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Throw a Party and a Costume Contest!

We're throwing a Costume Contest to celebrate our Ninth Anniversary! Come show off your best stuff, and you could win some original Champions concept art and more!



  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    Does it have to be a party costume or just go as your best costume?
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
    - - - - - -
    Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    It doesn’t say party costume
  • heroshima1heroshima1 Posts: 110 Arc User
    Is there going to be a particular Instance? or will the limit be increased? If multiple instances, will the devs be hopping through each one? Just curious how they plan on "judging" when there will likely be more than 1 instance.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Previously they've jumped between instances.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    I hope everyone join could get 2 Devs tokens as like as last time. o3o
  • One thing that irks me is that the 1st and 2nd place get Therakiel's Sword/Blade. Why not put the sword back into the game, where it belongs?
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Thursday 5pm...that's 2am here....Why not friday 5pm?
    monaahiru wrote: »
    I hope everyone join could get 2 Devs tokens as like as last time. o3o

    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    So only top 13 ppls get some prize and all other just waste whole time? Lame to be awake because JPT here. o3o
  • Love to go but it sure is on a weekday. Gotta work.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    > @monaahiru said:
    > So only top 13 ppls get some prize and all other just waste whole time? Lame to be awake because JPT here. o3o

    What you want? a participation reward?
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Does it have to be a party costume or just go as your best costume?
    Whatever you do, make sure you show up dressed to the nines,

    "To the nine" is an English idiom meaning "to perfection" or "to the highest degree" or to dress "buoyantly and high class". In modern English usage, the phrase most commonly appears as "dressed to the nine" or "dressed up to the nine"
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    monaahiru wrote: »
    So only top 13 ppls get some prize and all other just waste whole time?
    The point of a costume contest isn't really the phat loot it gives out (very few of them give out much relative to their time requirement), it's mostly about showing off your costume and looking at other people's designs.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    monaahiru wrote: »
    So only top 13 ppls get some prize and all other just waste whole time? Lame to be awake because JPT here. o3o
    Well.. most of the time people participate Costume Contests to Socialize, share their costumes & characters and have fun in social events in general​​
    It's a Social Event
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • Hey folks,

    Thanks to some feedback we've gotten, we're changing this up a bit. The theme is now Whatever You Want. Show up in your best or your favorite costume!

    See you tonight!
  • shortbus#4297 shortbus Posts: 100 Arc User
    Where do we watch the live stream?
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    Where do we watch the live stream?

    There are links on the news article :)

    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • shortbus#4297 shortbus Posts: 100 Arc User
    Where do we watch the live stream?

    There are links on the news article :)

    Ah I missed that. And by that I mean this:

  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    PH theater zone #3 had no shark.
  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    Why no dev token when Megalodon is killed? This is what the non-winners were looking forward to. :C
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
    - - - - - -
    Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    Why no dev token when Megalodon is killed? This is what the non-winners were looking forward to. :C

    I think I won't join from next time to waste over 3 hours.
    Where other we can get Devs token from. o3o
  • tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Great work, all. Excellent entries from everyone, efficient judging from the Dev team.

    4 Zones full of entries and you managed the process to fit in just 2 hours. Talking with other players previously, I realised it wasn't just the length of an event per se, but the anxiety of waiting (during that time). You really mitigated that and I think people appreciated it.

    Also, for your convenience (and I'm not a member of this group, so I'm unbiased), the radio station you noticed in the event is:

    Post edited by tigerofcachtice on
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Where is the list of winners and their screen shots posted?
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • tigerofcachticetigerofcachtice Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    In the spirit of being helpful, here's the saved stream:

    We've been using it to look at the winners (obviously at the end). I know the winners aren't zoomed in on, etc., but keep in mind Kaiserin was busy announcing winners, handing out the prizes, and so on. And you know these guys (for example, Downside made something classically Downside).

    On that note, great entries, everyone. It was a good CC, 4 Zones of everyone's best.
    More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Not seeing anything for a stream?
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    I agree it made good time.

    Watching the reaction to looks was my favorite part. It goes to show that anyone can judge but that doesn’t mean your look is better or worse than anyone’s. Everyone has different taste.
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    As partial feedback, I'd like to note that Dev tokens are far too rare a resource as it stands.

    Once or twice a year a couple lucky players get one or two, means that normally most players will never see one at all, and I missed out on the one I should have gotten at the first Megalodon spawning last year due to the event crashing my game. By the time I got back in, it was over, and people who weren't there the exact moment dev tokens were spawned, like me, got nothing.

    This year, they didn't even distribute dev tokens at all, and several people in my SG were not happy that they had spent 2 1/2 hours hoping for a raindrop from heaven so they could get some rare mask in the dev token store for 5 tokens.

    The costume contest itself was fine and went pretty well, although Kael & Kais not noticing the stream was on a static background for the first 15 minutes is pretty sad. Especially since we were in the stream chat trying to tell them.

    I guess my second feedback is, get a couple more people there, at least someone there to monitor the stream and stream chat like a professional outfit. I know Champions is a back-burnered, barely there kind of game now, and we should be thankful it gets an annual stream at all, but still, it's just insulting at this point. IMHO.
  • beezeezebeezeeze Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    Going to a CC expecting a reward is just backwards headed and wrong. I'm sorry, but you shouldn't just expect to win anything just for showing up. Now I did get some dev tokens the last time there was a dev hosted CC and I never told anyone about them until now just for this exact reason...if people knew they could get dev tokens for going to dev hosted CCs they would only go to dev hosted CCs for the dev tokens...which is expecting a reward for just showing up to a contest....which like I said is backwards and wrong headed.

  • beezeezebeezeeze Posts: 937 Arc User
    This applies to all CCs also...if you are asking yourself 'Why should I participate if there is no guarantee of rewards?" perhaps you should not participate.

  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    I didn't go expecting one.

    It is merely my valid feedback that the dev tokens are too rare as it stands, and I noted some people I knew grousing about it.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    How do you even define "too rare" in this context? they're mainly a reward for beta-testing content.
    My characters
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    How do you even define "too rare" in this context? they're mainly a reward for beta-testing content.

    Well, here's an example. I alpha and beta tested the game for more than a year before it came out, and have personally directly contributed to many fine bugfixes and features in the game today. In fact the remote crime computer that we all take advantqage of each and every day to call contactws to take and turn in missions was a bug that I personally discovered, perfected the repro steps for, and broke on the forums, after getting permission from Robobo, the Producer at the time.

    After some UI and NPC name clean up [such as removing ghosts and other NPCs that shouldn't be on your cell phone list], it ws later added as a full feature. but that feature wouldn't ever have gotten into the game had I not found and shown how viable the bug was.

    that's only one example, but I have many more if you really want them. I once won a Dev sponsored costume contest, way way back in 2010.

    Yet I have never received a Dev token. I'm not begging for any for myself either. Dev tokens didn't exist back then, I recognize that.

    But there is a costume bit mask, Kaisarin's mask I assume, in the dev token store priced at 5 dev tokens, and people want to collect and use costume bits. Holding such costume bits hostage to a token that you basically have no way to reliably obtain is kind of harsh.

    I don't think very many people really collect Action Figures so hard as to get a full set, anymore, but I admit I could be wrong.. those players would have it even worse.

    That's really all I'm trying to say.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    iamrune wrote: »
    How do you even define "too rare" in this context? they're mainly a reward for beta-testing content.

    Well, here's an example. I alpha and beta tested the game for more than a year before it came out, and have personally directly contributed to many fine bugfixes and features in the game today. In fact the remote crime computer that we all take advantqage of each and every day to call contactws to take and turn in missions was a bug that I personally discovered, perfected the repro steps for, and broke on the forums, after getting permission from Robobo, the Producer at the time.

    After some UI and NPC name clean up [such as removing ghosts and other NPCs that shouldn't be on your cell phone list], it ws later added as a full feature. but that feature wouldn't ever have gotten into the game had I not found and shown how viable the bug was.

    that's only one example, but I have many more if you really want them. I once won a Dev sponsored costume contest, way way back in 2010.

    Yet I have never received a Dev token. I'm not begging for any for myself either. Dev tokens didn't exist back then, I recognize that.

    But there is a costume bit mask, Kaisarin's mask I assume, in the dev token store priced at 5 dev tokens, and people want to collect and use costume bits. Holding such costume bits hostage to a token that you basically have no way to reliably obtain is kind of harsh.

    I don't think very many people really collect Action Figures so hard as to get a full set, anymore, but I admit I could be wrong.. those players would have it even worse.

    That's really all I'm trying to say.
    You mean this one?
    I got it using tokens acquired from helping beta-test the Eidolon boss fight in the QWZ.
    My characters
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    And when exactly was that?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    Yes, I know, it was a beta-test event that wasn't recent.

    Dev tokens aren't meant to be something you can easily grind for. They're meant as a reward for doing things.
    My characters
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    Except there aren't any actual rules to the gaining of Dev tokens. It's entirely up to the discretion of the dev. Plenty of folks have tested various things on PTS and not received any Dev tokens (after the implementation of said tokens, ofc).
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
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