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Thoughts about CO as a Subscriber / Lifetime subscription.

We all know there's a ton of bugs and glitches, some recide from as long back as beta,
yet countless of them still remain to be sorted out. Some of them have serious impact on gameplay
while other's are considered "tolerable".

But how can a game with subscriptionstatus and a 300$ Lifetimesub have a mindset
of having "tolerable" bugs and glitches that are a decade old and not getting sorted?.

Yesterday for example, i found out that some cosmics has a glitched hitbox and if you are
too close, some of your powers won't do any damage AT ALL.. the infamous "cone bug" on the Dino for example.

We know that everytime we request something to get fixed or added, we're replied with the same
excuse that "we can't because it's too hard with the old coding". This tells me that you'll happily
take the all the money from Zen-store, lifetimesubs and monthly subs, but fixing more or less serious
issues aren't even on the table - because "old code".

Now don't take this as a rant or that i am unappreciative of the game, i love it, but that also means
that i have to question what is being done TO the game.. which is nothing . Each event we have are
just events going in circles, nothing new. Telios Ascendant is old content re-skinned and re-used
for a "new" dungeon. The Cosmics are the same, old content in new finish.

Infact, since 2009 we actually have LESS content than now, because dungeons had their loot removed,
and there's no longer any point running Adventures.

Something i heard yesterday while we were talking about the current state of CO in Ren-Cen was
that everytime someone in the "Dev division" shows initiative with good ideas, they are moved
to STO or NWO.. and CO is just an abandoned product that is kept around to make money.

Now... some people might consider costumes "content", but its not content - its cosmetics.

When was the last time we had a serious effort in fixing the memoryleak?. I've played many 32bit games
on my PC that doesn't crash after 4 hours "on the clock" almost .
What about this mysterious "chat bubble bug" that for some reason removed all cutscene bubbles ?.
What about these daily broken Alert-queues that can go on for hours ?.

I love playing the game and making themed heroes with awesome costumes.. but we have to look
beyond that and really ask the question , why isn't almost anything fixed, and how does that
justify monthly subs or 300$ lifetime payment?.

It's just questions that needs to be brought up, so don't shoot the messenger.


  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    diggot said:

    Now don't take this as a rant or that i am unappreciative of the game, i love it, but that also means
    that i have to question what is being done TO the game.. which is nothing . Each event we have are
    just events going in circles, nothing new. Telios Ascendant is old content re-skinned and re-used
    for a "new" dungeon. The Cosmics are the same, old content in new finish.

    Reusing assets is a smart thing to do when resources are low. If you don't like it, feel free to send the devs a big fat check.

    Also why this obsession with what something looks like? TA isn't old content reskinned, in fact it's not reskinned at all. TA is old assets reused to produce new content. If you think TA is the same content as Telios Tower then you haven't played Telios Tower.

    As far as Cosmics, they have been enduring active content for quite a while now, so it'll be hard to frame the Cosmic revamp as a mistake.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    If they had more money to pay more staff more bugs would be fixed.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    diggot said:

    It's just questions that needs to be brought up, so don't shoot the messenger.

    We've been bringing up these questions for years btw. You're late to the game, the devs already know. In fact lead dev used to be a player who brought up those same exact questions. Think about what that means.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    diggot said:

    We all know there's a ton of bugs and glitches, some recide from as long back as beta,
    yet countless of them still remain to be sorted out. Some of them have serious impact on gameplay
    while other's are considered "tolerable".

    But how can a game with subscriptionstatus and a 300$ Lifetimesub have a mindset
    of having "tolerable" bugs and glitches that are a decade old and not getting sorted?.

    Tolerable by who? The developers or the players?

    We all know that champs isn't a cash cow for cryptic. It seems that it doesn't make a ton of money but it makes enough to justify some development. Being that they have a limited development team, not all areas of development can be accounted for. There's no one singular role of "developer" which makes you an expert in content design, systems design, art design, coding, and animation. These are all things that are normally taken care of by several people.

    So bugs tolerated by the developers? Might be because there's not enough hours in the day to tackle everything, or it might be outside of the expertise of the developers on hand.

    Bugs tolerated by the players? Obviously this'll come down to personal preference but for me as an example, the core of the game is fun and engaging enough that the good outweighs the bad. Champs is literally the only MMO I've been able to play for more than 3 years. So it's safe to say it's my favorite MMO. I've played other MMOs that have more content, bigger budget and development team, basically all the tools to make a game better than Champions, but none have struck that chord with me. So since this game gives me what none other can/has, it's easy to see past bugs and stuff. Do I want more content in Champs? Do I want more bugs fixed? Of course. But the game is still good and better than the sum of its bugs, so I can tolerate them.
    diggot said:

    Yesterday for example, i found out that some cosmics has a glitched hitbox and if you are
    too close, some of your powers won't do any damage AT ALL.. the infamous "cone bug" on the Dino for example.

    Might not be in a current deceloper's wheelhouse. Either they don't know how to fix it, or it's something they have to spend a lot of time researching. It's not an excuse, but a reason.
    diggot said:

    We know that everytime we request something to get fixed or added, we're replied with the same
    excuse that "we can't because it's too hard with the old coding". This tells me that you'll happily
    take the all the money from Zen-store, lifetimesubs and monthly subs, but fixing more or less serious
    issues aren't even on the table - because "old code".

    Yes they'll happily take the money because they've earned it. Creating that content (even lockbox contents) isn't free, all these people have a job to do and expect to get paid for it. Do you think they should stop taking money until they've fixed all the bugs? Or should they fire all the current developers and hire some that can fix these bugs in particular?

    Let's explore that. We get some good-ol bug fixing heroes, and they fix bugs like the hit boxes and sort through all the old code. Unless these fixes are monumental and cause a huge surge in revenue, then we're stuck with these guys. They can fix bugs but can they design costumes? Can they design content? Are they familiar enough with the powers systems to balance the sets and add new powers without breaking everything? Chances are that Champions has 20 different seats to fill but only four or five of those can be filled at any one time (these numbers are just made up for the sake of example). Regardless of what you do, you can't fill all the roles, so you'll be hurting somewhere. Unless, of course, huge surge in revenue.

    Even if they did find jack-of-all-trades developers who can fill every possible role, they can't do three or four jobs at once. So you're still getting the same amount of development time.

    I've seen games where the content was designed by the programmers and it wasn't pretty. Coding is not designing and vice versa. Anyone remember the missions leading up to the Lemurian Invasion event? There's probably a reason those got swept under the rug.
    diggot said:

    Now don't take this as a rant or that i am unappreciative of the game, i love it, but that also means
    that i have to question what is being done TO the game.. which is nothing .

    Bit of hyperbole.
    diggot said:

    Each event we have are
    just events going in circles, nothing new. Telios Ascendant is old content re-skinned and re-used
    for a "new" dungeon. The Cosmics are the same, old content in new finish.

    Infact, since 2009 we actually have LESS content than now, because dungeons had their loot removed,
    and there's no longer any point running Adventures.

    Something i heard yesterday while we were talking about the current state of CO in Ren-Cen was
    that everytime someone in the "Dev division" shows initiative with good ideas, they are moved
    to STO or NWO.. and CO is just an abandoned product that is kept around to make money.

    Champs seems to be the training grounds for Cryptic rookies. Once they've got some experience with the engine, they get shuffled over. I think Kaiserin was hired specifically for Champs though, so hopefully she'll be sticking around.
    diggot said:

    Now... some people might consider costumes "content", but its not content - its cosmetics.

    When was the last time we had a serious effort in fixing the memoryleak?. I've played many 32bit games
    on my PC that doesn't crash after 4 hours "on the clock" almost .
    What about this mysterious "chat bubble bug" that for some reason removed all cutscene bubbles ?.

    The chat bubble bug is actually being fixed.
    diggot said:

    What about these daily broken Alert-queues that can go on for hours ?.

    I love playing the game and making themed heroes with awesome costumes.. but we have to look
    beyond that and really ask the question , why isn't almost anything fixed, and how does that
    justify monthly subs or 300$ lifetime payment?.

    Because fixing bugs isn't the only part of the game. They work, they do their job and get work done, and provide stuff for the game that we like. It might not be the work that you like, but it's work nonetheless. Personally, I don't know of any current bugs or issues in the game that make me value it less or reduce my fun with it. To me, those bugs are absolutely tolerable. Like the chat bubble thing. Made the game look goofy but I can live with it. Heck, the scroll bar on the chat window covering text bugs me more than anything else, but it's tolerable to me.
    diggot said:

    It's just questions that needs to be brought up, so don't shoot the messenger.

    It's all perfectly valid concerns.

    Post edited by biffsmackwell on
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    God these forums suck.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User

    God these forums suck.

    You just need to learn the strange eldritch tongue they speak.
    diggot said:

    God these forums suck.

    They're really tolerable after you do that. :p
    My characters
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    CO...doesn't make enough money, so it cannot really be "fixed", bug wise. And they do at times tackle bugs once they figure out the odd coding round them. The excuse "Old Code", is not saying they won't fix it, just that it will be hard to fix. And frankyl, the coding of CO is one of the worse out there. So, it can be hard to fix. For example, power ranks, each rank of a power is actually a seperate power, and typically, the old powers sometimes have their individual code blocks in different locations instead of right next to each together by rank, making it difficult to find a bug assosiated with the power. With each power set revamp they have done (which btw, adds new powers, thus, new content to play with, content isn't just new loot, mobs, bosses, and areas), that issue gets addressed.

    Last I heard, there are less than ten devs on CO's team. Which means, it can be very hard to do any large scale coding. CO, despite not seeming it, is actually a fairly large game content wise. The only problem, is that people are to focuses on "rewards" and not "story" or "the game itself". So, most of the game is not touched by many players simply because of the lack of rewards. Other players, do not do much in the game because they already basically did everything in the game, and thus, are burned out of doing content that isn't cosmics/rampages/alerts or costume contests. I fall into that category. I've done so much in the game, I just cannot really find myself to do anything beyond costume contests.

    Plus, if the devs focus only on the bugs and do not add new content, some players will assume that CO is not going to ever get any more content.

    In the end, it is basically those reasons you do not see things the players have asked for happening (often that is).
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    General rule of thumb: If you like the game and enjoy it and even want to see it improve, support it. Doesn't have to be financially, but you can also contribute with ideas on what you think would improve the game.

    Yes, CO has flaws and bugs, all games do... some issues are more serious than others, but that's why we report them. Devs won't know what to fix if we don't say anything. Even then, there's a lot of work to do for our small and brave team. I'm sure they're always hard at work figuring things out. Some things can be acted on immediately, others take time to study before a fix can be worked up.

    One of the biggest resource constraints people forget about is time. The team can't respond to everything, so they have to prioritize what they think the game needs most. Bug fixes, power reworks, new content, etc. None of that is going to suddenly appear out of thin air.

    What I think would help is if we, as a community, state what we believe is more important to the game in a unified manner. The Dev team DOES listen, but as I said before, they can't respond to everything. If we give them a direction, I'm certain they'll pursue it to the best of their ability.​​
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    diggot said:

    Yesterday for example, i found out that some cosmics has a glitched hitbox and if you are
    too close, some of your powers won't do any damage AT ALL.. the infamous "cone bug" on the Dino for example.

    Might not be in a current deceloper's wheelhouse. Either they don't know how to fix it, or it's something they have to spend a lot of time researching. It's not an excuse, but a reason.
    Actually, it's had several passes of fixes, though I'm not familiar with the one diggot mentions. There used to be a wide range of angles where narrow cylinders (such as power armor attacks) simply missed, and every round of fixes has introduced new glitches, so most likely it's a fundamental limitation on the game engine when dealing with large targets (to give another example, attacking a large target at max range with a cylinder attack will always miss, because the game lets you attack if your cylinder reaches the edge of the target, but decides whether to hit based on whether the center of the target is inside your cylinder).
  • diggotdiggot Posts: 309 Arc User

    Thanks for the civil replies and not turning this into a roast.
    Being a frequent alpha and betatester on games, i do enjoy working with developers
    to report and solve problems or give ideas. But in the case of CO, i have absolutely no
    clue how to solve some things. Like my Heirloom set that is glitched and hasn't ranked up
    their stats in 20 levels.. I reported it, can't do much else.

    And i have to say, that if what you said is true, that CO is some kind of trainingground for
    Devs to get ferried over to other "more important" games when they've achieved enough
    experience.. than that is absolutely insane and wrong by the people in command.

    CO has been around for almost a decade now, it has an almost religious community
    and deserves more attention from PWE.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    diggot said:

    CO has been around for almost a decade now, it has an almost religious community
    and deserves more attention from PWE.

    I agree.
    But I'm super biased.

    In the meantime any time they put out a lockbox with stuff I want I'm gonna dump cash on it. I think they're catching on cause last few lockboxes have been hard on my wallet.
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    diggot said:

    Thanks for the civil replies and not turning this into a roast.
    Being a frequent alpha and betatester on games, i do enjoy working with developers
    to report and solve problems or give ideas. But in the case of CO, i have absolutely no
    clue how to solve some things. Like my Heirloom set that is glitched and hasn't ranked up
    their stats in 20 levels.. I reported it, can't do much else.

    And i have to say, that if what you said is true, that CO is some kind of trainingground for
    Devs to get ferried over to other "more important" games when they've achieved enough
    experience.. than that is absolutely insane and wrong by the people in command.

    CO has been around for almost a decade now, it has an almost religious community
    and deserves more attention from PWE.

    True enough. The entire training ground thing is kinda sad. And they should put more attention on CO. Especially if what the ARC launcher is saying is true. The ARC launcher says that CO is the 5th most played game on a weekly baisis. The top two, is neverwinter and Star Trek Online, both which are also Cryptic games. So, the training ground idea kinda has some merit to it. As does this game needing more attention. But, at the same time, that might be why this game does get updates and new lockboxes, while at the same time not giving the game a large dev team.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User
    The number of players doesn't matter as much as the amount of money those players are generating for the company.

    If the 6th place game in terms of players is making more per player than the 5th place game, let alone making more overall, who should the company try to keep happier?
    Same goes for the 7th place, 8th place, etc.

    Now I can not say how much this or that game is making as compared to some other game, but does anyone here think that PWE won't try to satisfy the players that are giving them the most money?

    CO deserves what the players are paying for. Nothing more, nothing less.

    It's not a charity.

  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Kaiserin has been here for awhile now. Guess she's stuck in the training ground? ;)
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • rtmartma Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited April 2018

    It's not a charity.

    I just wanted to log in an reply to this, you do realize it's just another form of business, like everything else, a human construct based on greed/control, expect instead of using arbitrary numbers to leverage people's compliance, they use sentimental manipulation, you think throwing tender at the belief and greed machine is going to fix the worlds problems? it all comes down to a choice, if the elites that run the world don't want it fixed cause they not getting what they want(Profiteering), then they will continue to allow it to happen through their system, while perpetuating disparity
    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
  • This content has been removed.
  • ozoaozoa Posts: 21 Arc User
    I develop software for a living. I'd like to think I'm reasonably good at what I do. However, regardless of what people pay me, there are always bugs in software. It's too complicated for anything more than a small app to not have them. Despite my best efforts some pretty embarrassing bugs are in things that I wrote. Is it because I'm lazy, stupid, or dumb? I'd like to think not.

    I can tell you that they likely do what every company I have worked for does. Cost benefit risk analysis. How much does it cost to fix, how many players benefit, and what is the risk to break other things by making changes.

    In the case of your long term bugs, either the risk to break other things is too high, or the cost to fix is too much. There's a tight budget on this game so they have harder choices than most groups. There are bugs in code that I wrote that you might be using that have existed for a long time. I wish they would let me fix some of them.

    Finally, I do object to items being content. One of the endearing traits of this game is that it's not an eternal gear grind. The content is still there, you choose not to run it. That's not on cryptic. That's on you for min maxing your time. There's no real endgame, so enjoy the ride.

    I play and enjoy most of the content. But the beauty is that if you want to blast xp alerts from 10 to 40, that's your choice. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I mission grind. I love that there are choices.
  • darqaura2darqaura2 Posts: 932 Arc User
    ozoa said:

    I develop software for a living. I'd like to think I'm reasonably good at what I do. However, regardless of what people pay me, there are always bugs in software. It's too complicated for anything more than a small app to not have them. Despite my best efforts some pretty embarrassing bugs are in things that I wrote. Is it because I'm lazy, stupid, or dumb? I'd like to think not.

    I can tell you that they likely do what every company I have worked for does. Cost benefit risk analysis. How much does it cost to fix, how many players benefit, and what is the risk to break other things by making changes.

    In the case of your long term bugs, either the risk to break other things is too high, or the cost to fix is too much. There's a tight budget on this game so they have harder choices than most groups. There are bugs in code that I wrote that you might be using that have existed for a long time. I wish they would let me fix some of them.

    Finally, I do object to items being content. One of the endearing traits of this game is that it's not an eternal gear grind. The content is still there, you choose not to run it. That's not on cryptic. That's on you for min maxing your time. There's no real endgame, so enjoy the ride.

    I play and enjoy most of the content. But the beauty is that if you want to blast xp alerts from 10 to 40, that's your choice. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I mission grind. I love that there are choices.

    With that said some NEW content for the folks who have been here long enough to have run all the content (read people here since beta, alpha) would be nice, whether end-game focused or leveling focused.

    I say this while realizing the budget of this game is tight as hell.

    As someone who works in QA for a living in a small development department in a non-for-profit I agree with everything else you said--specifically about software development.
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    edited April 2018

    The number of players doesn't matter as much as the amount of money those players are generating for the company.

    If the 6th place game in terms of players is making more per player than the 5th place game, let alone making more overall, who should the company try to keep happier?
    Same goes for the 7th place, 8th place, etc.

    Now I can not say how much this or that game is making as compared to some other game, but does anyone here think that PWE won't try to satisfy the players that are giving them the most money?

    CO deserves what the players are paying for. Nothing more, nothing less.

    It's not a charity.

    Yes, which is why I stated in another thread that this game being 5th place, yet, having a small dev team has told me that players do not really put much into this game, despite playing it so often. Which is sad, I do actually put a lot into this game. This game is easily one of the top 5 games I play and support through microtransactions. And I am not talking about small numbers here. In fact, now that I think about it, the top 3 games I spend money on due to microtransactions, have a failry huge difference between number 3 and nubmer 4. While number 4 might be a few hundred dollars...number 3, would easily be a few thousand dollars, with the number one game I supported possibly having over ten thousand dollars spent on it. And no, I am in no shape or form rich, just been playing those games for a long time. And yes, CO would indeed be in the top 3. But, yeah, that should show you how much I enjoy this game. Another game I support has people complaining about cash cows or wallet warriors (the game is world of tanks, you can buy premium tanks with real money, along wish some other stuff, but, the typical premium tank is not as powerful as a typical fully upgraded similar tank of it's tier), so, when they complain about people like me, I mock them with a simple "Oh no! How dare people support the game they love and help keep it free to play for others! How dare they help the game stay up and playable!" Though, if such people looked at my profile, they'd realize that I play all types of tanks, not just premiums, or the non-premiums that are considered "OP". There is a reason I am in the top ten percent of players that own tanks (I own most of the tanks, and by most, I mean MOST of the tanks, missing at most 30 tanks).

    funny how people think everyone on a game knows how to do everything in it. They have people and small groups who certain things. So the coder or the one who fixes bugs and such is not usually the one who does like make costume options and design content. Hell he may even on this game have more than one hat and have to divide his time on things. So going after them and complaining about an issue that the reason it has not been fixed is because it is not a simple fix or one that if fixed would cause issues with the basic function of other parts. I mean i would love it to run with no bugs but i also can over look some issues. Other wise you may end up with a game in a state that is unplayable after fixing a annoying bug or glitch.

    A game wiht no bugs...there is no such game, and if anyone claims otherwise, I can guarentee it that if one looks hard enough, they can find a bug in the game...note, this is only for video games, and not table top or PnP games. But, it is high time for people to realize this, and to accept that there will always be bugs. There is a reason there is a joke about how fixing one bug causes more to appear. Though, that doesn't mean we should just accept game breaking bugs. Also, people need to sit down and realize that sometimes, their hardware or other software on their computer, is the reason for crashes in games. This has to do with compatability, which many players tend to overlook and forget about. "My hardware barely meets the minimum requirments! So why can I not run the game with max graphics and no lag?!" I'm talking about those types of people, see them all over the place. Makes me want to choke a puppy. Minimum requirments means, that the game will run on your comnputer...but...it won't be pretty.
    ozoa said:

    I develop software for a living. I'd like to think I'm reasonably good at what I do. However, regardless of what people pay me, there are always bugs in software. It's too complicated for anything more than a small app to not have them. Despite my best efforts some pretty embarrassing bugs are in things that I wrote. Is it because I'm lazy, stupid, or dumb? I'd like to think not.

    I can tell you that they likely do what every company I have worked for does. Cost benefit risk analysis. How much does it cost to fix, how many players benefit, and what is the risk to break other things by making changes.

    In the case of your long term bugs, either the risk to break other things is too high, or the cost to fix is too much. There's a tight budget on this game so they have harder choices than most groups. There are bugs in code that I wrote that you might be using that have existed for a long time. I wish they would let me fix some of them.

    Finally, I do object to items being content. One of the endearing traits of this game is that it's not an eternal gear grind. The content is still there, you choose not to run it. That's not on cryptic. That's on you for min maxing your time. There's no real endgame, so enjoy the ride.

    I play and enjoy most of the content. But the beauty is that if you want to blast xp alerts from 10 to 40, that's your choice. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I mission grind. I love that there are choices.

    darqaura2 said:

    With that said some NEW content for the folks who have been here long enough to have run all the content (read people here since beta, alpha) would be nice, whether end-game focused or leveling focused.

    I say this while realizing the budget of this game is tight as hell.

    As someone who works in QA for a living in a small development department in a non-for-profit I agree with everything else you said--specifically about software development.

    Thank you two for sharing your thoughts on this stuff as you have been there, you know what they are going through. Let this go to show, that not everything is as black and white as people that complain all the time think it is.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User
    rtma said:

    It's not a charity.

    I just wanted to log in an reply to this, you do realize it's just another form of business, like everything else, a human construct based on greed/control, expect instead of using arbitrary numbers to leverage people's compliance, they use sentimental manipulation, you think throwing tender at the belief and greed machine is going to fix the worlds problems? it all comes down to a choice, if the elites that run the world don't want it fixed cause they not getting what they want(Profiteering), then they will continue to allow it to happen through their system, while perpetuating disparity
    Go save the world elsewhere.

    Hanging out on gaming forums and spouting anti-establishment nonsense seems a poor way to implement meaningful change in your lifetime.
  • rtmartma Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    Go save the world elsewhere.

    Hanging out on gaming forums and spouting anti-establishment nonsense seems a poor way to implement meaningful change in your lifetime.

    That's okay, people that try to change the world for the better end up dead anyways, change also comes from within, It's more of a observational truth that proves itself on a day-to-day basis, as long as works right? as long as you get what you want, right? even at others expense, who cares!?,
    Believe what you want, try to enlighten, so as long as you know, otherwise seek it yourself, or don't, your choice, which I was trying to convey previously as well, we can only save ourselves, we're all in this together, no-one else will help us, unless this mythological entity comes to save us all one day, cleanse the wicked with the prodigal son people believe in, then humanity continues to do this to themselves, at-least acknowledge a degree a validity here, otherwise we continue to stand divided, like your assumptions.

    spinnytop wrote: »
    *shoots rtma with tinfoil hat ray* ^_^

    *Quills turned Tinfoil for a short time, making them shine in the light*
    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User
    rtma wrote: »

    That's okay, people that try to change the world for the better end up dead anyways, change also comes from within, It's more of a observational truth that proves itself on a day-to-day basis, as long as works right? as long as you get what you want, right? even at others expense, who cares!?,
    Believe what you want, try to enlighten, so as long as you know, otherwise seek it yourself, or don't, your choice, which I was trying to convey previously as well, we can only save ourselves, we're all in this together, no-one else will help us, unless this mythological entity comes to save us all one day, cleanse the wicked with the prodigal son people believe in, then humanity continues to do this to themselves, at-least acknowledge a degree a validity here, otherwise we continue to stand divided, like your assumptions.

    Newsflash: You're going to die anyway.

    Also? This is still a gaming forum and your overdramatic BS doesn't sell.

    You aren't deep, you aren't some light showing the way to those living in darkness.

    You are a self-important bore.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    Aren't there echo chambers you can go to to talk about how X-files the world is? Why would you pick a video game forum as the place to spread your gospel about the secret world. Heck, there's a game called The Secret World that I'm sure has a forum :D
    rtma wrote: »
    at-least acknowledge a degree a validity here, otherwise we continue to stand divided, like your assumptions.

    also, if we don't find your ideas to be valid there's no reason we should lie or pretend they are just so we don't "stand divided". I'm just fine knowing that I'm divided from people who spout nonsense that doesn't make sense and distracts from actual important things that are actually happening.
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    Yeah, the game has lots of flaws. Can't blame you.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    But it's still the Longest Running Superhero MMO in History.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • rtmartma Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    I'm curious to why you're criticizing me in such a way, does my perspective differ so greatly that you can't contemplate it's possibility? or do you just need to rationalize it in such a dismissive, disregarding and antagonizing manner because of whatever reason.
    Newsflash: You're going to die anyway.
    Your point? could refer to the meaning of life philosophy, mortal circumstances affect us all, does that mean no effort should be attempted? even if it's talking to your fellow man.

    Also? This is still a gaming forum and your overdramatic BS doesn't sell.
    Again, your point? it's still a medium of expression, I'm not a business, I'm not attempting to profiteer (Nor do I have any interest in such a practice), refer to comment up top, you want overly dramatic, go watch the News/Politics and reality TV shows cause Distractions & Emotions!
    You aren't deep, you aren't some light showing the way to those living in darkness.
    That's relative, I never claimed to be, I'm just trying to help, how I can, even if it's just a message, to understand, which is more then I can say then your responses, as I've mentioned in my previous post, we have to find it ourselves, people can direct us (For better or worse) but you have to realize truth yourself, cause the corrupted won't admit anything cause they don't profit from that, re-read it if you're willing to.
    You are a self-important bore.
    Ow, My feelings... Again, first message, assumption and borderline ad hominem, just because you don't care, *Sigh* this is going no where, if you insist in insulting me then nothing is accomplished and we both wasted energy attempting establishing communication so their is no purpose in continuing this further, I wish no ill will so I bid you farewell.

    Want to get to know me a bit better, Click me and take a read of My Dragon Profile Page, it's a bit dated but still relevant.

    I take this quote from a review that I agree with.

    "customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    rtma wrote: »
    I'm curious to why you're criticizing me in such a way

    You kinda tried to make him look like an idiot for pointing out that the game isn't a charity. You failed on that btw but it still opens the door for an equivalent rebuttal. All the sanctimonious stuff didn't help either, saying you're trying to "change the world" while arguing on a video game forum is just about one of the best ways to ensure nobody ever takes you seriously and generally looks down on you o3o
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    I was looking at the Subcription options the other day and found that lifetime was no-longer being offered as an option. Is the end nigh, or is this just because of GDPR?
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    I was looking at the Subcription options the other day and found that lifetime was no-longer being offered as an option. Is the end nigh, or is this just because of GDPR?

    do you currently have LTS?
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    I was looking at the Subcription options the other day and found that lifetime was no-longer being offered as an option. Is the end nigh, or is this just because of GDPR?
    I'm pretty sure it just moved to another page somewhere. I forget which page, though.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited May 2018
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    That's what I figured. I'm not planning to take out an LTS (I figure if everyone did that the game would die) but I was a little worried that they'd killed EU subscriptions because of GDPR (whole EU servers have been shut down, apparently....)
This discussion has been closed.