So I've been fusing a lot of left over mods recently and it's a really tedious process...especially when you have quite a lot lying around.
I feel like something like 'Fuse all of these mods in one go' should be an option available at Crafting Stations in various zones.
This can either be: Fuse all of this specific mod or Fuse everything.
The success rate of these mass fusions would increase with the amount of crafting level you have (max being 400).
It would say, in an example of 25 rank 3s like this: "You have successfully fused x amount of mod" "You have lost x amount of mod"
^ Just a case because not everyone has max crafting level.
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Litteraly spent hours at the new year craft bonus event, just fusing mods. Particulary annoying. Especially when you have a ton of mods.
If devs cannot or do not want add additionnal code to optimize the process with a fonction to fuse all mods, at least they could suppress that damn useless 5 second loading bar when you are fusing.
Seriously i'm curious, what exactly is the point with this bar ? Do you really need those 5 seconds to calculate if a fuse will fail or not ? Really?
Because from my point of view, clicking 50 times to fuse 250 mods is annoying, but could be acceptable if the process was instant or very short.
But having to wait 5 seconds between each click is ridiculous and make the fuse process a complete pain.
So, if there's no valid background reason for that loading bar, and 5 seconds are not really requiered for fusing success calculation, then just suppress that loading bar.
Would be a low cost first step to make the fuse process less tedious and time consuming.
But of course, if devs are motivated, a "fuse all function" would be perfect.
If there's an influx of r7s due to the ease of fusing of r3 mods then many of the people who were previously buying catalysts to go from 7 to 9 will now just burn through the extra mods to do the same. I'm not sure what catalyst sales figures are like, but I assume that they are substantial given that we have a whole week devoted to them. And even for those who do not buy catalysts, there would be a lot more high rank mods floating around than now...which I don't think is something the devs want.
The other option would be to make fuse time much shorter, but then make drop rates much lower to limit the supply. Personally, I'd rather not have that. I prefer inconvenience to inaccessibility....because with the former, if I really really want that new alt to have r7s, I can make it happen. But if drop rates become low to make up for fast fuse times...well I think a lot of people would be unhappy.
The thing that's not an option is an increase in the supply of high ranked mods. If there's a way to work around that and make fusing less of a pain then they might do it, but otherwise it won't happen.
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