Something common in super hero motifs are chest emblems that are just a single letter usually of the hero's name. So super man or Robin come to mind right off the bat.
We already have letters for chest emblems, but they fall a bit flat. I think a more stylized version would be easy enough to implement and quite versatile.
P.S Nice Font
and utterly /signed
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also it could be nice if they sat a little lower on the chest so you could use them to make personalize tank-tops without them spilling over onto the chest
chess pieces would also make good emblems
But yeah, I'd throw my wallet at the screen if they brought out an emblems pack with a whole load of new emblems. Especially if they fixed the colouring issue on emblems that makes them slightly darker. That way I could match them up to tights colours better........ right now this issue damages the appeal of using these emblems.
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Probably some reason like it should have never been a section....ya ears
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Now that digital lettering is now more widespread, letterers use specialised custom fonts made specifically for their industry. There’s no one font, there are dozens. For examples, check out
Comic Sans was released in 1994 by Microsoft Corporation. It is a casual, non-connecting script *inspired by* traditional comic book lettering, intended for use in informal documents and children's materials. It wasn't made for comics.
Comic book artist Dave Gibbons, whose work was one of the inspirations for the font, said that it was "a shame they couldn't have used just the original font, because [Comic Sans] is a real mess".
It's a knock-off comic book font.
With all that being said, comic sans has even less of a place for emblems and insignias in comic books. That's the job of the artist, not the letterer. Not to disparage comic book letterers though, it's an important and integral part of any comic, and most of them are true artists.
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