- The fix to adress the "Hits not registering" bug instead makes it happen more frequently and at a lower threshold. This is problematic for every Cosmic, but specially more so in this fight due to the Check mechanic.
- Prone to trolling
- Extremely prone to trolling
- A recent change to the fight has made it more finnicky while also making it exponentially easier for a troll to be succesful in ruining the run.
- The bug that causes Eidolon to skip CC phases apparently is now a feature since no further word has been given on the matter.
- The recent change to adress people getting credit from anywhere on the map even if they didn't participate in the fight has had CCers, Healers and Tanks (AKA the 3 roles that are hardest to cover) not getting credit as a consequence if the runs are moderately fast.
I have discussed this in private with a couple of frequent Cosmic runners, but so far we, the community, have been extremely lucky that we've only had to deal with idiotic trolls.
Should a troll who understands the fights mechanic appear, 3 out of the 4 cosmic fights become impossible with no workaround till the troll decides to leave.
This behavior is further reinforced by trolls getting multiple proof that reports are not handled in a timely or strict enough manner. A particular troll has been recorded by multiple people this last Monday while trolling Kiga and even bluntly admitting in zone chat that yes, he was in fact trolling. The troll can be still seen ingame. This also discourages people from wasting time recording, editing and uploading videos.
So my opinion/rant on the matter: Stop making fights more of a pain for the players if you don't have the manpower/resources to guarantee that people who grief them are sorted out in a timely and adequate manner.
And if the game engine limits you on what you can do to make a mechanic challenging, then consider start making further content be instanced only.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
That's 50 + Pets.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
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You know, this actually isn't that bad of an idea. I wouldn't go as low as 25 people per zone though. Maybe 40 or 35. Player scaling won't be so rough and we can start splitting teams for cosmics with the extra zone or two instead of forcefully dogpiling on a single one with mixed results. It won't solve the hits not registering issue, but it would certainly lessen its presence.
We don't HAVE to follow a single swarm 24/7 to get cosmics done anyway. A smaller zone cap could even encourage more leadership and nudge players into more roles, as much as I prefer the large amount of exponential chaos ensuing for each player in the fight.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Oh, I also noticed it at the last few Eidos. I used my TK Annihi 3-4 times in a row and no damage/rupture many times there.
They serve nothing but being an annoyance and spamming the players with Mission items (which caused problems back in the day)
- Make Cosmics disable ALL visual Auras from players in a huge AoE dome in order to reduce the game's resources consumed by the fight
I know this is a rather Controversial suggestion since CO is all about costumization and Auras are part of it , but HEAR ME out, In cosmics your appearence DOESN'T MATTER, your Build and Numbers only matters, you get lost in a sea of other players whose priority is the Fight and not your 8 Bright Auras stackingHaving 50 players with a lot of visual auras, a lot of them with a full set of 8 Auras mind you, during cosmics can be really burden for the game's stability
- Propably not possible, Limit the 3 original cosmics in a different Area-Instance AWAY from the Original open world
Example: When Kigatilik spawns, a Portal on his Altair will teleport you to an instance, Clone of his fighting location but without enemies
> They should hurry up and shove these cosmic bosses into 25 or 30 person zones separate from the main area. Note I say zones, not instances.
> * Greatly increases the presence of tanks and healers in comparison to DPS presence.
> * Reduces chances of damage bug occuring
> * The cosmic fights are still zones, so you don't need a team to enter the area. Can still organize on-site, and helps limit who appears to people who are interested in the fight.
> * Removes chances of severely under-leveled characters from staying around (i.e. a Level 15 player wanders in to the area, quickly realizes it's a frost tomb with a giant ice death god in it and four dogs, and then promptly leaves because there's nothing else to do in the zone without instantly dying. Barring that:)
> * Opens up possibility of restricting access to cosmic, either by level, or even by a custom trigger that a GM could activate (i.e. banning trolls from entering the zone.)
> * Part of the issue might very well be other enemies or objects in the zone eating up resources, so having a fight in an isolated area would eliminate that as a factor.
Really love the idea, would a nice compromise between instanced content and open-world.
Kigatilik - Have the altar you fight him on instead have a portal that warps you to an ice dimension where you encounter him.
Teleiosaurus - Have a hidden hatch somewhere on Teleiosaurus' patrol route that leads to a sunken Teleios lab area.
Qwyjibo - The nest he has on Echionocos Shores becomes a cave, you enter the cave and fight him there.
Eidolon - Literally just make it so that his teleport to his arena is a different zone with the same coffin-arena layout.
Future cosmics?:
Grond - That large radioactive dome that also serves as that one mission for Fallout? Endgame people can fight him in there.
Megalodon - Some kind of water cave maybe on the shelf that leads to the real deep-sea areas.
The more I think about it, the further you distill a Cosmic like this, the more similar it becomes to a straight-up Rampage fight. Maybe we should have more rampages. Ones with proper difficulty scaling or whatever.
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Epic Stronghold
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As far as queueing framework and infrastructure goes it seems like it would work as far as I can understand. Just nobody does Rampages now because of aforementioned unpopularity. Also the fact that Rampage content is hit hard by the current power creep, so most of it is easy if not tedious.
Sky Command.... It's literally a giant escort mission. VERY failable, and even more so because you need to split focus.
Gravitar? Gravi ROFLstomps bad teams. Glass cannon characters tend to get splatted at random too.
F&I? This is the hardest one because either you use a carefully built premade team or you're guaranteed to fail.
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Sky Command is also a tedious slog. It takes a fairly bad team to fail.
Gravitar is easy if you have a good support, moderate if you have a good tank but no support, and probably fails if you have neither.
F&I requires both a tank and a healer; I wouldn't say it requires 'carefully built', but it does require basic roles.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
The difficulty of completing Gravi is entirely down to how squish your team is.
also, part of the issue with Sky Command is that usually you don't actually have 10 players, and it is a LOT easier with 10.
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My characters
Qwyjibo's Hearts shoud
- Mirror Force: When someone is attacking the hearts, their damaged will get reflected BACK to them (fixed damage, ignoring resistances) as a form of DIRECT Punishment. Being defeated that way will cause a noticeable penatly on the scoreboard
- Mark of Mischief: When a player attacks a heart they get an extremely obnoxious aura visual that makes them stand out from the crowd. (or even a floating message like Onslaugh Villains have)
- DEBUFFs: On top of that the troll will get bombared with resistance, dodge, crushing and fire debuffs applied to them
This shall also make the CCer's being more careful with their HP and rotations making the things more interesting for them
This not only will help exposing who is trolling but it will also help the crowd from keeping an eye on the Crowd Controller (keeping them alive, reviving them e.t.c) This will help since currently some players in CC duty are doing their best to stand out from the crowd
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Worse, the reflect damage also removes the only alternative people have against the troll (killing the heart)
I would suggest a low cooldown single target version of Ape's flaming poo of doom as retaliation for people who touch an heart with something else than a crowd control ability.
Single target to touch only the troll.
Low but reasonnable enough cooldown to allow the dps to kill an heart if necessary without being all chained killed.
The last one also seems kind of pointless since the troll isn't trying to perform well or even survive. The debuffs won't stop them from trolling. The damage aura won't work either since it doesn't take heavy damage to de-stun the hearts - you can do it with your energy builder.
How about instead of focusing on how to punish trolls with game mechanics, something I doubt would have any real effect, we focus on alternative strategies? Currently that is the one thing that has worked in game. A troll shows up, we use the alternate strategy - it's more difficult and slower, but it's troll proof. Go with what works. If there are weaknesses with them, fix those weaknesses.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
( but Gravitar is still the best one )
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
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you dont want to loose the work you put into it, but it can get ridiculous at times, especially lately. Ive been getting frustrated and just logging into a different game.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Sleep, stun, entangling mesh (root), ice grenades, were not registering. Of course, on top of that was the problem of aggro, which in a long run becomes an issue itself. Spamming Challenge powers from the CC, even when it is the CC pulling, wasn't getting the dogs to aggro on the CC.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained