1) it is a custum alert with five players so it should be available to level 20s like all the other custom alerts (it currently is not)
2) turn it into a rampage based on the higher difficulty / not allowing level 20s and increase the player cap to 10 from 5
i don't care which is applied so long as one of them is done and it is treated accordingly
but do... something
Lemurian Invasion and UNTIL Skycommand are both rampages too and not single villain fights like Gravitar and the duo of Fire & Ice >.>
and rampages are accessible at like level 35
dunno what the minimum level for this thing is but it really doesn't fall in the established pattern of custom alerts
on the other hand some might say it is sorta like forum malvanum but at least that still gives credit after succeeding to a certain point
regardless, it needs to fit either category with appropriate level accessibility instead of being its own thing "just because"
My characters
anyway, tangent aside all i really want is for some... normalization between the different alerts, it is too spready out atm, or maybe it is intentionally so for its first few rotations before it starts getting treated like other custom alerts
dunno, and just in case, i don't care about its difficulty or mechanics or anything, just want normalized level access and treatment >.< because i really was looking forward to it being lowbie accessible like the other custom alerts
if they do turn it into a rampage, i might feel it would be even cooler because then they can crank the difficulty higher and i know many people want more harder stuff aside from cosmics etc. here and there
either way *pickets*
edit: typos >.<
I enjoy it being new and different. Not sure why it necessarily has to be normalized to be like the other alerts.
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if it is being treated/classified as a custom alert then let us have access at level 20 like all custom alerts
if it is being treated as a rampage difficulty, then i guess access at level 35 like other rampages
if it is being treated as brand spanking new category... why is it a requirement in that vigil thing that i always forget to do, the sequence of custom alerts thing ...anyway, why shouldn't it have its own category (or maybe that's a future thing)?
does anyone know what the minimum level access for it is?
basically when one queues for a custom alert or a rampage they... know what sort of difficulty to expect, right?
STE regardless of whatever mechanics seems to be an exception to this, especially judging by how ppl react to it over zone chat
i've personally have had no issues with it aside from... not being able to have access to it at level 20 even though at first glance it seems like a custom alert
waiting on a friend to finally hit 35 to see if they can then access it ...in which case, if she can... why not toss it in the rampage queue? why insist it is a custom alert if participation requirements are for rampage?
i just want to be able to ACCESS the dumdum alert at an appropriate level >.< that matches its dumdum category
and IF the minimum level is 40 to take part in it um... yeaaaah then i can chill out and sorta expect more level 40 only alerts to show up eventually and have their own category
We have no plans to move it out of the alert rotation.
i was secretly annoyed that it might need one to be 35 but yeah nemesis access being 25 makes way more sense buuuuuuuut could we please please get a tiny info somewhere that it is level 25 and not 20... actually this is a dumdum statement because we can't even SEE the alert till 25
translation: alri can wait 5 levels, alri smash later
and pushing my luck here but in the future can we have either all custom alerts be accessible at 25 or nem access at 20 instead?
i honestly dunno why this is bugging me so much >.< anyway, waiting five levels isn't a big deal >.<