Doge the DodgeTank&d=13270a23PKGL060094E104E229EC03EG05C800CJ0JEP29CL04ON01CM00EN008O00EL00EY032MPS2JlG0tak30105090M&e=QWJvdXQgNjAwIERleCwgMzAwIENvbiwgMTI1IFJlYyB3LyBBdm9pZCBHZWFyIGZ1bGwgcjkgZG9kZ2UgbW9kLiAxMTIuMiUvODkuMyUgZG9kZ2UvYXZvaWQgbm9uIGJsb2NrLCAxMDMuNiUvODcuNCUgYmxvY2ssIGFmdGVyIGVsdXNpdmUgZHJvcC4~ Above is the Build, tested on PTR except on Cosmics so far. It hits attacking and blocking enough Dodge to deal with Kiga, even if blocking is short lived for twist fate duration. Stats with justice gear and an onslaught secondary dodge hits modded for health/dodge buffed meets end. Avoid lets through about 12% damage either case. 12k health to live by as it has too high diminishing making lashingpush closer to 11℅ all without AoPM. Sure it can block 5sbut then trades to refresh tkucks lithe and twist fate.
Essentially the rotation is builder to 3 twist fate, tkick combo, builder 1-2 hits and dragon claw repeated until third claw or lithe 4sleft and repeat. Aoe is same with dragonkick instead.
As per opener start with masterful to have a safer startup on big enemies to head on reduce damage until lithe + 3 twist are online. that build is tight enough to keep up during block so every opening is a blessing.
Sure, there is some good threat building there, but EB usage is a major drop in threat.
That said, I could be wrong about it and it works fine, at the Cosmics.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
Also tje eb part takes two hits tops per use, i tried it on my lving dodgetank toon and can hold well enough in alerts. At worst masterful and chargespam away.
So let me be honest here: I wanted an odd tank build that was out of the ordinary and working like a Heal-Tank or Cc-Tank. So i dedicated all to dodgetank and ONLY to make it work. No more no less.
The gear used leaves 44% defense resist, most from avoid. I hoped to make it work and beyond that just to be viable partaking even if it means tanking dogs and baby primarily else serce as backup on others.
I'm curious as to how it would perform in StE, as I recall the bane of LR and Defiance were many little hits.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
But if it should go more Con, forget Kiga, and generally change some things to do MT then please say so.
Just whats funny i thought I could ONLY handle Baby and Dogs tops. Soaktank maybe, events just no.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Edit: 669 Dex Minimum (if not pushed tad more by different secondary Gear) and 209 Con Minimum (same as Dex) and you get 104% Dodge 89.3% Avoid with just (nearly) 11k Health flat (11.001Health) without Twist Fate or Flippin at all but will make Blocking the Problem otherwise. 94.6% with Lithe, no more Twist Fate and Elusive Drops too quickly to make block worthwhile.
Will Keep Protector Spec as is, but remove Sentry for Warden to Benefit of Aoe Resistance, Defense Boost, Best Defense and Severity. Still retains 44% Resist on Armor.
Pros of higher Dex: No need for EB at all, just refresh Lithe as it is at 4s left.
Cons of higher Dex: Blocking will be out of the Question due to too low dodge. Reliant on Drunk Master to hit 103.3% cap for Kiga.
Regardless of this, if Blocking is key then Dodge Tanking will only ever top as a Soak or OffTank with Twist Fate. If it is fine without for just OffTank mainly, then I know what to do.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Essentially just drop a rework of my Build to make it work well enough for all Content as possible. I just am at wits end with it.
*She might be able to solo tank Kigatilik - especially if she's getting AoRP - but it's never come up, because since people have moved to exclusively solo-tanking him, there's always been someone else at Kiga with a less finicky tank build.
The trick I found for cosmics, is to actually use Fluidity. Yes, I know, it's a terrible block power in almost every other circumstance, but if you've got at least 75% dodge chance just standing there, you can take r2 Fluidity with Flowing Like the River, and be at 100% dodge chance while blocking even if all your other buffs fall off - this makes it actually safe to block for things like Dino's breath or spines. Re-apply Thundering Kicks after such attacks - there's always a couple seconds where the boss doesn't attack - and you're good to go.
Of course, timing is everything; the Flowing Like the River advantage degrades over time, so you have to re-block before it's fully fallen off - and for Kiga, with his dodge chance debuff, you have to do so even earlier. But it -is- workable.
Kiga is the only outlier. It is still highly viable but i find myself toggling on the Feline Serum device and spamming sword cyclone with Chaotic movement to sustain high enough dodge.
╚══.¸Menagerie Dodge Tank&d=12370a23GKP7061091B000E229EC03DF05B800BK0LBN05BP1KBH0WER00ON03E400EZ04BI0042kb0rWq0rZI300000105&e=