I have decided to post pics of the winners of our most recent costume contests. If i can remember to do so (i haz a bad memory), i will try to do this each week!
From 10-4-2017, our theme was 'Oktoberfest'.
Sprinkles Jr was also a winner, but i did not get a pic of his costume.
See y'all next week!
See y'all again next week!
Thanks for taking a look! We will see ya again next week with a mash-up CC.
Huggles for all,
I really like mash up CC's as it gives our contestants a wide array of costume potential, without the total openness/uncertainty of 'no theme'. Thanks to all the peoples who came out and made our cc a success. We will see y'all again next week.
Huggles and Smiles,
Next week (today!) our theme is 'Veterans throughout History'. Hope to see y'all there!
Hope to see you next week for our 'Urban Shindig' themed contest!
Next week, our theme will be the almost obligatory '1st Thanksgiving'. Bring your best pilgrams, native americans, turkeys, what ever you can come up with. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Huggles and Cookies!
Next week our theme will be 'Weird & Wacky'. Bring out your funny, punny and amusing costumes! Let's have some ~FUN!~
Thanks and Huggles,
I have yet to determine next week's theme, but will announce it in-game as soon as we know ourselves. Until then, have fun! And cookies. Cookies are always important!
Huggles and cookies,
I would also like thank F.A.E., our guest judge. We appreciate your assist! Next week, our theme is Christmas Heroes Party. There will be two rounds, switching in between them. First round will be Winter Fashion/Caroling; second round will be Christmas Sweaters (which can be single or duo). Break out the tinsel and mistletoe and come win some keys and G's.
Huggles and Eggnog,
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
round 1 winners:
round 2 winners:
Next week is our big murder mystery on the north pole express! Check out the forum post at: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/championsonline#/discussion/1210025/murder-on-the-northpole-express-a-dotg-murder-mystery-cc ! See y'all there!
Huggles and Cocoa,
Seems i somehow missed getting a pic of Easter R. Bunny, who was also a winner. My apologies for this over-sight!
Our next CC (which is tonight! i need to post these pics quicker!) is themed: Zodiac Heroes. Contestants can base their costume off either western or chinese zodiac. Hope to see ya there!
we worked out our schedule for january's cc's as well, and it is as follows (with the possibility of changes, of course, as these things do happen from time to time):
Jan 3rd - Day job/Career
Jan 10th - Power Armor
Jan 17th - Law Enforcement
Jan 24th - Opposite Day (this will be a duo CC)
Jan 31st - Mash Up (mix two or more of the following in one costume: Tech, Tights, Mystic, Animals, Robots, Elements)
thanks again to all our contestants for showing up. we really do appreciate your participation and love to see your creativity. we will look forward to seeing you next time!
Huggles and Cookies,
Next week our theme is: Power Armor!
Huggles and Hot Cocoa,
Due to a lack of proper notes on my part (was totally not a good day, lots of stupid going on IRL), I seem to have misplaced one winner's pic! ... if you are the one, remind me which costume you had, and i will correct this faux pas. Next week our theme is: Law Enforcement. Bring out your cops and sheriffs and detectives and rangers and star guards (and anything else that may fit!)! Look forward to seeing you all there!
Huggles and Cocoa,
Next week, we are having a DUO cc with the theme of 'Opposite Day'. Hope to see y'all there!
Huggles and Warm Blankets (snow!),
Next week is a mash up cc, combining two or more of the following: Tech, Tights, Mystic, Animals, Robots, Elements. I love to see what peeps come up with for our mash ups. Look forward to seeing you all there!
Next week, our theme will be ... Sidekicks! We look forward to seeing you there.
Capes and Huggles,
2 characters right?
This week's theme will be: The Olympics! Bring out your best athletes and race for the win!
Next week (tonight, actually, i am slow posting!) our theme is gonna be Supervillains. Hope to see you there.
Next week, our theme will be ... Pink! This is in honor of Canadian Anti-Bully day and Paragon Dawn/Dawn Radio's 'Heroes not Zeroes' campaign. Now this doesn't mean that your whole costume needs to be pink, just that it should have placement of significance. Hope to see you all there.
Huggles and Cookies,
Next week, we begin the return of March Mythological Madness! Each week we will be focusing on a different region of the world, and the theme will be the myths/legends/folklore of those regions. Our first region for the event will be the Greek/Roman/Egyptian and Persian myths and lore. Hope to see y'all there!
Huggles and Ice cream,
Next week we focus on the myths and lore of the Celts, Norse and Arthurian Legends, and will have a b onus round for St. Patrick's Day. Will prolly run long again, especially with a third/bonus category; on the other hand, there will be lots of keys and g's up for grabs! Hope to see y'all there!
Next week we are focusing on the myths and lore of Asia and the Pacific Islands. Hope to see you there!
Next week we are looking at the myths and folk lore of the Americas, North, Central and South. This could include Incas/Aztecs, Native Americans, the US, and Canada, and more! We look forward to seeing what y'all come out with! See ya there!
Next week, to wind down a bit, our theme is ... Pajama Party! Hope to see ya there!