Here is an idea that came to my mind. I'm not sure if it could be done. It probably won't! But if someone can walk into a Hollywood movie studio meeting and say, "Hay!" "Lets make a film with a tornado full of sharks!" Then why should I be afraid to throw my idea out there?
Here is my idea! If you can create your own Nemesis in Champions Online, then why can't you create your own sidekick? Like, Come on now! Wouln't it be cool if you can call upon your own customized sidekick to help you on a mission when needed? Within game rule limits of course. You can choose what they look like, choose what powers they can have (also within game rule limits) and give them their own backstory and so on! Tell me what you think! I think it would be a wonderful addition to the game because.... well... Why not? What is Batman without Robin? What is Captain America without Bucky? Plus it adds to your heroes personality and customization! Oh, and if the development team reads this and I hope they do. If they decide to go through with this idea .... Your Welcome!
And we even have basics for a such system ingame allready, the Nemesis Creator/System.
I believe dev team is well aware, that playerbase would like to have somekind of Sidekick creator. Since this has been brought up like 16 times past 10 years. Just making it happen isn't that easy.
And we should be bringing suggestions such this, since who knows....**** happens.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Then they made Alerts out of those missions and ...boop there you go, instant sidekick with any low level character.
In the meantime, go team some noobs.
My characters