Hi, I like Elite. The difficulty setting is fine... as far as it goes. What I would like is an additional team setting that allows us to set the team size or otherwise increase the number of baddies in the missions... just like the Battle Station in the training room of the PowerHouse. I've always enjoyed huge battles that took thought and strategy to triumph, and the special effects of tremendous amounts of blasts going off has always been super fun. It makes each battle seem epic. The usual missions, even on Elite, are no challenge, and are boring and ho-hum. Now, I'm requesting this not just for solo or duo play, but also for full team play. Solo missions might be dull, but so are missions with full teams of 5. We just mow through them in no time at all. So I'm requesting the ability to increase the amount of baddies in a mission even with a full team and while set for Elite. It would be nice to be able to do some challenging, fun missions for a change with a seasoned group of players from my super-group.
I want to be clear that I am NOT asking for any other changes. The current game difficulty and spawn numbers are actually just right for a lot of players. The game was certainly challenging when I was new to Champions, sometimes even VERY difficult. Further, if I'm on a large team with inexperienced players, the missions are again nicely difficult. This is not the case with a team of seasoned players. Now that I have learned how the game works, and how to build toons, the missions are so easy they're like walks in the park. I would like the option to make the normal, common missions more challenging by selecting additional villains as well as setting an increased difficulty level.
Thank you for your consideration.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
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