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New Hideouts, the Post

zombiehunter1968zombiehunter1968 Posts: 94 Arc User
edited January 2018 in Suggestions Box
Here is a post where people can post new ideas for new hideouts.

My idea is CASTLES! For all the royal/noble heroes/anti-heroes out there.

Design 1: The medieval castle.

Design 2: The modern castle.

Design 3: The dark castle.

Design 4: The futuristic castle. Less animal motifs than in the picture, though.

Any other ideas on hideouts to have?


  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Well, first the dev team needs to summon Lord Tacofangs. He's probably working on the Victory is Life expansion for Star Trek Online right now. Well, It's possible Kais knows(or could learn) how, but she hasn't done any of that.

    Also it'd probably be easier to adapt maps we already have in-game.
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  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
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    That hellscape-style hideout someone suggested last year​​
  • orangeitisorangeitis Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    -Deserted island, maybe with a long cabin in the middle
    -Fire station *coughGhostbusterscough*
    -African technocity. Totaly not inspired by a certain movie coming out next month.
    -Tropical rainforest hideout for our jungle-themed superheroes
    -Floating fortress, maybe with skins displaying various Champions Online maps miles underneath
    -Spaceship bridge (even if assets have to be borrowed from STO)
    -Medieval castle like in the OP(really like that idea!)

    I hope the Champions Online team still has an environment artist to consider anything here.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User

    -Deserted island, maybe with a long cabin in the middle
    -Fire station *coughGhostbusterscough*
    -African technocity. Totaly not inspired by a certain movie coming out next month.
    -Tropical rainforest hideout for our jungle-themed superheroes
    -Floating fortress, maybe with skins displaying various Champions Online maps miles underneath
    -Spaceship bridge (even if assets have to be borrowed from STO)
    -Medieval castle like in the OP(really like that idea!)

    I hope the Champions Online team still has an environment artist to consider anything here.

    It's probably better to look at what we already have in-game.

    The cave hideout has an option to make it a jungle cave, complete with a skylight that lets you see out. Although I suspect you meant something more like the moonbase where you can go outside the building and walk around the jungle. That'd take a lot of work to adapt assets, but if they do it they could make it have several themes with differing kinds of trees and ground. IE add a button to change from tropical rainforest to frozen forest.

    We already have various space/airships in game that could have their maps adapted to hideouts, Cyberlord's sky carrier, maybe an UNTIL sky carrier, Gateway Station, that Roin'esh ship from Whiteout, and maybe a Qularr one?

    As for fantasy castles, the map from Hi-Pan alert would be great. But I'm not sure how many easy options there could be that would add customizability.
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  • catstarstocatstarsto Posts: 1,137 Arc User
    A guild hall...one everyone in the guild can use!

    i finished the fairy tail anime series, now I think we need to expand on guilds better in Champs. Starting with a guildhall/hideout.

    Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
  • stylewagerstylewager Posts: 2 Arc User
    How about Abandoned Warehouse (just re-purpose the base warehouse map from Westside door missions and add in vigilante basement stuff plus an optional supervehicle garage area and crash space).
  • orangeitisorangeitis Posts: 227 Arc User

    The cave hideout has an option to make it a jungle cave, complete with a skylight that lets you see out. Although I suspect you meant something more like the moonbase where you can go outside the building and walk around the jungle. That'd take a lot of work to adapt assets, but if they do it they could make it have several themes with differing kinds of trees and ground. IE add a button to change from tropical rainforest to frozen forest.

    I meant a non-cave hideout in the middle of the jungle, using the jungle itself as the "inside". Thick trees/shrubbery and a shielding canopy, that kind of thing.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Hideouts appear to be a thoroughly abandoned feature
  • horripilantehorripilante Posts: 342 Arc User
    Yeah, the person who was in charge of Hideouts was moved to STO i think.
    stilll, suggestions forum can handle any of our unrealistic expectations.

    I wanted a private Submarine with a big room with ocean view. the themes could be:
    -Military (filled with missiles, torpedos, weapons, tech screens with maps, vehicle descriptions, a training room, etc)
    -Deep sea explorer ( a la Jacques Cousteau, with diving gear, couple of water tanks filled with exotic sea-life, bookshelves , tables with maps, globes, etc)
    -Luxurious (with statues, private museum, fancy rooms, a mini-cinema)

    Also, this stuff posted long ago in older Hideout threads

    it was some sort of "underground arena"
    The themes were:
    -contemporary ? (like military/assasins place to fight it out? i don't remember correctly )
    Also, you could change the liquid at the bottom from water to lava to some alien glowy liquid (purple, green etc), mist or leave it empty

  • blackoctoberblackoctober Posts: 12 Arc User
    - Abandoned Subway Station:

    - Clock Tower:

    - Crypt:
  • paperbellpaperbell Posts: 31 Arc User
    Thinking variety of shopfronts such as Pawnshop, Barbers, Bakery, etc with backroom.
    And slightly off-topic, ideas for public RP zones include police station, hospital, bowling alley, subway station.
  • shadowolf505shadowolf505 Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    I mean, Devs are busy with powerset revamps, fixing up endgame, random content, events. Although I would LOVE LOVE LOVE these hideouts, I don't think that we'll see it happening very soon or at the least, this early part of the year. :( Great pictures of what should be there though! :D​​
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  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    - Abandoned Subway Station:

    - Clock Tower:

    - Crypt:

    I love these. Really interested in the clocktower one.

    Great suggestions :+1:

    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • shadowolf505shadowolf505 Posts: 697 Arc User
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  • shadowolf505shadowolf505 Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited February 2018

    My suggestion for SG hideouts.... was trying to link it earlier.​​
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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User

    I mean, Devs are busy with powerset revamps, fixing up endgame, random content, events. Although I would LOVE LOVE LOVE these hideouts, I don't think that we'll see it happening very soon or at the least, this early part of the year. :( Great pictures of what should be there though! :D​​

    Who built the originals? Tacofangs. Guess who does STO stuff now? :p
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  • shadowolf505shadowolf505 Posts: 697 Arc User
    Who built the originals? Tacofangs. Guess who does STO stuff now? :p

    Well, that's STO, sadly. :( But who says that another can't start new ones? :D​​
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  • rajakajirajakaji Posts: 69 Arc User
    Well, I've been grinding Questionite missions trying to save up zen for the Alchemist's Sanctum cause currently that's the most compatible option across all my characters. And it'd be kind of a bust to get that and then find out that there's another more appropriate one coming up. But I do really like the ideas so far. Especially the open jungle for more beastly characters, and a more subterranean location. Maybe could have subway theme and more natural tunnel complex as options on the same map like how the cave has tech and jungle options.

    Purely selfishly, I'd like to see a more cosmic horror themed option for the moonbase, or maybe its own space station hideout. Like maybe something out of Dead Space. Possibly with Qliphotic RIfts floating around like NemCon.
  • paperbellpaperbell Posts: 31 Arc User
    I would like to see vehicle themed hideout someday such as yachts, and/or private jets, or blimps.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User

    - Crypt:

    A Vibora themed hideout could work, what we have already could be repurposed for it.
    Oh I forgot to upload the vampire version, here's the Tako version:
    The vampire version has nice furniture.
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  • horripilantehorripilante Posts: 342 Arc User
    i had some chap looking idea for a "Westside Apartment / training place"
    the themes were:
    Firing Range

  • greatzeorymergreatzeorymer Posts: 14 Arc User
    Military bases! I'd like to see a military style base for a hideout!

    The UNTIL station has that techy yet military style aesthetic to it, I'd love to see something like that for a personal hideout!

    Though I can think of 3 different styles of military hideouts;

    1) Korean War Era Base Hideout: This hideout has the look and feel of the old military style look for that era. Outdated weapons, maybe the odd vehicle here or there, radios and camo beds.

    2) Modern Military Base Hideout: The current era. Up to date look, something you'd see in current military bases today in real life.

    3) Future Tech Military Base: The sci-fi look! What we'd see on the UNTIL Space station! Techy walls with lights, high tech weapon lockers or equipment.
  • qawsadaqawsada Posts: 753 Arc User
    Why not just use the Sky Command air ship as one of the hideouts?
  • rajakajirajakaji Posts: 69 Arc User
    WW2 would probably be a popular aesthetic for military hideouts too. Also think military theme would be good for a guildhall.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    qawsada said:

    Why not just use the Sky Command air ship as one of the hideouts?

    Or vehicle :p Actually base is more realistic.
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  • paperbellpaperbell Posts: 31 Arc User
    Would it be possible if devs gave us Placeable furniture object and NPCs for existing hideouts? As it is now I would like to be able to customize my hideout beyond what is in the presets hideout? And We really need something in way of a shared SG hideout,(example would Chamions building with expanded rooms?)
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