Bugs I know of with the Nighthawk event:
- The alert does not have skull scaled enemies, nor does it force SK you. Thus, low levels get obliterated, high levels are probably more powerful than they're supposed to be.
- In the alert, there is a location (back right corner of the fountain) where hostile units get stuck and you have no line of sight on them.
- (QOL): you can only queue for the alert from the front door of Stone's penthouse (all other such are either alerts that can be queued from anywhere, or aren't queued at all), and if you do so, it pops up a queue window on the Alerts tab. It should be on the Missions tab, or Stone should be on the alerts tab.
- The cut scene has erratic glitches, such as stone sometimes being embedded in the floor, pets showing up when they aren't supposed to, fist pump animation instead of standing up after heli flyby.
Other bugs?
But its the same system used to lock/unlock rewards in other content, so worth a mention