn't seem to want to work for me and/or maybe I can only chat while in a group or something ... can someone explain or point to me to a resource that might help me out?

    8. There are powers, talents, skills, progression trees ... can I get a lowdown or this or can someone point me to a resource?

    Thanks for the help.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    First off welcome. The zone mute is only temp, I think like 24hrs or gameplay. But tells works I think...or in team chat.

    I’ll try to answer these questions when I get a chance
  • rhino#0585 rhino Posts: 5 Arc User
    Thanks ealford1985. Tells only work if you are in a group or guild with them. I was stuck pretty much muted out ... I tried to ask question in local chat near the portals people where hanging our around but not a lot of uber-40's wanna talk to a non-twinked out newb.
  • flagpole#4268 flagpole Posts: 38 Arc User
    Hey welcome to the game, I'll try my best to answer your questions and if I miss anything, I'm sure someone else can point it out.

    1 - In my opinion, the best guides for Archetypes come from this guy: http://champions-online.proboards.com/thread/3351/criswolf09s-updated-archetype-guides . It includes all free and paid ATs, some of which can be unlocked through events. In the event the link vanishes, just look up "champions online archetype guides" and it'll be the one titled "Hero 101 - Updated Archetype Guides | NPW Forums".

    2 - You can think of Locals, Nationals and Globals as Copper, Silver and Gold, respectively. If I remember correctly, 100 Locals = 1 National, and 100 Nationals = 1 Global. As for UNTIL (and any other tokens you may encounter in your play time), they're a type of currency you can acquire through certain missions and events, which you can then spend on the UNTIL vendor in the Recognition Store behind the spot Defender is standing at. Once you reach max level (40), UNTIL tokens will usually no longer drop, and be replaced by Silver Recognition (and in the case of cosmic battles, Gold Recognition as well). As for ZEN, yeah, it's Cryptic's paid currency, which you can acquire for free through the Questionite exchange (another resource you can earn in-game). However, it requires a lot of Questionite to get a substantial amount of ZEN (current exchange is ~400 Q per ZEN)

    3 - You'll generally want to focus on equipment that boosts your Superstats (Primary Super Stat, and Secondary Super Stats). They'll be marked as yellow on the gear if you mouse over the item. Some items are Bound to Account (these items can be freely moved around your different characters), Bound on Equip (once you equip the item, it can no longer be used by any other character or Bind on Pickup (this item is bound to that character, even if you don't "use" it. These are usually items bought in Recognition and Event stores). You can trade with players face-to-face, or use the Auction House in Ren Cen to put your items for sale and you can just wait until someone buys them (you'll get an ingame email warning you so). Bags are just extra inventory slots. Free players only get one additional bag slot (without Premium Pack), which can be equipped with a large bag for 32(?) extra inventory slots, if I remember correctly.

    4 - Don't bother with crafting. You should've gotten a mission that teaches you the crafting, but you probably picked a mission reward that didn't trigger it (you can only trigger this mission once you have a piece of equipment that can be slotted with mods in your inventory (they'll have a blank circle in their icon if you can equip mods in them). But generally speaking, don't worry about crafting right now.

    5 - I don't think so, but you can always ask Zone for what to do next if you're lost, once you're actually able to speak in zone.

    6 - Don't get the Challenge! Advantage on a DPS... I did when I started playing, always wondered why I kept dying... (English isn't my main language and I was pretty young at the time, so I'm not completely dumb).

    7 - Yes, but I don't know how it works. I have it turned off.

    8 - @criswolf09 's guide I linked above has all of this. It's a really great tool for new and experienced players alike.

    Once again, welcome to the game man, hope you enjoy!
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    For crafting - there was an item (a bracer, I believe) that was given as a reward from Kodiak for one of the early missions. That came with a slot for an upgradeable item, and should have given you a side mission to go talk to a fellow named Plankc (spelling intentional) in RenCen (Renaissance Center, where everything starts off). He'll give you a brief tutorial on "crafting" - really just melding items together to make them stronger. The first item he'll help you make is a gem that goes into the slot on the bracer, and increases some stats (including a boost to Secondary Stats that you don't have yet).

    Special note regarding Bound items - if they're Bound to Character, they belong to that one toon. You can sell them to a vendor, or put them in your personal bank, but you can't give them to anyone else once bound. (Some items will be annotated "Bind to Character On Equip" - that means that until the item is equipped by someone, rather than just being in inventory, it's not bound yet, and can still be sold on the Exchange or given away.) "Bound to Account" means that any toon on your account can use it, but the only way to transfer an item between toons once it's bound to account is to get a Hideout. Each Hideout comes with an Account Bank (just the one, you can't get more Account Bank slots by having multiple Hideouts, sorry). You can put an item into the Account Bank in your Hideout with one toon, then retrieve it with another. In general Bound items, whether to Character or Account, can't be mailed.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • rhino#0585 rhino Posts: 5 Arc User
    Thanks flagpole that was a big help. As I played today I learned a thing or two but ended up with more questions.

    I learned that there are billions of types of currency ... nemesis, villain, etc., ... all these vendors that only take a specific type. This to me is frustrating ... to much complexity to just buy an item.

    What I would LOVE most is to just find a vendor I can buy primary/secondary items from for G/N/L or even Zen. I actually bought a small zen package because I wanted to open a lockbox ... but i got useless stuff.

    Also I have a TON of stuff for mods/crafting ... however the dude at the drafting station won't talk to me however I think I have the option to put a point in one of the three crafting people ... I think 'science' was one of them ... I might need to youtube that to see how it works.

    My current questions are:

    1. When will I no longer new a new account and be able to talk to people ... playing the game unable to talk to people or learn what to do sucks ... I can't even respond to people who send me tells or invites ... it sucks.
    2. Is there a vendor I can just buy things from?
    3. Can I use zen to buy primary/secondary items and things like that?
    4. Are any of the items available with the purple foil special item voucher B thing ... whatever that is available at the collector store worth it? You can turn into a mummy ... or other weird stuff. How do I look to find out if this stuff is useful?

    Thanks for the help folks.
  • nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 778 Arc User
    The drifter has some very nice primaries for everything, but they're very expensive. They use the consolation currency you get for opening lockboxes. You would have to open quite a few to be able to afford them. The mute I believe is 24 hours play time, you can check this with /played. You can buy healing stuff from typical collector officers, and the recognition guy in the building behind defender has some decent secondaries for 15 silver each.
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    rhino#0585 wrote: »
    Thanks flagpole that was a big help. As I played today I learned a thing or two but ended up with more questions.

    I learned that there are billions of types of currency ... nemesis, villain, etc., ... all these vendors that only take a specific type. This to me is frustrating ... to much complexity to just buy an item.

    What I would LOVE most is to just find a vendor I can buy primary/secondary items from for G/N/L or even Zen. I actually bought a small zen package because I wanted to open a lockbox ... but i got useless stuff.

    You can buy equipment at the Auction House in Ren Cen using G/N/L. If you got any costume items from your lockboxes, take a look at the Auction House to see if you can sell them there, if you don't want the costumes. Some of them are pretty valuable!
    rhino#0585 wrote: »

    Also I have a TON of stuff for mods/crafting ... however the dude at the drafting station won't talk to me however I think I have the option to put a point in one of the three crafting people ... I think 'science' was one of them ... I might need to youtube that to see how it works.

    The three Crafting people are next to Max Planck, although you don't have to talk to them to select a Crafting skill. This is quite complicated and I have no idea why!
    rhino#0585 wrote: »

    My current questions are:

    1. When will I no longer new a new account and be able to talk to people ... playing the game unable to talk to people or learn what to do sucks ... I can't even respond to people who send me tells or invites ... it sucks.
    2. Is there a vendor I can just buy things from?
    3. Can I use zen to buy primary/secondary items and things like that?
    4. Are any of the items available with the purple foil special item voucher B thing ... whatever that is available at the collector store worth it? You can turn into a mummy ... or other weird stuff. How do I look to find out if this stuff is useful?

    1 - it's just to stop trolls and gold sellers, unfortunately. We've had a few. Should be gone after 24 hours or so.
    2 - Auction House, as above. But do look at the mission rewards. When you are low-tier these are a good way of getting decent Primary gear.
    3 - Not directly. But if you use the Questionite Exchange (button on the far bottom right of the Zen Store) and change your Zen for Questionite (Q) then you can. Questionite is a resource that you can also earn by doing daily missions, too (completing the 3 x Alert missions is the usual way) but if you want to jump the queue, you can pay for Zen. The Q store sells Primary and Secondary gear in sets. These sets give a boost to damage or defence (make sure you buy the right damage type), and the boost increases the more gear you have and increases when you level up. I tend to have a set of Armadillo secondary gear (the ones that boost defence) on all the characters I'm levelling up.
    4 - People tend to use those for costume sets. The "Becomes" (items you slot in your power tray to Become a Mummy, Frankenstein, etc) aren't much use as they tend to be weaker than normal builds.

  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Just to add to what you are hearing above. Some aspects of the games are only unlocked at certain levels. E.g. you can't do Smash Alerts until you get to 20 (Grabs start at 10). IIRC the Dailies like Harmon Lab only unlock at 30. The Rampages (e.g. Gravitar) only appear at 35. Some of the above mentioned resources will be relatively hard to come by at lower levels. The higher level content you do, the better the rewards. Some rewards can be unlocked by completing the Adventure Packs and Comic Series (see Defender and the guys around him). E.g. some costume pieces only become available for purchase once you complete Serpent Lantern.

    If you have money to throw at the game you can buy Cosmic Keys (used for opening Lock Boxes) and sell them in game or in the Auction House (small commission fee) for Gs. You can generally sell them for 75 Gs and up, depending on the market.

    You might see if you can find a cheap vehicle on the AH (or buy one from the Drifter if you ending up getting his currency from Lock Boxes). The Devs want supers to move around the world slowly until we get to 20 and can put a point in to a travel power. That's a bit faster. You can't put a 2nd point in until 40!!! If you buy a fast vehicle it helps you travel around more quickly. Vehicles can be equipped with weapons and other stuff (including mods to make them go faster). Once you are somewhat jaded (i.e. have leveled several characters to 40) you may decide to use a well-geared vehicle to help knock off open world missions more quickly. It can be painfully slow leveling a healer, and only slightly less slow a tank.

    Keep an eye out for sales! Everything is on sale at some point. Free Form slots can be nice once you have tried the Archetypes. Zen also goes on sale, if you are not adverse to putting real money into the game. You might want to pick up the Premium Pack for 1500 Zen. That's a good deal.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    The three Crafting people are next to Max Planck, although you don't have to talk to them to select a Crafting skill. This is quite complicated and I have no idea why!
    That's a leftover from the old days, when Crafting meant you actually had to go to a Crafting bench appropriate for the specialty you'd chosen, and build an item from materials you'd found while adventuring. The problem with it was that by the time you had the mats, the item you could craft was already inferior to items dropped for you in the process. (The sole exception was the Travel power item, one per specialty, which are now available as travel powers in the Powerhouse, although now they cost Zen.)

    Yes, back in the day you could only Craft or level up when you went to an area hub. Those days sucked. :smile:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    jonsills wrote: »
    Yes, back in the day you could only Craft or level up when you went to an area hub. Those days sucked. :smile:
    On the other hand, the only customizable gear (stat wise) at that point was avialable with crafting.
  • flagpole#4268 flagpole Posts: 38 Arc User
    One last thing on my part, since I see that you are able to spend money on the game. If you don't plan on getting a Lifetime Subscription anytime soon, I'd recommend getting the Premium Pack on the Z Store (1500 ZEN), it's in the Services tab. There you can see what you'll get with that purchase and in my opinion, it's a nice bonus to have. Extra character slots, inventory slots, costume sets and travel powers, among other things.
  • rhino#0585 rhino Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    Thanks for the feedback above. Since I can't start a thread yet or communicate like an adult I'm going to hijack this thread with some more questions :)

    I've been doing whatever missions I can find and visiting as many NPC's as I can see with some weird highlighted something or other above their heads. I usually find an NPC who tells me to go there and do that ... and then i do and I go back to them ... they tell me well done and they give me another mission. I like those missions, I can bang one or two out an hour and call it a day when I need to log off. Lately I've just been getting nothing but these epic long drawn out missions. For example I got what I though was a simple mission to go to a press event ... I figured that i'd pull the lever on the portal thing ... a bunch of bad guys would come out and there would be fight, then I'd go back to the defender guy. But NooOoOoo I end up in some weird shark universe and then in some alternate dimension, and then in some weird prison that I couldn't figure out what the **** to do ... I had to cause a riot while laser beaming weird robots ... I couldn't figure it out ... and at this point it had been like 3 hours and I was sick of playing so I just shut down ... and obviously logging out makes me have to start the whole thing all over again. I had the same thing happen with some weird mission that had me out is some blizzard universe ... ugh.

    How do I know what kind of mission a mission is? I saw them grouped under topics like "Comic" or some other stuff ... what are those? Are my days of simple 20 min to an hour long mission over? Because I can't do a 6-10 hour mission.
  • flagpole#4268 flagpole Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    No, what you did there were called Adventure Packs. They're long, drawn out story-focused missions. When picking these quests up, they'll have a red text at the bottom of the mission description, like this:


    I'd avoid playing these missions since they don't offer much in the way of rewards. They do, however, allow you to unlock certain AP-specific costumes from the UNTIL Recognition Store.

    These Adventure Packs (and other optional drawn out missions) include:
    - Serpent Lantern
    - Resistance
    - Demonflame
    - Steel Crusade
    - Whiteout

    If you see a green quest mark over an NPC's head, their missions are of this kind. If you want an in-game description of APs, check out what Until Liaison Bradley, by Defender, has to say.

    Cosmics are open world bosses that are meant for characters who are level 35+ (40 recommended). They're endgame content, so I wouldn't worry too much about them right now.
  • rhino#0585 rhino Posts: 5 Arc User
    Thanks that helps.
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