I'm getting really tired and turn off from doing these eido run when the same parasite player take up a zone slot from other players that legitimately wanted to do eido, tag eido, and does absolutely nothing to contribute in the match other than scaling up the health on those green orb. This parasite manage to get at least 2 costume piece drop in these eido runs by doing nothing while those that does the work got the bare minimun. Make obtaining the reward like around 100k or 200k at least like a normal cosmic instead of getting the best reward from Eido by following the old Open Mission tag and afk rule.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
If you have CCer, you will need to deliver some damage and/or heal/rez.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Do something to punish the damn leechers, the situation has been disgusting, you get players who push 100% of their role for success and then random scumbags who use their energy builder then leave and only return to collect their prices (names won't be dropped, you know who they are)
and please make it so they WON'T get kill count for eidolon perks while leeching neither, all the OM in warzone are currently exploitable for leechers
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
But leecher just standing and doing nearly nothing would not get any reward or Eido kill perk.
So terrible on looking them getting Eido costumes and selling those in silly price in Trade channel.
(And a level 40 requirement in CO is almost not even a requirement, at all.)
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
#2 .. I didn't think the orbs scaled, and if they're off away leeching like you claim, then the orbs still don't scale with them not there.. So the leecher logic doesn't pan. Leaving zone slot issue, and any can just wander into QWZ during a run and eat a slot. Overall things not scaling to true player size seem to be the issue?
#3 Since "club too easy" always points it out this logic. It's working for a hand full of people .. so .. It's fine/ Its good enough.
PS: Do we want to admit this person may have been chased of into leeching by certain people/attitudes? If they were told to 'stand on the hill' (relatively) you got your wish its your fault, you made the leech [no not you .. that other person]. If they're still playing (even badly) [or chased off], at least be honest to that point, rather than create boogymen to drum up forum support and break things further.
^FYI: Devils advocate played, but there may be more that a little truth to the chased off part.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Plenty of us offer suggestions to help these people. I know I've received plenty of advice when I play something "new" from people who know. However, after offering advice and suggestions numerous times and the players continue to seemingly ignore it, well, either one stops offering or gets mad at the player. Nature of the beast.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
I took the advice, and then started having success. Took more advice, had more success, etc.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
The contribution threshold is pitifully low. Much lower than an individual's "fair share".
My characters
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Score decay might have the same effect as well. i.e. your score is constantly decreasing by a certain amount, so you have to maintain a certain level of contribution - if you just stop fighting at some point your score will decay back to 0. For dps if they set this decay so that someone doing a reasonable amount of dps for someone in cosmic starting gear could beat it and hit the threshold it would at least ensure that someone who spends the whole fight doing nothing doesn't get a reward.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Perhaps if there were actually two scores that it kept track of, let's call them the Endurance Score, and the Intensity Score.
The Intensity Score has the decay that I mentioned, while the Endurance Score does not ( it would basically be our current scoring system ). If you hit the threshold on either score, then you get rewards - if you fail both, you don't.
What makes the Endurance Score different from what we have right now is that it would have a much higher threshold than the Intensity Score, and even our current live threshold. It would have a threshold that you would need to be actively pounding away on the Cosmic for a good amount of time to achieve... something like 10 minutes of reasonable dps output. Its only real function would be to serve as a safeguard for exactly your situation to ensure the people who put in the time, and were actively fighting during that time, get a reward.
We could even get clever with the Endurance Score and have a second threshold ( the minimum Endurance threshold let's call it ) on it that dynamically updates according to the length of the fight. This threshold would be one that you need to beat in order to get credit for beating the Intensity Score threshold. i.e. if you beat the Intensity threshold, but you do not beat the minimum Endurance Threshold, then you still don't get rewards. This would keep someone from jumping in at the very last minute and getting rewards. It wouldn't be particularly strict, it would be just high enough to ensure that someone can't game the Intensity Score to get full rewards for 30 seconds of effort. The minimum Endurance threshold would basically calculate itself according to the duration of the fight and be set a bit lower than [ duration x reasonable score per time ] divided by some number.
So now the people who will get rewarded:
- A player who was there for a long time reasonably contributing and had to leave ( or just got fatigued )
- A player who kept up a reasonable level of contribution for the duration that the cosmic was in combat
People who will not get rewarded:
- A player who did not reasonably contribute the majority of the time the cosmic was in combat and was also not contributing reasonably for a certain duration of time
- A player who tries to jump in at the last moment and game the Intensity Score
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Any stealth patch fix perhaps?