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No subs mean no more cheap access to Cryptic Chat

I don't know how many people actually use this feature anymore (with CO on a decently actively Discord and such now), but with CO losing subscription access, we're losing the last cheap option to access external Cryptic Chat.

For those that don't know, you can access any and all chat channels (and guild chat, and your friends) from the outside world. Not many programs support it (basically Pidgin and Trillian on PCs and a random program or two on some phone devices), but it was something that I've used for a long portion of my time in CO to keep track of friends and guildmates.

But it required a subscription to either CO or STO, or Lifetime access to either game. With subs going away in CO, we're losing our last cheap access to it.

Something you might want to tell your friends about if they happen to use it for any reason.
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  • nacito#6758 nacito Posts: 982 Arc User
    there was a post/chat somewhere in discord or here I remember they said people would eventually have access to this feature even if they're silvers​​
    Just another reptile lover, known in game as @nacito

    This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
  • epeleskerepelesker Posts: 307 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »
    XMPP/PTS access: Currently these are not part of the pack, but we are looking into getting them to be part of it.​​
    Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
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