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Recognition ideas

shilarshilar Posts: 48 Arc User
Here's my two cents. I have 500 or so Until recognition, which I can buy stuff I can buy for global (and I have a LOT more global), but has no redeeming value. Anything of any value is under champion recognition, but there's too few (if any) ways to get them.

I'd love to convert Until up much like you can convert champ recognition down. My recommendation is 10 Until for Silver, 100 for Gold. It is that, or make Q/Drifter convertible (another thing I has in abundance) like the special event tokens.
Travel Power/Costume suggestions.

Example of Comet Flight: Here.


  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    Gettin Until Recog at lvl 40 reward is a really bad joke...
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Simply put, the devs aren't going to do this. It has been suggested before. They are completely against letting people use "easy" content in order to earn any end game content currency.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    That's why there's no 'Getting Better Recog In Exchange For Sucky Recog' option in vendor.
    I'm just saving my gazillion UNTIL Recogs for future stuff. :#
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    You can buy good (but not great) healing and shielding items with UNTIL.
    You can buy 3-use pet summons with UNTIL, and charged items like infernal wands.
    You can buy items with UNTIL and sell for regular resources.

    It isn't great, but it is currency you get from random drops, and before max level. It is the easiest stuff to get.
    The idea is, once you hit max level, you focus on getting SCR, which is easy to farm fairly quickly:

    Daily Alert: 5 SCR
    Special Alert: 5 SCR
    Desert OM: 3 SCR
    Canada OM: 3 SCR
    Mega D OM: 5 SCR (I think)
    Easy Mechanon MIssions: 6 SCR total

    Without touching Rampages, Cosmics, or the QWZ that is 27 SCR per day.

    Once you add in those last three, you can earn about 70 SCR per day if you push for it.


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • shilarshilar Posts: 48 Arc User

    You can buy good (but not great) healing and shielding items with UNTIL.
    You can buy 3-use pet summons with UNTIL, and charged items like infernal wands.
    You can buy items with UNTIL and sell for regular resources.

    It isn't great, but it is currency you get from random drops, and before max level. It is the easiest stuff to get.
    The idea is, once you hit max level, you focus on getting SCR, which is easy to farm fairly quickly:

    Daily Alert: 5 SCR
    Special Alert: 5 SCR
    Desert OM: 3 SCR
    Canada OM: 3 SCR
    Mega D OM: 5 SCR (I think)
    Easy Mechanon MIssions: 6 SCR total

    Without touching Rampages, Cosmics, or the QWZ that is 27 SCR per day.

    Once you add in those last three, you can earn about 70 SCR per day if you push for it.

    The problem I see is Until is -very- plentiful, and I get those good healing and shielding (if I needed them) with Global, Drifter, or even Q. Until is practically worthless compared to those. As for SCR/GCR, what is needed is GCR (since most power unlocks is behind GCR), and to get that... well, you have to do at least 100k damage to monsters that do the insane amounts of damage to you in one hit. Which is why I recommended allowing upgrades... or better yet, just drop recog and go BACK to acclaim (which I also have a bunch of, but no where to deposit it). Maybe even better... include it in LOCKBOXES, like Q is (which should be rarer than recog).
    Travel Power/Costume suggestions.

    Example of Comet Flight: Here.
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  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    You can still spend Acclaim.

    Also, if UNTIL is worthless, then why spend Q, Drifter Salvage, or Globals on healing/shielding items, since you can use all of those other currencies for other stuff?

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • shilarshilar Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2017

    You can still spend Acclaim.

    Also, if UNTIL is worthless, then why spend Q, Drifter Salvage, or Globals on healing/shielding items, since you can use all of those other currencies for other stuff?

    You also note when I said "When I need it" I get most healing stuff for free, and when I do need them, I get them for mere silver at most (I'm a lifer). Plus, I have no other REAL reason to spend global or Q unless a power comes up. Q is supposed to be the rarest thing in-game, and I got tons of it vs even SCR. Heck, the UNITY missions are practically worthless without some decent reward (all you get? XP you don't need, and more global). This is the issue... in order to get even nice power unlocks, I have to fight a monster that does more damage in one punch than I can take... even when blocked in some cases. It's worse than holding a bowl of water away from a dying horse.

    And as far as acclaim, where can you spend it? They got rid of that vendor long ago.
    Travel Power/Costume suggestions.

    Example of Comet Flight: Here.
  • omnilord#8416 omnilord Posts: 348 Arc User
    There's still the Hero Games people over in that half-shell kiosk thingy near the jet. Not sure if the ones in Westside are still there as well.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    There is an Acclaim vendor in the Recog building. Wears a backpack.

    UNITY missions giver SCR, though I left that off my list by mistake. With UNITY, you can comfortably get over 30 SCR per day.

    In lore, yes, Q is quite rare, and wouldn't be used as currency. In the game meta, however, GCR is the rarest and best currency.

    As far as doing Teleios Ascendant and Cosmics, there are really great guides here in the forums, and many helpful players.
    Contact me in game @roughbear if you would like some help, guidance, or advice. The more the merrier. :)

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    My AoAC buff/debuff builds easily can get 100K at Cosmics as long as they get there by half way through. Mediocre dps builds can get to that mark even if they join for the last 1/3. There are some exceptionally fast runs where this does not hold true (once my baby tank at dino didn't get there because mom was done in super fast). Anyone who shows up for kiga-ape-dino and is there for the entire run should easily make the 100k minimum.
    shilar said:

    You can buy good (but not great) healing and shielding items with UNTIL.
    You can buy 3-use pet summons with UNTIL, and charged items like infernal wands.
    You can buy items with UNTIL and sell for regular resources.

    It isn't great, but it is currency you get from random drops, and before max level. It is the easiest stuff to get.
    The idea is, once you hit max level, you focus on getting SCR, which is easy to farm fairly quickly:

    Daily Alert: 5 SCR
    Special Alert: 5 SCR
    Desert OM: 3 SCR
    Canada OM: 3 SCR
    Mega D OM: 5 SCR (I think)
    Easy Mechanon MIssions: 6 SCR total

    Without touching Rampages, Cosmics, or the QWZ that is 27 SCR per day.

    Once you add in those last three, you can earn about 70 SCR per day if you push for it.

    The problem I see is Until is -very- plentiful, and I get those good healing and shielding (if I needed them) with Global, Drifter, or even Q. Until is practically worthless compared to those. As for SCR/GCR, what is needed is GCR (since most power unlocks is behind GCR), and to get that... well, you have to do at least 100k damage to monsters that do the insane amounts of damage to you in one hit. Which is why I recommended allowing upgrades... or better yet, just drop recog and go BACK to acclaim (which I also have a bunch of, but no where to deposit it). Maybe even better... include it in LOCKBOXES, like Q is (which should be rarer than recog).
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    There's a Hero games vendor in the main Recognition area.... It's the guy with a back pack next to the UNTIL vendor.
    My characters
  • shilarshilar Posts: 48 Arc User

    There is an Acclaim vendor in the Recog building. Wears a backpack.

    UNITY missions giver SCR, though I left that off my list by mistake. With UNITY, you can comfortably get over 30 SCR per day.

    In lore, yes, Q is quite rare, and wouldn't be used as currency. In the game meta, however, GCR is the rarest and best currency.

    As far as doing Teleios Ascendant and Cosmics, there are really great guides here in the forums, and many helpful players.
    Contact me in game @roughbear if you would like some help, guidance, or advice. The more the merrier. :)

    UNITY has not given me anything but coin and XP (which, again, don't need).

    Q was supposed to be very rare in-game as well, and also have very good gear/powers. It's ok, but I have all the travel unlocks (which isn't saying much) and costumes. And it seems every time I turn around, I'm earning Q easily. I can even BUY Q with Zen...

    My AoAC buff/debuff builds easily can get 100K at Cosmics as long as they get there by half way through. Mediocre dps builds can get to that mark even if they join for the last 1/3. There are some exceptionally fast runs where this does not hold true (once my baby tank at dino didn't get there because mom was done in super fast). Anyone who shows up for kiga-ape-dino and is there for the entire run should easily make the 100k minimum.

    I played the monkey one, and got no where near that amount. My strongest tried Kiga, and could not even touch him.

    As for the Acclaim, please note I never PVP and I have acclaim. That's why I thought Acclaim wasn't always for PVP. I'm just saying this game needs to go like STO at least, and make the currencies interchangeable, or make them easier to attain, or maybe even limit the amount of in-game currency.
    Travel Power/Costume suggestions.

    Example of Comet Flight: Here.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    shilar said:

    I played the monkey one, and got no where near that amount. My strongest tried Kiga, and could not even touch him.

    Could you elaborate on this statement?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    spinnytop said:

    shilar said:

    I played the monkey one, and got no where near that amount. My strongest tried Kiga, and could not even touch him.

    Could you elaborate on this statement?
    Yeah, really, I've gotten over 200k on dino runs where I had to fly back to the fight from the default spawn twice, and spent most of the fight blocking. Makes me wonder if shilar is trying to solo them....
    My characters
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    spinnytop said:

    shilar said:

    I played the monkey one, and got no where near that amount. My strongest tried Kiga, and could not even touch him.

    Could you elaborate on this statement?
    Yeah, really, I've gotten over 200k on dino runs where I had to fly back to the fight from the default spawn twice, and spent most of the fight blocking. Makes me wonder if shilar is trying to solo them....
    Perhaps he's playing at off hours. It's easy to join in on a run and get credit, but there's a period (typically starting around 1AM ST, not sure when it ends) in which there might not be any active runs.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User

    spinnytop said:

    shilar said:

    I played the monkey one, and got no where near that amount. My strongest tried Kiga, and could not even touch him.

    Could you elaborate on this statement?
    Yeah, really, I've gotten over 200k on dino runs where I had to fly back to the fight from the default spawn twice, and spent most of the fight blocking. Makes me wonder if shilar is trying to solo them....
    Perhaps he's playing at off hours. It's easy to join in on a run and get credit, but there's a period (typically starting around 1AM ST, not sure when it ends) in which there might not be any active runs.
    The game doesn't post a score if the cosmic doesn't go down though.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    When finish a run of UNITY missions, you get 5 SCR, I think. Also, one mission in the group nets a couple SCR, no?

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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