Now that we got a new Nemesis-themed alert, I'm sure nemesis fever has hit everyone and we're all excitedly completing our nemesis arcs so we can make new ones for everyone to see! I sure am! So let's all have a good time showing off the cool, silly, and just plain ridiculous nemesisisisis that we have produced! \o/
Here is one that I rushed to once the alert became known:
Borf Smackwell, nemesis of Kagami The Amazing Magical Girl

( who looks nothing like Biff Smackwell, and instead looks like Offender... cause I like Offender's costume more, but Biff Smackwell is a more recognized name. Also it's based off of an earlier version of his costume that I happened to find on google. )
He is a good boy and he only does crimes because he's trying to get Kagami to show up so he can punch her stupid face o3o
Just your typical piggo that wandered into a secret underground sanctum under the farm where it lived and ate a magical amulet that turned it into a manimal thing. His desire for endless food, complete lack of any professional skills and limited intelligence have spurred him to steal stuff to pawn for food money. Witchcraft detected the magical amulet in his body and dispatched Devura to go and stop the criminal swine and retrieve it. His name was given to him by the media. He is followed around by a group of convicts that he accidentally broke out of a jail who assist him in his crimes - he tolerates them because they don't ask for any of his food.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Uncle Goat
Uncle goat is a dirty manimal gangster he is the nemesis of Sheeples.
and Mama Oog
Mama Oog is a wicked witch and former owner of Zyu...she is Zyu's nemesis.
I present
SHO NUFF!! The Shogun of West Side!
Well that image went all wrong..
Here we are now going to the West Side
Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
Some may come and some may stay
Watching out for a sunny day
Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm
In game as @forgemccain
This is Nelko's nem Morticia. The costume was an attempt to duplicate the look of the singer of Babymetal.
My characters
Caine is a power-hungry infernalist who aspires to be the Right Hand of Malgorath, the demon whose power runs in the Hellstrom family thanks to a Faustian pact an ancestor made long ago. He wants Tania dead because he and their father (a scumbag and infernalist in his own right) see her as competition to what he feels is rightfully his. Neither of them really care that Tania herself wants little if anything to do with the demon in question anyway. When Tania's power (which she has due to being one of two firstborns in her generation, Caine being the other) manifested for the first time, it was Caine who summoned and sent the demons that killed Tania's adoptive family (who their mother left her with after their father's desire to kill her became known) and nearly killed her as well.
This guy has sent more demons after his sister than even she can count, and she wants more than anything to lock him up for good and take his damned tomes and other magicky summony crap away.
Another nemesis in Champions Online, this time I decided to make an opposite for my character.
Pyrana looks like a Fire Demon, so I decided to go for an angel with ice powers. But then I asked myself "Why would she be doing this?" If the Nemesis did a simple manhunt style approach to attacking your character that'd kinda work, but they don't, they act more like crime bosses. Not something an angel would do just to go after someone they think might be a demon. so I went the route of "what if the angel wasn't acting of her own free will?" Then while batting around ideas I ended up with the idea to do something similar to the undead heroes in Bloodmoon, but not Takofanes, and also another crucial difference is that Kerakh-el wasn't fully dead. She's not a reanimated corpse, but a zombified living person. So when fighting her Pyrana's actual goal is to SAVE Kerakh-el, rather than to kill or imprison her. Part of this is because Karakh-el is conscious of what she's doing, but unable to stop her body from obeying the will of her captor.
Also the yellow splatters on her skin? I decided to go with the idea she has yellow blood.
My characters