Give the final boss a 100% droprate on Nemesis or Merc items of random slot.
As far as i can tell, no one runs the Necrull dungeon anymore, or the Destroyer, or Telios
in Canada.. because all the loot were removed. You literally have 4 dungeons that requires
a group of 5 players, and anyone who choses to spend their time doing these, aren't rewarded
with anything except 5 currency and on occasion some mods and green items.
What would be so bad with the game's economy if we actually gave player an insentive in
doing the content ?. I haven't ran Necrull in years, and i wouldn't be
surprised if there's a ton of players who doens't even know about the dungeon.
Last time i ran TT was probably in 2012. Currently i am farming Nemcon 2-4 times per day
and sofar i've found 2 Nemesis armors, out of probably 90+ runs... that's unacceptable.
Just last week i was introduced to TA for the first time, a flawless run with a guide,
and i ended up getting absolutely ZERO .. for an Endgame Dungeon..i got potions as reward.
The last bosses in all dungeons needs to drop ITEMS.
Adding rewards might solve the problem, but I doubt you'd get groups for them even then because like I said "takes longer to find a group than to just level past". Gear would basically fail because of that, and if the rewards were costume pieces then you would be more likely to see people just hit max level and then come back and solo these lairs ( which I wouldn't hate tbh ).
Also, there is no way you got absolutely ZERO running TA, since you get tokens which you can use to buy endgame gear. Also those healing potions are really good, if you don't want them then mail them to me. TA already has great rewards. The reason people don't run it more is because of Cosmics and the little space they leave between Cosmic rotations to actually do a TA, especially if it's a training run that might take a while due to wipes.
Personally I think leveling Lairs should be converted to solo content, and that end-game lairs should be 3 man at most. That would mitigate the issues involved.
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Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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In any case, making the lairs more appealing would require updates to them, and apparently the way the older dungeons is coded is a nightmare that the devs are reluctant to touch.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
should be the reward for killing the bosses.. completing the dungeon as a quest should give the currency.
At the very least, the Endgame dungeons should drop Merc or Heroic pieces on the bosses.
There is enough items in this game that requires Currency to be attained.
You think WoW would've lasted long if players were rewarded potions instead of loot in their dungeons?.
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
You never leave TA empty-handed... well, unless you just didn't bother to interact with the reward circle after each boss.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.