We are aware that some players are experiencing issues patching, the cause is currently being investigated. I'll update this thread when we have more information on the matter.
Edit2: Marking this as resolved. If you're still having issues patching, please provide the readout as requested below.
Edit1: A request to those who are having issues patching: Please open up your launcher shortcut and add -console to the target line.

A console window will pop up when you open your launcher. While you're trying to patch, please copy anything where the launcher is failing to get your request, it'll help us pin down the issue.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
It also says the server was down but I was able to log in ok too.
Frostbiter (Freeform Ice DPS)
Battle Hazard (Unleashed AT)
Glacial Tyrant (Glacier AT)
Silver Mantra ( Freeform Single Blade DPS)
Magnetros (Freeform Heavy Weapons/Lightning Hybrid)
Would rather play around with this patching issue than play around with DCUO anyway. So patching it is.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Frostbiter (Freeform Ice DPS)
Battle Hazard (Unleashed AT)
Glacial Tyrant (Glacier AT)
Silver Mantra ( Freeform Single Blade DPS)
Magnetros (Freeform Heavy Weapons/Lightning Hybrid)
A console window will pop up when you open your launcher. While you're trying to patch, please copy anything where the launcher is failing to get your request, it'll help us pin down the issue.
Setting default pigset mode...done (0x00000000) (0.00)
Connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
PatchClientLib: skipping unneeded autoupdate CrypticLauncher3FC
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
AutopatchDialog thread shutting down
GamePrefsInit: giGamePrefSet now 0
CPUID 0x00000000 reports 22 basic functions ("GenuineIntel").
CPUID 0x80000000 reports 8 extended functions.
data cache 32.00 KB
instruction cache 32.00 KB
unified cache 256.00 KB
unified cache 3.00 MB
[0308/183246:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(2083)] Corrupt Index file
[0308/183246:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(43)] Unable to move the cache: 0
[0308/183246:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(134)] Unable to move cache folder Z:\Games\Champions Online\Champions Online_en\cef_cache to E:\Juegos\Champions Online\Champions Online_en\old_cef_cache_000
[0308/183246:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(221)] Unable to create cache
CPUID 0x00000000 reports 13 basic functions ("GenuineIntel").
CPUID 0x80000000 reports 8 extended functions.
data cache 32.00 KB
instruction cache 32.00 KB
unified cache 256.00 KB
unified cache 8.00 MB
[0308/154302:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(2083)] Corrupt Index file
[0308/154302:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(43)] Unable to move the cache: 0
[0308/154302:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(134)] Unable to move cache folder G:\PerfectWorld\Champions Online_en\cef_cache to G:\PerfectWorld\Champions Online_en\old_cef_cache_000
[0308/154302:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(221)] Unable to create cache
Displaying status message: Connecting to Account Server
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker0.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker1.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker2.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker3.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker4.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker5.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker6.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker7.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker8.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker9.crypticstudios.com to
Displaying status message: Attempting to connect to controller tracker.
Displaying status message: Loading launcher
[0308/154317:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Select shard: 0," source: http://launcher.champions-online.com/static/all/js/api.js(126)
startPatch, new Fightclub:Live
Connecting with root G:/PerfectWorld/Champions Online_en/Champions Online_en/Champions Online/Live
PatchClientLib: connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
Setting view by name (attempt 1): FightclubClientEnglish
Setting view by name (attempt 2): FightclubClient
PatchClientLib: Using HTTP patching: server cohttppatch.crypticstudios.com port 80 prefix Fightclub
Loading manifest: G:/PerfectWorld/Champions Online_en/Champions Online_en/Champions Online/Live/.patch/FightclubClient.manifest...
process dbprocess db (0.28)
Loading hoggs...done. (0.14)
Deleting old Manifests in .patch ...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Deleting files faster...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Deleting rogue hoggs...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Examining hoggs...done. (0.26)
PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 30.00s now
PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 60.00s now
PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 90.00s now
Edit: Console update
ERROR: HTTP patching problem (BadHttpResponse):
Line: C:\src\libs\PatchClientLib\patchxferhttp.c(162)
Details: (data/platformbin/PC/shaderbin/shaderCache.hogg) code 504 reason Gateway Time-out
PatchClientLib Warning: HTTP patching problem (data/platformbin/PC/shaderbin/shaderCache.hogg) "BadHttpResponse": code 504 reason Gateway Time-out
PatchClientLib: HTTP patching disconnected from cohttppatch.crypticstudios.com:80 after 0 completed responses (localport=48036): Response code not success:linkQueueRemove(997:Unknown socket error)
PatchClientLib: xferrer resuming, everything is ok! yay! (total hang time: 0.08s)
(it was too long to just copy/paste into here, but it was filled with things like this:
Requesting SOCKS4 connection
Requesting SOCKS4 connection
Requesting SOCKS4 connection
Requesting SOCKS4 connection
PatchClientLib: HTTP patching disconnected from cohttppatch.crypticstudios.com:80 after 0 completed responses (localport=61114): bytes_xferred < 0 from safeRecv in bsdProcessPackets:linkQueueRemove(0:No error)
PatchClientLib Warning: HTTP patching failed for data/bin/MaterialDepsCLSlow.bin: bytes_xferred < 0 from safeRecv in bsdProcessPackets:linkQueueRemove(0:No error)
PatchClientLib: HTTP patching disconnected from cohttppatch.crypticstudios.com:80 after 0 completed responses (localport=61117): bytes_xferred < 0 from safeRecv in bsdProcessPackets:linkQueueRemove(0:No error)
PatchClientLib Warning: HTTP patching failed for data/bin/ClientMessagesEnglish.bin: bytes_xferred < 0 from safeRecv in bsdProcessPackets:linkQueueRemove(0:No error)
PatchClientLib: HTTP patching disconnected from cohttppatch.crypticstudios.com:80 after 0 completed responses (localport=61115): bytes_xferred < 0 from safeRecv in bsdProcessPackets:linkQueueRemove(0:No error)
PatchClientLib Warning: HTTP patching failed for data/bin/metadata/Costumegeometry.metabin: bytes_xferred < 0 from safeRecv in bsdProcessPackets:linkQueueRemove(0:No error)
PatchClientLib: HTTP patching disconnected from cohttppatch.crypticstudios.com:80 after 0 completed responses (localport=61116): bytes_xferred < 0 from safeRecv in bsdProcessPackets:linkQueueRemove(0:No error)
PatchClientLib Warning: HTTP patching failed for data/bin/Materials.bin: bytes_xferred < 0 from safeRecv in bsdProcessPackets:linkQueueRemove(0:No error)
Razira's Primus Database Page
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Initializing AutoTimer mutexes
Setting default pigset mode...done (0x00000000) (0.00)
Connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
PatchClientLib: skipping unneeded autoupdate CrypticLauncher3FC
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
AutopatchDialog thread shutting down
GamePrefsInit: giGamePrefSet now 0
CPUID 0x00000000 reports 13 basic functions ("GenuineIntel").
CPUID 0x80000000 reports 8 extended functions.
data cache 32.00 KB
instruction cache 32.00 KB
unified cache 256.00 KB
unified cache 6.00 MB
[0308/192236:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(2083)] Corrupt Index file
[0308/192236:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(43)] Unable to move the cache: 0
[0308/192236:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(134)] Unable to move cache folder C:\Users\Pu
blic\Games\Cryptic Studios\cef_cache to C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\ol
[0308/192236:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(221)] Unable to create cache
Tried to log and....
[C:/Users/Public/Games/Cryptic Studios/Champions Online.exe] [Debug] [x86]
Initializing AutoTimer mutexes
Setting default pigset mode...done (0x00000000) (0.00)
Connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
PatchClientLib: skipping unneeded autoupdate CrypticLauncher3FC
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
AutopatchDialog thread shutting down
GamePrefsInit: giGamePrefSet now 0
CPUID 0x00000000 reports 13 basic functions ("GenuineIntel").
CPUID 0x80000000 reports 8 extended functions.
data cache 32.00 KB
instruction cache 32.00 KB
unified cache 256.00 KB
unified cache 6.00 MB
[0308/192236:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(2083)] Corrupt Index file
[0308/192236:ERROR:cache_util_win.cc(43)] Unable to move the cache: 0
[0308/192236:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(134)] Unable to move cache folder C:\Users\Pu
blic\Games\Cryptic Studios\cef_cache to C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\ol
[0308/192236:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(221)] Unable to create cache
Displaying status message: Connecting to Account Server
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker.crypticstudios.com to 208.
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker0.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker1.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker2.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker3.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker4.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker5.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker6.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker7.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker8.crypticstudios.com to 208
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker9.crypticstudios.com to 208
Displaying status message: Attempting to connect to controller tracker.
Displaying status message: Loading launcher
[0308/192323:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Select shard: 0," source: http://launcher.champio
startPatch, new Fightclub:Live
Connecting with root C:/Users/Public/Games/Cryptic Studios/Champions Online/Live
PatchClientLib: connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
Setting view by name (attempt 1): FightclubClientEnglish
Setting view by name (attempt 2): FightclubClient
PatchClientLib: Using HTTP patching: server cohttppatch.crypticstudios.com port
80 prefix Fightclub
Loading manifest: C:/Users/Public/Games/Cryptic Studios/Champions Online/Live/.p
process dbprocess db (0.49)
Loading hoggs...done. (0.32)
Deleting old Manifests in .patch ...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Deleting files faster...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Deleting rogue hoggs...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Examining hoggs...done. (0.50)
PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 40.71s now
PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 95.64s now
PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 95.64s now
Readout here:
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Setting default pigset mode...done (0x00000000) (0.00)
Connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
PatchClientLib: skipping unneeded autoupdate CrypticLauncher3FC
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
AutopatchDialog thread shutting down
GamePrefsInit: giGamePrefSet now 0
CPUID 0x00000000 reports 22 basic functions ("GenuineIntel").
CPUID 0x80000000 reports 8 extended functions.
data cache 32.00 KB
instruction cache 32.00 KB
unified cache 256.00 KB
unified cache 8.00 MB
Displaying status message: Connecting to Account Server
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker0.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker1.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker2.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker3.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker4.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker5.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker6.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker7.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker8.crypticstudios.com to
While finding unique IPs, converted controllertracker9.crypticstudios.com to
Displaying status message: Attempting to connect to controller tracker.
Displaying status message: Attempting to connect to controller tracker..
Displaying status message: Loading launcher
[0310/012115:INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Select shard: 0," source: http://launcher.champions-online.com/static/all/js/api.js(158)
startPatch, new Fightclub:Live
Connecting with root C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Champions Online/Champions Online/Live
PatchClientLib: connecting to patchserver.crypticstudios.com:7255
PatchClientLib: redirecting to
PatchClientLib: successfully connected
Setting view by name (attempt 1): FightclubClientEnglish
Setting view by name (attempt 2): FightclubClient
PatchClientLib: Using HTTP patching: server cohttppatch.crypticstudios.com port 80 prefix Fightclub
Loading manifest: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Champions Online/Champions Online/Live/.patch/FightclubClient.manifest...
process dbprocess db (0.23)
Loading hoggs...done. (0.15)
Deleting old Manifests in .patch ...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Deleting files faster...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Deleting rogue hoggs...done (0 deleted). (0.00)
Examining hoggs...done. (0.24)
PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 30.00s now
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Up front patching has stopped at 99% with 2MB left and sat there for about 5 minutes then finally grabbed the last of it and finished.
1. I had to create the shortcut file. I don't use ARC.
2. I can't send the report.
it flicks open the console box, then a full screen black screen, then crashes and the box is visible long enough for the cryptic error report box to show then vanishes
trying proxy ,
first try
"failed to talk to cryptic servers for initial connection. please try again."
second try
seems to be working
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Edit: And it never fails, that once I post a complaint in the forums, the VERY NEXT ATTEMPT works. Situation resolved after three days -_-