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- Added Wibbles Action Figure. He can be found in a store, but not the Foxbatcon store.
- Added Rubber Chicken shoulders, Frying pan weapon and Squirt Gun weapon to the store.
- Starting later today (should be around 10am) logging in this week will grant your character the Silly title and your account the Silly Dance emote.
- Mayor Biselle has an additional mission for you this week.
Collector lockbox
- The collector Lockbox will be dropping from enemies this week along with the Rave, Shaolin and Blazing lockbox.
- Added the contents of the Alien Invader lockbox to the Collector store.
- Fixed some broken descriptions on costume items.
- Fixed a bug where the Lotus Blossom mkII vehicle was using the wrong stance.
- Fixed a bug on the Shadowfall open mission where crowd control wasn't being scored properly.
When you are farming it just becomes a cluster of items. Especially since the Foxbat drop is so thin and hard to see
problem solved.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My characters
They will patch/fix it tomorrow.
My characters
BUG: While comparing equipment (Hovering mouse over equipment in inventory), the currently equipped piece shows the text "Inventory_ItemTooltip_Format" above its name.
EDIT/Addendum: Lockboxes show the text "Inventory_LockboxInfo_Format" as well.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
haha I love it, it's a classic dance
Would be better if the perk was account too, to not have to log in spam and not have it on future alts.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
May be lower the credit threshold?
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
I hope this gets fixed soon since the Crowd Controllers credit had been solved